

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Lee Filters Triple Pouch reviews.
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For Lee Filters Triple Pouch, 13 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Works very well, holds (and can be used to wipe) three Lee 100x150 filters. Fully unfolded it is about the size of six filters (300x300mm). Weighs almost nothing. Fine for use outdoors if conditions are good.It is soft cloth so the protection from hard or sharp objects is minimal. Out in rugged conditions or inclement weather then a Lee Pouch would likely be more suitable.


The Lee filter wraps are very well made and fit the 100mm filters well. Be warned though that all three pouches are together in one unit - they cannot be split. If you have the Field Pouch you do not need them.


Great product, I have had Lee filters before but have ended up scratching them, this filter wrap has 3 pockets which I keep my 3 main filters in and there is an adequate wrap over to fully protect them.


I wouldn't keep my filters in anything else. Doesn't leave horrid fibres all over the filters like the cokin holder. Great item, keeps filters nice and clean.


It arrived on time, well packed. The wrap itself gives wonderful protection for my filters. High quality manufacture.


Beautiful, soft high quality protection for your expensive filters! Get one!


Very soft wraps that will keep up to three filters clean and scratch free.


Must have to protect your LEE filters. Happy +++++


Excellent for protection of 3 filters.


Good quality does what it say s



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