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I’m reviewing the Harry Potter Hogwarts Express set here, although at the time of writing Amazon have a variety of different Harry Potter Lego listed under the same product heading, so this review will pop up on the listings (and star ratings) for other items that aren’t the train set- unfortunately there’s nothing I can do about this.This is a great Lego set for Harry Potter fans, for sure, but for people who would choose Lego over Harry Potter if forced to pick one or the other, it’s a good set rather than a truly magical one.The centrepiece for sure is the train. This has a lot in common with other Lego trains I’ve seen before,particularly the Emerald Night- obviously train enthusiasts will point out that it’s not the same engine design (and kids will point out it’s not the same colour!) but what I mean is that in terms of the Lego bricks involved, and obviously the scale, not to mention the fact it comes with a tender car and one carriage, it feels quite similar. And considering the Emerald Night is very hard to find nowadays, this represents a much more accessible way to get your own first Lego train if you haven’t got one already!The station, however, is just a little bit ‘meh’. There’s some nice detailing, such as in the lamps, but somehow it feels like it lacks substance, it’s too skeletal and looks a little like Lego weren’t feeling very generous when putting the platforms together. The platform bases are a good staple though so once you’re tired of the regular assembly, it’s very easy to strip it back and build your own bigger and more inventive train station.There’s nothing wrong with the minifigures and accessories either- the main characters are here of course, though I still feel it looks a bit odd to give Harry and friends baby-sized legs, when from my kids I know that other minifigures don’t have to have small legs in order to be relatable.Though it’s boxed as “8-14 years” my six year old daughter had no problem at all putting this together. Apart from needing to pay a bit of careful attention in some of the train engine detailing, it was all fairly straightforward Lego construction, with nothing that felt particularly innovative or unusual. As always with Lego the instructions were extremely clear.Apparently it can be powered if you have the optional power function pieces, but we don’t so we haven’t been able to test that, so unfortunately I can’t comment on that. However I can vouch that the gauge of it fits my old early-1980s Lego track that I’ve kept from when I was a kid, so that’s good.So yes, a good set rather than a genuinely magical one, and a safe bet present-wise for any young fans of both Harry and Lego.
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I am a huge fan of both Lego and Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and we buy and build a lot of Lego throughout the year in our home. This is one of our favourite builds out of the new sets and it was such a lovely build and looks fantastic when finished. My Children love the finished set and have played with it for hours and hours and love the entrance part to platform 9¾ along with the train itself. We are hoping to get some track for the train in the future and perhaps fit it with a motor as we have seen a lot online where motor functions have been added but even without a motor and track this is a fantastic build with tons of play value.Age Suitability:-This set is aimed at children between8 and 14 years old and it does have a few slightly more difficult areas of the build but it is mainly quite straightforward.Size:-I have measured and the full Hogwarts Express measures approximately 48cm long when connected together. The station itself measures approx 32cm long by 18cm wide by 14cm high and the train does fit nicely within the station and under the walk over bridge.Build Bags etc:-This is a large sized set and has 801 pieces with some small spares. The set has one easy to follow step by step instruction booklet and seven main build bags. There is also a small sticker sheet with some stickers to apply.Figures:-The set comes with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Trolley Witch, Professor Lupin and Dementor figures. All of the figures except for the Dementor have dual sided heads so that they can be turned around to change expression in role play. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Professor Lupin also come with wands.Features:-In addition to the train moving, the passenger carriage has a removable roof and sides for ease when playing. The Trolley Witch has her own trolley complete with chocolate frog and there is also a Scabbers rat included. The platform has a moving wall entrance so your child can re-create Harry and Ron running through the wall to platform 9¾. There is also an overhead walkway and newspaper stand on the train station.A fantastic set, lovely build and tons of play value too and a very very easy 5 stars as I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this set. I shall try to add some photos in the near future to the review.
