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I bought this a long time ago because I'd finished 'The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt' and wanted something similar to play. In certain respects, this IS similar, but actually... Not in that many ways. Kingdom Come is a unique game, which I think every RPG'er should dabble with, just to understand why this title is odd for the genre.What stands out in Kingdom Come is the importance placed on realism. The attempt to make an accurate, realistic medieval RPG was a bold move. I think in many cases, they sacrificed fun and accessibility to make a game which is uncompromisingly realistic. I say uncompromisingly, but they do make some concessions.Henry doesn't need to pee or poop and seems to be immune to wounds getting infected and dying of diseases like the Black Death which you might have encountered in 14th century Bohemia. Also, you can call your horse 'Witcher-style' and everybody speaks English - which obviously they wouldn't have.What this makes for is a uniquely in-depth RPG which rewards patience and perseverance. When you start the game you are literally a completely untrained noob who has all the combat prowess of a dead haddock. I think this is something you'll struggle to get your head around, if you don't get it. When your village is attacked, you are supposed to run away! The developers want you to roleplay a terrified weakling. They want you to start your journey at the beginning. It isn't just a matter of player skill and equipment. During that first encounter your man hasn't learned even basic defence skills and will get slaughtered if he attacks anyone. I know on the PC you can actually cheat this by using non-aimed, wild swings while keeping the mouse pointer off your target, but you're not supposed to. I found a cheat where the soldiers were attacking one of the townswomen, and I wasn't having that - so I stole a horse and galloped past them about a hundred times, every now and then taking one out with a wild swing. Because I was galloping, getting a hit was nearly impossible, but the momentum meant any hit would be a 1 shot kill. Of course, your problem then is that you loot all these corpses, but your man Henry is still really weedy so can't carry much before he can barely walk. If you can make it onto a horse, you might get away with some decent loot, but was it worth the hassle? Possibly not.The next section, has you locked in a keep and needing to find a way out to get back to your village. Now there IS a way you're SUPPOSED to do this, but I ended up doing it some convoluted WRONG way. The quest went a bit glitchy and I think I had to go back to an earlier save to fix it. This, is the problem with Kingdom Come. It's an incredibly complex and ambitious game. They've obviously put a lot of effort into ironing out any bugs, but I think the scale and complexity of the game has made that impossible. Some people recommend playing on Hardcore - but I'd say don't stray above normal. Why? You could end up losing hours of play to a random glitch.So! Back to the realism! What are we talking here? Well, Henry needs to eat and sleep. Food you find or buy goes off and has different shelf-lifes depending on what it is. Combat, is the absolute antithesis of button mashing. You can train up in various weapons, and as you increase your skill you'll eventually unlock new moves which are critical to beating tougher opponents, such as the riposte which must follow a perfect parry. You'll find fighting multiple enemies in this game extremely tough. When you do, you'll want to try and move around, using the terrain to keep all your foes in front of you. That said, as this is realistic, it's perfectly likely by waiting until nightfall you can sneak into that bandit camp and murder all the baddies in their sleep.One interesting point to make, is if you're like me - a bit of a sword whore - you'll be tempted to invest heavily in swords. I'd actually recommend against this. At the start of the game, you meet mainly unarmoured bandits and low-rank soldiers. Swords are perfectly effective against them. However, later in the game you start to meet more and more enemies wearing full plate armour, which is really effective protection against swords. If you want to become a fearsome one-man mincing machine, then build your strength, and train up in maces. You can use them with a shield, giving you better defence options and you can deal serious damage even to plate armoured knights.The story is enjoyable, Henry is a likeable character, even if he seems a bit of a simpleton at times. What you will find if you start playing this from the start is a good sense of fulfilment from completing fairly simple tasks. Your first kill in a duel will feel good. You'll feel like you've achieved something. You'll probably die a lot along the way, but you'll get a sense of achievement you can't get from filling your inventory with top-rate gear, then mashing an attack button. KC requires thought, patience and strategy.On the realism side, it's hard to convey the exact lengths they go to in this game. The sneaking and lock picking works - but lock picking is fiendishly difficult using a controller. However, if you practice on easy locks, you'll skill up and it'll get easier. If you're trying to pick pocket someone, avoid doing it in the middle of the town square at noon, wearing full plate armour - that's not going to work. You also need to keep your weapons and clothes maintained and keep yourself clean. Turning up to meet important people caked in mud and blood with your clothes in rags isn't going to be ideal. Another key thing, is that Henry has to learn stuff. Early on, you won't know how to bandage, so if you start bleeding (as can happen during a battle) you're in serious trouble unless you fan someone to help you. A lot in Kingdom Come is all about survival, keeping Henry alive. At the start of the game you are a vulnerable whelp and you'll need to unlock abilities, master skills and level up stats if you're going to change that.Playing Henry is quite a change. You don't have some magical destiny or inherited mystic powers. You're just a guy who has a bad run of luck, but gets a chance to better himself.So who is Kingdom Come for?I'll be honest, some people will hate this and want to 1 star it. I can understand why too. The story can be a bit dry, the realism can get in the way of fun and it can be buggy on a whole new scale. You could argue it plays more like a Sim than an RPG. There are also some really stupid, slightly annoying quests - such as the one where you have to become a monk and live in a monastery.However, some people will forgive this game its sins (I'm one) because it's such a deep RPG with so many complex interconnected systems. If you thrive on complexity then this is a game for you. You DO need to save regularly and keep old saves in case a quest gets glitched. The world is beautiful and a joy to explore and despite its flaws, this game is a really enjoyable world to explore.When they set out to make this, I think they were building an interesting new concept. It won't work for everyone, but it worked for me. I have many, very fond memories of this game and I'd be very interested in trying a similar medieval sim should somebody release another.
