

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for LEGO City Fire Plane (4209) reviews.
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For LEGO City Fire Plane (4209), 58 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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Amazon has 54 customer reviews and the average score is 4.7. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 4 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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This is a birthday gift for my 5-yr-old boy, who has been dreaming about his since last X'mas. I got a pretty good deal from Amazon (comparing to other local stores) and bought it a few months earlier, hiding it in the closet, and release it for my son's birthday. He was so excited after opening it and immediately asked when will be his next birthday...so funny. There are a lot of good stuff in this LEGO set, and the plane is huge. We are very happy to buy this set and will continue to look for LEGO toys from Amazon.


My kid loved this set and played with it for quite some time, but it didn't have the displayability to end up on the keeper shelf.I bought this back when it was a reasonable forty bucks. Don't pay much more than that it's just not worth it.A good rule of thumb is approximately 10 to 15 cents per Lego piece is a good deal for a Lego set. Unless it has a Lot a really specialty pieces like animals, dinosaurs, etc. Then you'll look to pay a little bit more than that.


I bought this for my six year old grandson thinking we could build it together at my house when he came to visit. He is a special needs child with a very short attention span. He was enthralled for three hours putting together the little trucks and trees. He could read the diagrams easily. In fact, easier than I could read them. We plan on building the plane the next time he visits. What an excellent toy!


This is another great Lego build, my nephew found this an interesting build and what was great, was his fact finding about the use of these planes in fighting fires. While I am not a teacher is this not the best way to get a child to learn? While playing and enjoying the subject at hand? In terms of cost this Lego 'Fire Plane' can be found for cheaper - so search around before you buy.


Bought this for our grandson. He LOVES it. Sat down immediately and began putting it together. Only 5 years old, but he put it together himself, following the instructions. Keeps him happy for hours and he loves 'dumping' the water to put the fire out. Love all the extras that were included.


We bought this as a birthday present for my 6 year old son. He really likes that the door opens on the bottom to allow the "water" to fall out. A lot of fun to put together and it is still being played with a month after his birthday.


What can I say other than I can almost always count on my sons loving LEGO. This particular kit was one my son asked for and was really happy with it. He loves airplanes and he thinks the water drop feature on this one is "way cool"!


Good lego plane. Pretty basic build, could be pretty suitable for mature younger individuals. I happen to be a 31 year old, 12 year old so I am just collecting for fun. Definately would have loved this as a child.


The plane and accessories are fun. My eight year old daughter put it together by herself (she is a pretty experienced Lego kid). The plane is a little smaller than other Lego planes, but it is still a good size.


This item was great for our 4/5 year old. He and his Dad had a great time building it and it looked wonderful when they had finished - I wanted to keep it on his shelf he wanted to do it all again!


I bought this set as a gift for my nephew's fourth birthday, essentially ignoring the age suggestions. Not sure how easy or hard it was to build, but my nephew is thoroughly enjoying this set.


very nice and complete toy. My sun has many of it because he got a "LEGO disease" but this toy is complete and does not need complementary boxes to play a fligh fire oepration game.


Great LEGO set! My 8 year old grandson really wanted this set and he enjoyed building the plane and designing it his way. I find that LEGO's age recommendations are pretty spot on.


It's a lego right! how do you go wrong. Excellent detail, fun to play with. My son love the fire rescue theme and this is a must to complete the collection.


My grandson absolutely LOVED this Lego fire plane!! It has "water" (plastic pieces) that is released by a lever on the bottom of rhe plane!! Awesome!!!

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