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I was extremely pleased to see the new release of the Hogwart's Express. I wasn't able to get one of the previous versions so I was very excited to get this new one.This is a great set starting off with some incredible minifigures. Of course, you get the big three; Harry, Ron and Hermonie, but I really like the addition of the trolley lady, Professor Lupin and the Dementor. I think the Dementor is the best figure in the set. I really like the transparent base with the black painting. It really gives a spooky floating look to the figure.Platform 9 3/4 is a great build and it looks fantastic. I really like how they incorporated both a muggle and wizarding world side.The printed newspapers and stickers add some great detail to the scene. I especially like how the lamps are very different on each side of the hidden door. Building the train was straightforward but it required some attention to detail. The finished train looks really good and follows the 2-3-0 configuration of the engine from the movie. There is a hinged piece in front that allows the front wheels to be locked in place for play or released to run on a track. I would have liked to have had at least a few track pieces included with the set. I think it would have really finished off the look of the platform. Fortunately, there is enough space to add tracks if you wish. I would have also like to have seen instructions for incorporating the new Powered UP system. Just think of the possibilities of some Hogwart's Express sound in the Lego Powered UP app. The passenger car is a simple build but it has a good amount of detail. It includes seating for four and a spot to store the trolley. It is too narrow to move the trolley through the car with all the sides on though. Fortunately, the designers made sure the roof and one side are easy to remove for play. A few of tiny nitpicks, there is no engineer included with the set, I suppose the train is driven by magic. I would have liked a caboose which is a rarity with Lego trains. A second car with a different scene would also be a nice feature. Perhaps an expansion set?If you like Lego trains or Harry Potter this is a great addition to your collection.
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I am actually writing this review from the viewpoint of someone who has never read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies. I bought this set because it is a nice looking train and was not disappointed when it was finished. My son helped me build it as he really enjoys trains as well. The minifigs look nice. I am not familiar with most characters, but most could fit in well with the City theme. The section of Kings Cross station is really nice. Straight tracks (purchased separately) could be laid between the platforms in order to incorporate this into a railroad setup. There are nice details including the newspaper rack, the clock, and the sign indicating the station and the tracks.The train itself is outstanding! The red and gold details are nice, and it is designed to fit on tracks. A minor manipulation of the locomotive allows it to make turns on curved track. The tender is a little short, but not too bad, and the passenger car has a nice interior with well designed seats for four minifigures and a cart. The baggage cart and snack carts are nice as well with some fun details. The side panel to access the passenger cart is appreciated. I plan on motorizing the train and figure the easiest way to do so would be to modify the tender to incorporate the battery box and the train motor. The locomotive could house the receiver to complete the setup. Also, by using the train motor, that would free up two sets of wheels and axles to be added to the passenger car in order to make it appear more realistic. This could very well be the first set I will buy a second copy in order to get another passenger car. I could use the parts from the second locomotive and tender to either enhance the first and/or use them to help build other custom trains. That would also help to build a larger train station, so a second set does make sense. The value seems really good here, as you get a fairly decent sized train, a station, and several minifigures. Even if you have no idea who Harry Potter is, if you are a train fanatic, you might want to give this a hard look.
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I have spent almost a month building variations using the basic model as a basis of inspiration and a source of parts.Built to the instructions an attractive little locomotive and a delightful rendition of Kings Cross Platfortm 9.75.But don't stop there - well I haven't and have really enjoyed the experience. First off I made larger coaches similar to featured in Emerald Night Express and fitted extra Harry Potter minifigures from the current set of 22.Then I made an adaption of the Emerald Night using the Harry Potter sets... you get a very attractive locomotive and the only real challenge is accommodating the XL power functions motor under the narrower body.In my view the result is more attractive than Emerald Night.Then I tried fitting a L motor and building a 3 axle tender as the "Real Hogwarts Express " has only 3 axles. That in its self was fantastic fun but the motor seemed to struggle pulling 4 coaches.Next I tried an XL motor mounted very low and attempted to spread the drive wheels out more to scale. I also deleted the axle under the cab as again the "Real Hogwarts Express " didn't have one. This worked well but the overhang of the cab looked all wrong.Enter the standard power functions train motor - perfect easy to build in and plenty of power for a great play experience.. I needed to add lego drive belts (red rubber bands) to the drive wheels in all cases and the power functions motor benefits from.a train weight to keep it on the track. The resulting train is 55 bricks long with a tender and should be about 63 so further experimentation will follow .But the present version I have really looks like the original.I built a larger version of the station and made stickers so I can have platform 7 and 8 as well.I added height to the station in keeping with platform height at Kings Cross.I added an wheel chair ramp to my platform 7 and 8 plus modern vending machines and Lego Newspapers based on the kiosk in the Lego City Bus.I haven't finished yet but I just wanted to share my experience