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I've followed this game from it's very early stages to when it was just an idea on a kickstarter page. I hoped it would come to fruition and not end up being a failed and forgotten project but now, after many years, here we are!I've put just over 30 hours into this game so far and I've got to say, I'm incredibly impressed with how much fun it is. The game's "first act" is quite slow, it took me a good 5 or so hours before the game had set it's foundation and I could wander around completing side quests and the various activities that are on offer but that being said, it set the scene and story up very well and I feel genuinely invested in it.I'd rather a game do that then try to flog me some half thought out story in the space of half an hour and not have a feeling of care for it.The setting is utterly breathtaking, the larger scale settings such as the forests, the castles, the towns, the green and farmland that stretch as far as the eye can see, to the smaller scale things like the muddy, horse trodden streets, the irrigation in villages, the peasants and nobles just going about their day. Combined, every detail, big and small, create a genuine world that feels alive and lived in.The story so far is brilliant and incredibly enjoyable but I don't want to go too much into the story and spoil it. You'll just have to take my word for it!As with most modern day RPGs, they say you 'can do what you like, there are millions of ways to approach a situation, your actions have consequences in many ways blah blah blah' but it's never really true. This game however, really lives up to those promises, there are several ways to approach a situation which then has an affect on future encounters, sometimes positive sometimes negative, giving a multitude of different combinations in which you can complete a quest. a great example of this is a quest I did where half of a village are ridden with disease and you have to help them (well you don't have to but I chose to, you could leave them to slowly die if you wished, but I bargained with the village's leader to help them in return for important information I needed). I found a priest in a parish a good while a way to seek advice, he directs you to a book of disease in his study that you have to read through (depending on if you have learned to read!) to pinpoint what disease it is exactly and then create a cure. To cut a long story short, I managed to successfully find out what disease it was, create the right cure, saved the town and got the important information I needed. Yet, a friend of mine did the same quest, only he picked the wrong disease, created the wrong potion and killed the ENTIRE village.The combat is great, takes a bit to get used to but it's not clunky, it feels slick and like you have complete control over how you move. The way they've managed to make hand-to-hand/weapon combat with such depth is brilliant and really well done. Using a bow is very peculiar, there's no reticle for you to gauge exactly where the arrow will land, all you have is your own sense of perception and trajectory to hit your target, it takes a while before you can get to grips with this as you have to get to level 5 before your character stops shaking due to the draw strength you need which didn't bother me because i though it was a great little bit of detail.There are also your skills which, as you go on through the game and use them, they level up and you're awarded points in each one which you can spend on a "perk" for that skill, a large majority of these perks have a pro and a con making you think carefully about what you spend your points on. Some skills don't have any perks at all (archery being one of them, for some bizarre reason).I've seen a few reviews that were put here on the day of it's release and slating it for having too many bugs, it's too realistic, I just want to go off and do my own thing, lockpicking is too hard etc etc. For a start, I've not had many problems with the game, a few silly bugs are present, sure, but nothing game breaking. Secondly, stick with it because it's a very fun, interesting and different game to play, the replayability is incredible. Last of all, games nowadays aren't like they used to be, if you get a game and there's a few bugs and problems, you won't be stuck with them, we have online capability now where updates are created, improving the game after listening to community feedback. Already Warhorse studios have released patch notes for updates that are coming in the next week or so. Just give it a chance because it is 100% worth it.
