

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Karlie Striped Dog Socks reviews.
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For Karlie Striped Dog Socks, 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.3.

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All images of these dog socks show four socks and so you would assume that four socks will be what you get for your four legged friend. Having looked back on the order it doesn’t specify number of socks but perhaps that is their strategy. My dog has anxiety, is licking all four paws, hence the need for these socks - four of them for four paws. Hugely disappointing.


After choosing these socks for the colourful design I was hugely disappointed! Most dogs have 4 paws, and the picture suggested 4 socks! Only 2 socks have arrived. What good are 2 socks to a dog. Very disappointed.

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