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I don't know what to make of this set. Although I can't knock its quality and design, it feels a little insubstantial for what it is. The Hogwarts Express seems a little too small and King's Cross Platform 9 3/4 is on a very small scale.Based on the contents and the good variety of minifgures, the price of the set is OK though, so as part of the Harry Potter range it's good value. One really positive area is the build. It's good fun with a variety of techniques and lots of little details to create. My favourite of these is the 'hidden' entrance to Platform 9 3/4, which works well and it's great to see this element included. The platform, although far too small,does feature some nice signs and a newspaper stand.The Express itself looks great from the outside, and there has been an attempt to give play value and detail inside as well. But again, it's too small and cramped. An extra carriage would have worked wonders here. The engine is superb and looks great on the move, as the wheels and rods have been re-created well. No track is included, which isn't a surprise and of course the train is compatible with all LEGO railway tracks.The minifigures feature the main characters of Harry, Hermione and Ron, plus Remus Lupin, a lady (witch) working on the train and a Dementor. The figures are great and are a really good selection for a set of this size and type.As part of the new wave of Harry Potter LEGO sets, the Hogwarts Express is bordering on an essential purchase. For me, it doesn't quite make it as the scale is a little too small and it feels like there could have been so much more. The overall look and the minifigures both make up for this but stop the whole set short of 5-star territory. Definitely worth picking up if discounted, though.
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Review of LEGO 75955 Harry Potter Hogwarts Express SetOK, so I'm a tad old for this LEGO set which is rated 8-14, but I don't care! It was great fun to build and will appeal to Harry Potter fans (of course) but probably also to Steam Engine fans. It took me getting on for 4 hours to build and I enjoyed every minute of it. It's very detailed, with lots of nice little touches. The instructions were spot-on, keeping it clear and simple even when there is a lot of complexity to the finished item. There are several extra pieces in case you loose any. Every single piece that should be there, was there, so no frustrations there. You have the now usual brick separator which is handy in case of mistakes.You can put the people inside the carriage which opens easily,and you can turn their heads round to get different expressions while playing with them. You can also move the hands on the clock and of course the Steam Engine has moving parts when you push it along. The wall where they magically move through to get to platform 9 3/4 spins up so you can make Ron push through with his trolley. All great fun for playtime (if you let the kids actually touch it!).The Steam Engine looks really good and as far as I can see, it looks pretty realistic, although I'm no Steam Engine expert. If you're giving this as a gift to a train fan you might want to think about getting some track as well as this would make it even more fun.For the current price of £69.99, this is pretty good value as LEGO sets go. There's a lot of detail, lots of building time, and plenty of play value afterwards.LEGO is for everyone, no matter what your age, so go for it if you're tempted, hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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I got this set from my grandparents for my birthday. I had just finished the harry potter book series and was starting on the movies. this is a great set in many ways. the locomotive has a locking front truck that can be unlocked for use on tracks. in the cab section there is a generous amount of detailing, including dials, a firebox, and some pipes. the tender is short, but it does the job nicely. the passenger car is kind of plain on the side, but it isn't too bad. the wall comes off to put figures in it. I was able to fit all the figures except the dementor. I do wish there was more than one though. the "real" Hogwarts Express had something like six or seven. it would have been nice to have at least two.the station is great, and much larger than I would expect. the wall function for platform 9 3/4 is great, and i'm glad that they used the same color of pin as the wall. i wish that they would do another print for the wizard newspaper. after I finished the set, I immediately started trying to power it using the powered up system. I only modified the tender to hold all the components. I also built two extra passenger carriages to go with the one included. In addition, I put turning trucks on the included carriages to reduce drag going around turns. on the box, i noticed the lights on the train look like they actually light up, when in reality, extreme modification is needed to make them work. in my opinion, that should not be a thing. There are also no tracks, which is kind of unfortunate. Overall, this is a great set with lots of potential for harry potter fans and train fans alike. P.S. Sorry about the quality of the pictures below.