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Under a star filled sky, I rode into the village and familiarised myself with it's streets and alleys while waiting for it's people to rise. All while being sure to stay in the shadows, avoiding the occasional patrolling guard and the inquisitive light of their torches.As the sun rose over the eastern woodland hills, I sat and watched as the village came to life. A recent encounter with a group of bandits meant that my supplies were low, and it was time I better armed myself for the dangers of roaming this brutal land.I visited the local blacksmith, the weapons he forged far exceeding the quality of my own (and their cost being far beyond the reach of my wallet).I thanked the blacksmith and (under the constant gaze of the shop's guard) left empty handed, but not undeterred. Those weapons would be mine before the morrow.I waited for night to fall once more, for the village to fall quite and the guards move away. Now was my chance. I removed my battered armour to allow for more silent movement and approached the shop front under the cover of absolute darkness. It was so dark that I didn't see the dog sleeping outside the store before I stepped on it's tail, it's barks echoing off the nearby buildings might as well have been a lion roaring. I had to do something quickly before it roused the entire village. Luckily I had some bacon in my satchel.As the dog dined, I picked the lock and made my way inside. The shelves and racks were bare! The owner must lock his goods away after the shop closes! Determined not to leave empty handed, I snuck upstairs. Sleeping in different corners of one room were the store owner, his shop guard....and a locked chest.This time the chest was too difficult to pick. I needed the key. Gently, I picked the pocket of the store owner while he slept. The key was mine, and the contents of the chest supplied me with weapons and armour that would sell for thousands. Overcome by confidence and greed, I decided to lighten the guards pockets before departing. He wakes and recognises me! Quickly grasping my hand over his mouth I smother him until he's unconscious, the owner stirred, but didn't rise. A dilemma. The guard saw me, he would surely report me to guards as soon as he regained consciousness. I didn't need that hinderance, there was yet more work to be done in this village. My dagger found it's way into his throat and I found myself back under the night sky, free and so weighed down with loot I could barely walk.The next day I perused the town square, with my recently acquired blade's handle beaming in the sunlight as it swung from my belt strap. However the guards were on high alert following the report of the previous nights misdeeds, and were stopping and searching people in the street. Time to leave after all, my business here would have to wait. I turn around, headed into an alley behind the butchers shop, and walked straight into another guard. He orders me to stop, and explains that there was a serious crime the night before. Then he sees the sword, and I know that he knows. His hand goes to his own weapon as he asks where I got such a fancy blade. Do I surrender, run, fight, talk my way out, attempt a bribe? Buy this game and decide for yourself.The best RPG I have ever played. I doff my cap to you Warhorse Studios on this stunning achievement.
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Arrived a day after ordering. Came fully sealed and packaged.Game has all DLC and took no longer than 15 minutes to download.This game is a masterpiece... It's obviously not going to be for everyone, it's an RPG... An actual RPG, don't get it confused with other open world games out there that claim to be an RPG when they ain't.You start off waking up hung over from the night before, start of by exploring the village, getting a taste of what's to come later in the game and they don't disappoint... The father character is absolutely amazing, ya can't help but admire n respect the man n it's obvious his past, he was someone of some importance...Which makes the impact of what follows get you emotionally invested.I won't leave spoilers nor could I, I've only started playing.This game is difficult, especially on hardcore which I'd recommend, but remember to save by drinking the save potions... You will get 7 of them in this opening quest, I lost 4 hrs of gameplay when I forgot to save... On hardcore.Normal setting I believe it autosaves before or after a quest is given... Otherwise drink the save potions, learn to make them yourself, buy them or sleep in a bed or use a bath house to save... N maybe spend time with a bathmaid ?You will realize quite quickly sword fighting if you want to be at a master level, is gonna take a lot of practice and focus, along with a bow n mace etc... Button mashing won't work... Nor will your character defeat a seasoned soldier with years of experience when it's his first time swinging a sword... You will only meet a painful death.Choice is massive, everything has a consequence and there's more than one way to approach a quest. Even eating, can bring your energy down... So keep in mind if ya need to run for your life ... Because you will n every bit of energy counts.The same with combat, not only do you have to meet the requirements for a weapon, practice with the weapon, learn the different stances, postures, swings n slashes, maintain the weapon, use the right weapon against the right armour while having n maintaining your own armour too... Ensure you are well fed n full of energy before going into a fight, you will get tired fast and the game doesn't hold your hand.I'd recommend reading the codex in the menu, you will be surprised at what you learn... Then seeing it being lived in the gaming world... Example how people bow, you will be able to then identify how highborn or lowborn someone is and their importance... The guilds, the Noble ranks etc.I love the game, it's new and it's intriguing... The cutscenes are excellent, I've experienced no bugs so far or performance issues, I just know it's going to be difficult, a new style of game that will offer a mature and realistic (as a game can offer) experience with a lot of variety and knowledge... The events are based on actual history too... You learn so much.Id recommend this game to medieval fans, history buffs, RPG fans and those willing to sink a couple of 100 hours into a new experience at a steady pace.The game is basically Kingdom of Heaven, only not in the holy lands.
