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- Graphics: Superb hand drawn graphics with the kind of loving attention to detail which have made the games of Amanita Design famous. Quite an astonishingly gorgeous use of flash that you wouldn't notice (except if you right click you only get the context menu!).- Characterisation: Simply crafted and instantly recognisable character types. The charm oozes out of them despite lack of dialogue, even the "bad guys" have something endearing about them!- User Interface: Clear and minimal with very little fussiness - however having to go to the edge of the screen to make the inventory appear every time you need to collect an item gets rather frustrating. I'm sure you'll discover why. The hints system can help,and it's probably a good thing that there aren't any clues as to how to go about opening the walk-through book which is generously available for times when it all gets too much- Gameplay: Before I say any more, I must point out that it is clear a whole load of love and dedication has gone into making the game work just so and all decisions on how to make it play must have been thoroughly considered. It is such a joy to figure the puzzles out and when you make things work it can give a real buzz.(Disclaimer: apologies for all the detail following, this is a minor point and should not spoil your overall enjoyment)It is just unfortunate that some of the finer points have been over complicated. Being used to point and click games, one would expect once you see a relevant item to collect or interact with, a simple click or verb selection would do the trick followed by a quick follow up to take/move/talk to it/them. Call me lazy, but not being able to tell whether you can interact with something until you're right next to it does make parts of the game unnecessarily tedious. Don't get me wrong, as a whole, the steady pace of walking around doesn't bug me, I'm not as impatient as I once was, zooming around "Myst Revelation" with the lightning bolt tool (which missed out vital clues sometimes too), I just don't think we should have to toddle across the screen to look at an object just for our friendly bot to shake his head disappointedly. Also, I like the nice touch of being able to grow and shrink to reach, but when we're moving across the screen it would be nice to automatically reset to the right height to walk as efficiently as possible when there's no call for the change in height. I can think of at least a few puzzles where speed was needed and adjusting the character's height was far too fiddly.Music: To end on a high note (boom, boom) Tomás Dvo'ák's (aka Floex, also look up his album on here) score is an absolute delight and just as good to listen to for its own merits, therefore this pack is quite a wonderful collectors item and I wish it had been available outside of Germany when I first bought it online!Conclusion: A game you will treasure (unfortunately not with a playing duration as long as I would have hoped) and want to go back to plenty of times, a good thing that it is now available physically to take full advantage of its beautiful design.
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No wonder this game received awards for its artwork, which is beautifully executed (see the demo on the game developer's Web site machinarium.net, where you can also experience some of the atmospheric soundtrack). The soundtrack (which you get on a bonus CD with the Collector's Edition) is super too, and I listen to the soundtrack and bonus tracks quite often while I'm working or relaxing at my PC.The game itself is good fun. Some parts are easier than others, but overall it is enjoyable and keeps you thinking as you solve various puzzles and wander around the drab, mechanised landscape of Machine City. It's not at all fast moving, though, so if you're looking for fast action and thrills then look elsewhere.You can read a summary of the game's plot on its Wikipedia page, so I won't go into details here, but the basic plot is that you are a robot that was ejected from Machine City and you return to foil a bomb plot and to save your girlfriend (another robot, of course). You have to discover objects and solve various puzzles en route, some of which are cleverly constructed and really make you think. You wander through the city task-by-task towards your ultimate goal.I'm playing the game on a PC running Windows Vista and on another PC running Linux (it's not a multi-player game). Note that the Collector's Edition is for Windows and Mac only; you have to buy and download the game from the developer's Web site if you want the Linux edition too. The game runs on Adobe Flash, so I suppose it was relatively easy to port it from Windows to the Mac and Linux. If you have trouble running it on any of those three platforms you can find help on the game developer's Web site and the associated forum.I'm not a big PC games player -- 'Titanic: Adventure Out of Time' was the last adventure game I played (and that was back in the 1990s!) -- but was captivated by the on-line Machinarium demo in 2009 on the game developer's Web site, and finally decided to order it in 2010. I'm glad I did get around to buying it as it's a delightful game which deserves more exposure. At the current Amazon UK price of £10.76 (with free delivery) for the Collector's Edition with the extras it's great value, and I bought a couple of extra copies to give to friends.
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This adventure game is a beautiful thing, with stunning hand-drawn backgrounds, brilliantly detailed characters, and a fantastic soundtrack (included with the special edition on a bonus CD). It is astonishing how funny and moving a game with no dialogue can be. The puzzles are challenging but there is a great hint-system for when you are stuck, as well as a mini arcade-style game which, when completed, will give you the walkthrough for the relevant section. The walkthrough is also included in the package as a booklet, but really the fun is, as in every classic adventure game, all about trying to figure out the crazy logic of the game's world.The puzzles can be incredibly complex but this just adds to the satisfaction of finally cracking them. This deluxe edition also comes with a booklet of concept art which gives an insight into the development of the game's amazing animation. The music, graphics, storyline and puzzles compliment each other sublimely, but for me, the real beauty of the game is in the main character's personality, which is impossibly endearing considering he is mute: every shake of the head or tap of the foot conveys a huge amount of character. There is real soul and emotional resonance imbued in this game - ironically, considering all the characters are mute robots. My only criticism of this near-perfect game is that it is over too soon!