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this is only my second train and it's really a beauty. we built it per instructions first to get us started and appreciate it. my 2 year old took to it immediately, even climbing the baby gate to assault the train. because it's not motorized it's a prety simple build, and even a simple review. it's good looking with nice gold accents. the effect the wheels have as they turn is really fun to watch. the coal car is empty and has had several minifigures hidden in there already. the passenger car is simple, but effective. i love that the side can detach for easier access and the candy cart is a decent addition. the rail station is pretty nice looking for the price,and i love the newspaper stand and the "sirius black" wanted poster is cool. the clock's hands on the bridge can actually move and i keep using it to quiz my 6 year old on how to tell time.i have since motorized the hogwarts train. my first train was the christmas village train that i motorized so i already had a battery box and receiver. i bought a medium motor and stuck it in the hogwarts engine with the receiver. the battery box is in the coal car. it was a slight rebuild but worth it. my only gripes about this set are the lack of tracks and even the lack of ease to attach the station to already owned tracks. i'm not too annoyed about the train not being motorized (not everyone wants a motorized train) but making it motorized sure could've been a little easier. lastly, having the magnetic bumpers from coal car to passener car would've been a lot nicer looking.adding two more passenger cars is on my to do list as is upgrading the train station a little bit.
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As soon as my son saw this Lego set, he was very excited about it. The Minifigures are fantastic. Remus Lupin with a new hairpiece and alternate, detailed face was his favorite mini figure out of the bunch, but he also really appreciated that Lego took the time to add a trolley witch, which also turned out great. My son enjoyed getting the new Dementor, who was also very detailed, with a tattered cape, ghoul bottom-piece, new torso print, and face expression. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were expected in the set, and were also executed well in their 'muggle' clothes. He really enjoyed the play feature in which a minifig carrying the trolley can magically appear on platform 9 and 3/4.The stickers in the set were done well. Most of all, of course, the best, and me and my son's favorite part of this set was the Hogwarts express itself. A fantastic improvement over the 2011 one, with more maneuverability, slickness, and just its general shape. There are a few things I must point out too, though. The platform 9 & 10 signs were put where a figure standing on the station wouldn't really see, and there is not much space for the Kings Cross platform itself. My son liked the staircases and clock, but did not really understand that tiny bit of platform on the left side. Might as well have extended that platform and made it into more muggle space. Another thing- he kind of wished that Lego could add a second train car, with seating. Finally, if you are looking to put power functions into this train, don't expect it to be easy. Anyways, this set is a must have for Harry Potter fans, Lego fans, and children who love locomotives.
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My husband and I are huge LEGO and Harry Potter fans, so this purchase was a given. The overall build quality truly does exceed expectations, there is a level of detail in the train that really makes it feel like a Harry Potter theme rather than a normal train build. Little touches that we enjoyed were the crank motion on the wheels as they turned, the fire in the furnace, all the internal levers, and the printing of the all important Hogwarts Express logo on the front. The personnel carriage was a fun little build and adds to the playability with only one niggling point for us being the difficulty to place the piece that holds carriage wheels on the bottom (the black axel piece).I can't see how a child would have the strength to push those pieces in place. The train also comes with no tracks, which we found a bit unusual, but the optional locking of the front track alignments means it can be played with while not using any tracks.The platform is where the set shines, with a clock with hands that can ben moved, the spinning wall between platforms 9 and 10 that minifugures with carts can go through, and probably my favourite detail, the printed newspapers in the moveable newspaper stand. Minifigure-wise, everyone looked great, with a special shout out for the new Dementor who looks incredible. I just wish there was more than one of him in the set.We've made some minor additions such as smoke for the smoke stack, some simple track for the train to sit on and soon a boiler plate cover the for the fire which can be moved up and down.