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Impressive collectible edition. Well worth the price for what you get, but I’ll say at the start, that although you get the Treasures, Hans Capon and the other dlc released pre-2019, the ‘Women’s Lot’ dlc is not out yet at time of writing. A code is included to redeem this. Why Warhorse couldn’t hold to include this a little odd, but probably down to corporate deadlines.If you have not played the original, this is without a doubt the version to buy. The price is well worth the sheer amount of content you get.At first glance the game can seem very challenging, however once you get your head into the literal medieval world things start to come together. The game shows a realistic living world and puts you in the shoes of Henry,a medieval peasant with nothing exceptional or remarkable about him. Can’t fight in the beginning? No problem, run away, hide, be a coward, most people are! As you travel the land you learn you can train with the superbly written NPCs and grow stronger, get better armour and weapons and generally skill-up.It’s important to note that this is not Skyrim, it’s not Witcher... there is no magic or mystical system. Battles are damn hard in the beginning, you can’t mindlessly hack away, and always need to pick your fights as fighting multiple NPCs is a death sentence, even at higher levels, but this is how the game is meant to feel. Everything is grounded in the gorgeously realised mud and the mundane brutality of the Middle Ages! The exception to this is the complex alchemy system, within which you can have endless hours of fun bending the game!Overall this is a superb game, with beautiful graphics, a great story and memorable characters who I came to care about.
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Kingdom Come Deliverance is one of the best RPGs in recent years and a game changer.It's a different experience to that of more typical RPGs in the Bethesda style, it demands patience which some people have trouble with. You start the game as a medieval peasant, and have all the skills that go along with it (none). You can barely throw a punch let alone a sword. It does make the start of the game quite challenging as you have no skills so everything is difficult, but this is part of the appeal. As a medieval peasant it's realistic that way, and the game wants you to be fully immersed in this realistic medieval setting and experience the character and story in an authentic way.A lot of negative reviews complain that it's too hard, but if you stick with it and let yourself play the game the way it's meant to be played, it's a very fun and rewarding experience.It's also really refreshing for a major RPG to be set in a historically accurate medieval setting, it certainly makes the game feel fresh and original, and proves you don't need to be a legendary hero or have magical monsters and powers for a game like this to be interesting and enjoyable. It also means you get to learn a lot about Czech history which is interesting as it's almost entirely unexplored in modern media. You can certainly feel the enthusiasm from the Czech developers for the history behind the game and it pays off.The game is certainly turning heads, and Bethesda should take note of this games accomplishments for which there are many.
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Oh what I would love to be able to give this the full 5 stars but there are just one or two issues I have with it. First of all let me start by saying this is an amazing game and is everything an RPG should be. It feels like your exactly where it says,in the medieval times. You follow the journey of Henry the blacksmiths son who has his life torn asunder when his village is raised and his family killed. I won't give any spoilers so that's all I'll say except that you are then part of a rebellion against the Hungarian king Sigismund. Overall the gameplay is great and you have to learn how to do everything including read because it just wasn't widely used skill in them times.The scenery while maybe seems generic to some I think just added to the realism because it's not like there were asda and Tesco in those days either. The issues I had were the saving and that you had to have schnapps in your inventory to do it or else wait until it saved automatically which isn't as often as I'd like. And the lockpicking, I legitimately bit my controller in anger over that because unless your lucky or your exceptionally patient then it's going to do your but in xx otherwise i love it
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I have played this game for a few days now and I can safely say that it is a very good game.The story is in-depth and interesting and the same goes for the side quest. The game looks great I can't fault in that regard.The combat is hard and comes with a huge learning curve but with practice and improvement of characters stats it becomes easier. What I like about the game is there is no need for you to fight you can find other ways to get around problems which I found refreshing.I can't deny that there are bugs. It sometimes glitches NPCs when you are talking to them, your horse sometimes gets stuck on bushes. Theses are the only bugs I have encountered there may be more I just haven't seen them.There are a few things I don't like about the game.First of all the lockpicking, I find the lockpicking to be very hard even on very easy locks but this can make it more rewarding when you get the door or chest opened. There are also short load screens when you talk to NPCS which I feel take away from the game but apart from these I really like the game.I can highly recommend this game to anybody who wants a very realistic RPEG.