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Machinarium is a simple point and click, Flash based puzzle game which means it will run on the most basic of computers. Simple does not mean bad or boring. Machinarium is charming, funny and it parts quite tricky to solve. I haven't quite got to the end yet but it's something you could complete in a weekend or play a few scenes a day and still get enjoyment out of it. The robot is on a mission to rescue his girlfriend and save the city. If you leave him doing nothing for too long, you'll start to see his memories appear in thought bubbles above his head and they really are quite sweet. He also quite likes to dance!There's no dialogue but it has an original soundtrack that comes with the collector's edition on a separate CD.I'm not very good at classifying music but it's quite ambient and I think I would listen to it now and then. It also came with a walkthrough guide in the form of concept drawings; very handy when you get stuck as they're not always obvious answers. You even get a chance to play space invaders in the robot arcade!Machinarium is an indie game from Amanita Design, founded by Jakub Dvorsk after finishing art school. This is just lovely to look at and you can tell it's been conceived from an artistic background over a techie one. I'm not a big gamer and this is pretty much my perfect game!
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I have just finished Machinerium. What a fantastic experience.First off, the packaging. The edition I got comes with a printed walkthrough book, a music CD, concept art and the game. I cannot fault this.The game itself was captivating from puzzle one. Utterly charming and beautiful the characters convey so much emotion and the music is really well done. A glance at the IGN review for this game suggests that the game is far too difficult. I play all games on normal difficulty and have no problem accepting that I am no super brain when it comes to puzzles, but the puzzles in this game were totally logical and while often challenging, nothing that a logical mind will baulk at!I needed the hint book for one puzzle (the bird!), but aside from that everything else was a pleasurable (and often humour filled) journey.I cannot recommend this game enough. I applaud the guys who put it together and await their next work of art with anticipation! The only small criticism I have is that the game was short (perhaps because I was so captivated time went by so quickly!). This problem is massively mitigated by the price, the quality and the lasting feeling of accomplishment and happiness which comes from finishing the game!
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Machinarium is an old skool point and click adventure in the style of Monkey Island and the like.The game tells the tale of a little robot called Josef who has been dumped in the wilderness by gangsters who have kidnapped his girlfriend. You have to traverse across several screens full of puzzles and quests to get her back and thwart the evil robots.Like Braid what sets this apart from the crowd is the spectacular artistic direction and story telling. Everything from the little touches in the animation (Like the way Josef slides down banisters, or dreams about his girlfriend when you leave him to his own devices ) to the wonderful scribbley line drawings that take the place of dialogue screams attention to detail.The puzzles are tricky,but satisfying when you complete them and in a genius move a full guide is always available but each page can only be accessed by playing a time consuming mini game meaning you only ever look when you really need to,I straight up loved this game. It's fairly short (I finished it in a couple of evenings of casual play) and has zero replay value, but both as a narrative and as a lateral thinking puzzle it has been one of my favourite games of the year.
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I loved this. I actually downloaded the title from the makers themselves so can't comment on this boxed edition, just the game. The graphics are stunning and truly imaginative, the little guy you play leaves a lot to be desired but his surroundings are beautiful, intricate and mesmerising. The game consists of a series of puzzles that need solving, some easier than others and though this is described as a "Point and Click" there's so much more to it than that.If you want to shoot zombies or armies don't bother with this, if you like a fantastically illustrated backdrop and a bit of a challenge then go for it, it's worth it.The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because right near the end there's this stupid little game in an arcade style which makes the whole thing very frustrating to finish, if they'd stuck to the format throughout and just continued with the puzzles I'd have given it 5 stars but for this one little bit where it seems they just 'copped out' and thought let's just get this thing done and dusted and gave up trying to think of anything clever.All in all a great game with puzzles and tasks which will make you think further than who to shoot around the next corner.