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Once again, Lego & a film franchise tie in have come together to create several very visually appealing sets that are fun to build for an experienced or keen to learn Lego builder, playable for those who might perhaps have the set built for them or get to assist a parent or older sibling, and when finally built will sit resplendent on a shelf as a technical tribute to all things Lego & Harry Potter.This particular set, 75955 - Hogwart's Express is so very playable - there is the engine, a carriage with removable wall and roof to allow access to the seating and Minifigure area, platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross, THAT wall, staircase, sweet trolley, 6x YES SIX minifigs, various wands / accessories /animals and the detail to allow a young mind to wander, escape and immerse itself in the wonderous fantasy land that Lego and HP have made - it really is a magical combination that lends itself to the Lego brand very well.While the set can't be classed as a pocket money toy, far from it, there are smaller and cheaper sets HP that perhaps someone new to Lego could try their hand at before commiting to a larger and more involved set - and if they do, they will integrate very nicely as far as the play along factor goes - who knows, you could even write your own alternative ending.It's worth noting that with a Lego power functions motor, you can even use the train with existing Lego trackAn excellent buy !
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This set comes with 801 pieces across 5 bags, (including 6 mini-figures), a Brick separator, 1 manual and a sheet of stickers. It was fun to build and not difficult. The platform/station felt a bit basic but was effective with a swivel wall to simulate the magic wall they walk through. The train was a pretty good representation of the Hogwarts express all be it with only one passenger carriage, some bricks to represent coal for the tender as it does open. However, there were no doors to get on and off the passenger carriage! This leads into what I feel was the biggest issue with the set... it all feels under-scaled. The train and the platform are cramped and the figures look to big next to them because the platform and train are too small.I understand the need to keep costs down but I think they went a little to far with this set and I think it would have been better if the train and station had been sold separately and made a bit bigger. Another issue was that there is track supplied whatsoever, they should have supplied enough to at least hold the train at the platform. Again, however this would have showed up the scale problem even more as they train would then be too high for the platform. All in all if you are a Harry Potter fan then will no doubt love this set, however, if you intend to make it a show piece it is a little lacking and under-scale. Please not that the train is NOT powered.
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First of all, I must make it clear that I both a huge fan of Lego as well as Harry Potter. The old Harry Potter Lego sets were out when I was a child, but I was never lucky enough to get one of these sets... so when Lego announced they were going to release more Harry Potter sets, I became extremely excited. I was not disappointed either!This set comes in two sections; the train and the station. Firstly, the instructions lead you to build the station which is quite a simple build. A little underwhelming on its own (despite some excellent details and playability), but just a backdrop to the main event.The train itself is a slightly more complicated build when constructing the engine. However,once completed, it really looks the part. This set even stands up to previous Hogwarts express sets.The minifigures in this set are also expertly made and perfect for the scene. My only issue with this set is how difficult Lego have made this set to motorized. Though not impossible, this set requires a fair bit of modification to place a motor and a battery box within it. Compared to other Lego train sets where they make it simple, even giving you instructions on how to do so. This set also requires a lot of careful sticker placement, which always causes a bit of stress.Overall, this set is definitely worth the buy for any Harry Potter fan, especially those who enjoy Lego.
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I absolutely love Lego and over the years we've bought masses of it for our Lego mad son. It very very rarely turns up on Amazon Vine so when it does I welcome it.We like Harry Potter and we love trains so this set was perfect.From the photos you can see some of the fabulous detail in this set and it is wonderful.The set comes with seven separate bags and a detailed instruction booklet.One of the things I love about Lego is that bag one nearly always leaves you with an independent piece of the kit and some Lego figures. This is great as it means you can play with something straight away. This is important if you have children who might find completing the whole set in one go difficult.Here they have Professor Lupin and Ron Weasley plus the first bit of Kings Cross Station. Ron has his luggage trolley complete with Scabbers the rat and the bit of station includes the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Perfect.The train itself is brilliant and detailed, with a lovely passenger carriage which you can put the figures into.Ordinarily my son would deconstruct Lego sets and rebuild as space ships. He is not getting his hands on this. I LOVE it. I am buying a board to put the station on and fulfilling my geekiness around trains by displaying it.Thanking Lego for giving me the opportunity to review this.
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