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I can see why certain gamers hate this game, because for the first 4 hours of playing, so did I. The moment that you overcome the fact that this game is not about playing the role of the conquering hero, is the moment you start to love it. You are a peasant with no skill or finances. This game is about getting through it any way you can. Do not expect to be able to walk up to an enemy once you acquire a sword and defeat him, because it will not happen. Every skill in the game has to be worked on over time. I am about 17 hours in now and I am still nowhere near ready to engage in battles or sword fighting.My character is however quite the proficient thief and I have spent many hours burgling homes in order to raise my finances to pay for sword and horse riding lessons aswell as acquiring armour and other equipment. If you want a pick up and put down game, where you are an instant badass, this game ain’t for you. But if you have the time and the reasonable sum of £20 (at the time of writing) then welcome to the best game on the PS4.
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It’s very difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing but if you learn the combat then it isn’t too hard. lock picking seems impossible now but I’m only 18 hours in and I haven’t done it much. The depth, realism, immersion and characters and graphics are beyond par, and the main complaints I see are bugs and actually playing the game. The bugs haven’t touched my game yet and there have been a lot of patches, and most can be fixed quickly and easily. It isn’t Skyrim level of buggy anymore. The gameplay gets easier and isn’t as hard as it seems while being still challenging, and combat has a subtle flow and flair to it once you know how to fight.The fact that u aren’t a chosen one and can’t do anything turns peopl off but it allows you to make you own character and make him who you want. It has the telltale games’ speech and decision making while being elder scrolls without magic but better. Best game I’ve played in ages and you can really sink time into this masterpiece of a game.
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Feels very authentic to the period. Lovely scenery to explore. Weather system seems pretty decent too. It's one of those games where you really need to prepare before you set out on a quest. You can just go and kill bandits in a wood during the night without spending the time to make preparations. The woods at night in pitch black. You really can't see anything but the game gives you items to help. If you know how to get them. Combat is hard in my opinion. This isn't Assassins creed type combat. You really have to invest time in learning how to use a sward because if you don't you'll never win a fight. Interestingly though you don't actually have to become a swordsman if you don't want to.You can also invest time in the longbow. Which is probably more of a challenge than the sward. With limited time to invest I chose stealth which is probably the easiest but very rewarding. Any, the game remained me oblivion without the magic.
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Really enjoying this game. The scope and variety it contains is very impressive and the game play matches the ambition. That's not to say it is entirely perfect. The combat system is difficult to master without being able to dedicate a lot of time to getting it right so maybe not designed with casual gamers in mind. Some users have mentioned constant lagging and occasional crashing. I personally haven't experienced anything like that, it can take a while to load / save at times but no more than I would expect from a game of this size and the shear amount of what it is processing at any given time. Overall this game is immersive, well made and thoroughly enjoyable.It is not perhaps for people who want to be casual about their gaming due to the scale and the various techniques you need to master in order to fully enjoy the experience but I have to say I've loved it so far.
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Set in 15th century Bohemia, you play the son of a Blacksmith whose life is turned upside down when the civil war comes to your village. From that point on, where you go and what you do is up to you. There are many quests to be done wherever you go. As you go along, you pick and develop new skills which will be useful. The scenery and the attention to detail are absolutely stunning - you actually feel you are walking down a road in a 15th century village - and I can see why this is an award winning game. There are also tons of information about history and life in the era. The game can take some time to get into. The mechanics can be a bit off-putting at first and there are a couple of annoying bugs,but it is well worth persevering with this as you will get many many hours of gameplay out of this awesome freeform RPG! Probably the best RPG I have played.
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I’ve seen many reviews about this game, some bemoaning the bugs and combat system. Though the game does have its faults they do NOT make the experience of the world any less enjoyable. I really enjoyed roaming the wild and exploring the medieval towns. The immersive storyline, along with the many side-quests keeps the game interesting, and the level of depth with character development is fantastic! For me, it is the best game I’ve played in a long time, and the only reason I don’t give it 5 stars is because I would like to create my own character, something I hope warhorse studios will keep in mind for the future. But overall a GREAT JOB!!!


This game has been in the works for 4 years and has been largely funded through Kickstarter. Given it only got a fraction of what larger publishers use to make games it is truly incredible the depth and quality of this game. As any modern age RPG it has launched with a decent amount of bugs and crashes, but these will be ironed out. The gameplay is unique and interesting, it is challenging and requires you to think. This game does not hold your hand, quite the opposite- it punches you hard in the face and you need to learn how to deal and react. I have lost most of the last week to this game. I love it and cannot put it down.

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