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To paraphrase Cornelius Celsus, Machinarium is the Art of Educated Guessing. Yes, art.This indie gem is a definite affirmation to the question whether PC gaming is an art-form. In recent years the genre has strayed towards the-latest-hardware-demanding yet vapid eye-candy. So when a slow and moody game comes along, on that can run in almost any machine and offers subtle fan, we tend to underestimate it.This is a logic puzzle-adventure. Sometimes the puzzles are easy. Sometimes you get lucky. And sometime you get stuck and you shall need hints or even the level walkthrough contained in a locked book that opens with a mini-game. However,perseverance is rewarded with the satisfaction of being able to untangle the inner logic of the game.I have been playing puzzle adventures ever since MYST and, although I am not an exclusive fan of the genre, over the years I have played its best representatives. And MACHINARIUM should be considered one of them.The game is also a avant-garde cartoon story, with beautifully hand-drawn backgrounds and an endearing protagonist.The game may not last long but I promise you it will stay for you for a very long time.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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I've never usually been interested in point and click games but when I seen this it immediately caught my eye. I've just bought it and already love it.The art is what makes it so unique - it's as if your playing the game on a drawing - and the concept is wonderfully weird. I find myself wanting to play more just to see some of the other areas in the game.While I love to play fast-paced games, occasionally I like to be able to sit down with something slow and steady that makes me think, and Machinarium, being a puzzle game, is exactly that. As I've just started playing it I can't tell you how long the game lasts but either way its unique and quirky concept is a nice thing to play through becauseat the very least it will amuse if not inspire you.I have to hand it to the seller also: I ordered the game with standard delivery and it came the next day, almost a week quicker than anticipated.P.S. When your playing the game it might not seem to be running very smoothly. If this is the case then right click, go on settings and take the tick out of "enable hardware acceleration"; that should speed things up slightly.
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My favourite adventure game so far.The whole concept reminds me of old Czechoslovakian and Polish cartoons I used to watch when I was a kid,like "Bolek and Lolek".It shares the same philosophy of sketches and body language instead of dialogues.Smart and humorous.If you loved the rusty colours of "The triplets of Belleville",you're going to love this,too.These guys have put a lot of imagination and work on the scenery.The riddles are mind-teasing,but not impossible to figure out(like some of the Myst series),since they follow common sense.Even if you get stuck,you won't mind it,because of the relaxing Ambient and Jazz-like music.The only thing that made me a little sad was its duration:Tooshort;like all good stuff.And highly addictive.My almost four year old nephew can't stop playing it!To my opinion this game is a piece of art and its price is a real bargain.
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I have just finished playing Machinarium and have thoroughly enjoyed it!It is only a Flash game but don't let that put you off - even though the graphics aren't the best out there it is still very interactive and the concept and artwork are very quirky and cool.Although there is nothing particularly unsuitable for children in this game, it is perhaps a little bit difficult for young'uns - I FREQUENTLY had to refer to the walkthrough when I got stuck! This wasn't really a problem for me though and didn't really detract from my enjoyment of the game.A lot of the mini games and puzzles which you need to solve throughout the game are quite challenging and some are similar to the non-verbal reasoning questions you would find on an IQ test.I felt as though I was playing a game but also doing a bit of 'brain training' at the same time! Hurrah!
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I got this but no artbook of concept art or A3 poster, I got music CD/Game CD and walkthrough! I Feel burned but Amazon very kindly refunded me so what can I say, be careful buying this as the descrption is totally wrong. There is no A3 poster or concept art book.....plus I have found the game has save slots so I save. Shutdown game. Restart game another time and Start A new Game NO resume game option so I have to start the game again, I got a game that doesnt save, only a portion of collectors stuff, cost nothing but considering buying another is a joke. Will I be able to save my game? Will I get what is desribed? I wish the seller I bought it from gave me some info or amazon,I know you refunded me but this product aint much use at all really......sorry, thanks for refund but I am running win 7 64 bit so is it an issue with anyone else?
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I only ever played Machinarium out of curiousity when i saw the trailer as it was portraying a point and click adventure game using querky hand-drawn artwork and ambient music. Im so glad i took the time to follow this curiousity as this is a brilliant and clever approach to the genre whitout having to listen to reams and reams of dialogue or asking npcs questions. In fact throughout the whole game there are no words or dialogue which makes it sooo cool. It just uses animated thought bubbles showing how u need to solve the puzzles. The puzzles are awesome and i found myself in awe how they came up with some of them.When i got to the end i was sad because i wanted more and more as it was such a wonderful experience.Please please buy this game and support its developers so they can keep bringing us such wonderful media.
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I've just bought the Machinarium CE version and well I was amazed of how fun to play was this game. Made by less then 5 people, the attention to detail, sound and story is amazing, this is why I couldn't wait to get my hand on the CE version of the game. I wanted to thank the guys that made this game, as I think it's a great game and I enjoyed it far more then I've figured at start. The game is simple, move the robot, do things and solve problems. All in a very original background, allmost all hand drawings, allmost a picture in every second. But a great story, a fun to help robot and a funny story to listen to :) I hope you will enjoy the game, it's worth it!


I have never reviewed anything on Amazon, but having just finished this beautiful game, I feel compelled to post a short review. I've played computer adventure games since they first started and were just text-based. This is one of, if not the, best one I have ever played. Utterly enchanting, loveable, enthralling, with just the right level of difficulty so you can progress relatively easily but with a few tricky puzzles thrown in. The game design is lovely and works beautifully, with a cute little robot as your main character. My only criticism of the game would be length - we finished it quite quickly and would've loved more. Roll on Machinarium 2!

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