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For Little Tikes 4-in-1 Trike, 237 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Argos has 237 customer reviews and the average score is 4.6. Go to this seller.

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Well this item is superb, the quality of the product is what you would expect from little tikes and assembling it was a doddle.Has nice big sturdy wheels and a handle which is just the right height even for those of 6 foot natureDownside is make sure you buy this when you child is young..my child is 1.5 years and looks like they may outgrow the seat soon..also child was abit sceptical as to what it was but think if he was younge ri could have plonked them on it and let them get use to it


We ordered this trike for our grandson after friends recommended it.He absolutely loves it & I wish we'd bought one sooner. The side rails & harness are perfect for safety though with a smaller child I wouldn't use it for a long trip. The steering can be controlled by the child or by the parent using the steering handle & in the future it will be the ideal first bike as the pedals can be reconnected.The only downside was the assembly. which my very practical son-in -law described as 'fiddly'


this is a great quality product. takes a little time to put together, but nothing a decent read of the instructions wont help with.the steering is very easy and fluid, the wheels are rubbery not rubbish plastic so it has grip.the only small downside is the straps.they aren't awful, but I find they seem to sit awkwardly off her shoulders. now that she is 1, we dont' really use them so only matters for a baby, but they are not useless, just a little off positioning is all.def would recommend


Grandpa got it for little 18 month old granddaughter and she loves it!Of course she is too young to pedal it herself but she loves being pushed by daddy and its long handle is so convenient for this and she is safely strapped in with a very secure harness which one doesn't find on other makes of toddler trikes. She will grow up with this bike and it will grow and adapt with her - fantastic!It is strong yet looks very delicate which is only enhanced by the beautiful design in its pink livery.


Bought this for my 13 month old daughter after looking at 5 other brands. The little tikes brand sold it for me. Its a quality item and fairly light weight to steer along the pavements. Though i wasnt sure about the ride, due to solid rubber lined wheels, I will say the quality can't be matched by products of a similar price. The fact is my little one enjoys our 1 - 2 mile walks along the pavements, while being securely strapped in to her seat by a harness, and her feet positioned on a rest.


We bought this fabulous toy for our daughters first birthday. She absolutely loves it and unlike other similar products we had be fear of letting her sit on it due to the harness and support bar which keeps her safe. The push bar is also very good and let's me steer the trike for her until she's old enough to do that herself.That being said the assembly whilst not being hard was more troublesome than I expected, but was still able to be erected in under 30mins.Our little lady loves it!


This is a great way to get your little one about. Our 19 month old loves it. He can see all around when we're out. There is a little basket in the rear for him to put his stuff in and the freewheel means that you can be totally in control when you're pushing and steering from the detachable handle on the rear. Take you're time when assembling and make sure you get the right bits in the right places as the diagram instructions aren't exactly clear.I got this on Argos price match


I bought this for my daughters first birthday. It has a multi point harness so it is very safe and when she is in it she isn't going no where. She really loves it, it's something different than having to sit in her pram on small walks. The fold up foot step is a great idea so is how you can stop the pedals from going round. I also like the fact how you can turn it with the handle, good idea. The canopy top could do with some stronger material but overall not a bad little trike.


In reality I think I’ve brought this at the wrong age... I have 18m old twins and they showed interest in someone else’s. They both find the foot plate position difficult/ unnatural to keep their feet in place but they are also too short to reach the pedals (even on the closest seat setting) so they end up getting caught up. I guess it’s going to take some practice and perseverance but definitely something to consider! Great quality, just expensive x2!


So far we're still on the push-along stage and our 19 month son loves it. It feels sturdy and he enjoys it more than the pushchair when he gets tired. The handle takes a lot of adjusting to keep it straight, which is a pain, and it doesn't always feel as steady after a few uses when you push it up a curb. All of the issues are what we expected for something like this but worth putting up with overall for the enjoyment he gets.


My daughter hasn't rode it yet, she is 1 in 2 weeks time but we have built it up and everything looks great, was easy assembling it and i'm sure she will love it when she gets to ride it.Best things is the 5-point harness and side bars for extra support which can be removed when your child gets bigger and can ride on their own, sun canopy is a must to shade child from the sun and the trike can be used up until child is 3.


My 9 month old daughter absolutley loves this as an alterative to her pram for a stroll around the park. She can see all around her and is well restrained in the 5 point safety harness, she is able to rest her feet on the foot rest below and there is also a sun canopy for the hot days. Would recommend for the price as it will last more than a couple of years if looked after.


Very happy with this purchase..The little one (12 months) loves it. I was a bit disappointed that the pedals didn’t fold out of the way as the little one’s feet seemed to get in the way... but after a few goes he has got the hang of the foot rest. The sun visor is ok I think a curved/umbrella design would be better. Otherwise it’s nice and solid and seems comfortable


I bought this for my daughters first birthday and was unsure whether she would like it but she absolutely loves it. I assembled the bike myself which was fairly straight forward but I suggest you lay all the parts out and have a quick look through the instructions before you start. Easy enough to put together with the right tools. Fabulous item, good quality and sturdy.


Really pleased with this trike. My Granddaughter of 18 months, loves to ride on this and the grown-ups enjoyed the engineering project on Christmas morning putting it together. Not hard to construct, just need to follow instructions and have patience. Blue for a girl ..not a problem, all the variations on this model will give this toy many years of enjoyment
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