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Just cause 3 is an open world action adventure game developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix. Available on windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Really not having too much of a clue about the whole just cause series and always getting it confused with the uncharted (although I doubt there are too many similarities) it was something I went into with a lot of ignorance. Well now I feel a little less ignorant – enough not to accidentally point at an uncharted game when Just Cause is mentioned.The story starts with you playing as the “Dictator Removal Specialist” Rico Rodriguez arriving to take down General Sebastiono Di Ravello the dictator of Rico’s home Medici. But,your arrival is not pleasantly received as you are attacked by the local governed forces forcing you to stand on top of the plain firing rockets in a summer movie time esk opening scene. This is all going surprisingly well until you are eventually thrown off and have to parachute to your friend Mario and learn that the reason you are here is to help the rebels take back the island of Medici. After meeting Dimah al Masri a scientists working with the rebels and much later in the game the Medician politician – Rosa Manuela – that had been outside you start to turn the tables on General Di Ravello. The events of the story follow this same kind of premise through with big explosions and set pieces with no-massive deep story but plenty of action. This works for the game. If I am honest I really did not get attached to any of the characters and was far to immersed in the cool stuffs to play with rather than the peoples distracting with their babbling conversations. I am sure there was mention of some important “Bavarium” mineral however I took it for what it was which was to make sense of why all this really cool stuff works and why the conflict is so important. Kind of like the good old mineral “unobtanium” from Avatar.The mechanics of the game are what probably defines why the game is so fun as the grappling hook does not just make you feel like a Mexican Spiderman. Oh no, it also gives me the ability to attach two militia troops across the map together and watch as they smash together in the middle of an intense firefight making things entertaining. This was made even better with the game giving you more than a couple of detachable grappling hooks to use at a time that increase as you progress to a limit. Which surprisingly never loses its humour, this and there are many things to attach people to if one uses there imagination. In fact I did not realise the extensive number of guns available until a good couple of hours which was due mainly to having far too much fun with using the environment and the grappling hook in conjunction. However the gunfights do feel sometimes lacking as I could easily run straight at the militia gunning them down and grapple away without breaking a sweat which turned some of the smaller fights into more of an annoyance rather than a challenge. If you were expecting more than grapple hooked explosions and the fun this brings to mostly destructible environments then there is with the side objectives. Mostly. These range from Helicopter frenzy were you turn your surroundings into a fiery mess, Lighthouse blast were you drive a car packed with massive explosives to try and hit a massive lighthouse and cavern tour were you glide around checkpoints. You know, when you need a rest from blowing all that stuff up. This coupled with the amount of gear available to be unlocked will keep you quite busy indeed if you are a completionist hell bent on getting every car, chopper, weapon etc.The game itself looks very pretty on the Xbox One like you would expect on the Xbox One however there were a few times were I noticed the frame rate drop when some real mayhem started happening but this was not enough to really ruin the experience. The general setting of a fictional Mediterranean g country gave a really beautiful landscape to look at when you’re a bit tired of setting General Sebastiano’s men on fire. The soundtrack was slightly disappointing with no real memorable tracks however listening to some of your own songs on your own playlists instead while causing massive mayhem I guess has its merits.Overall the game does bring its own set of tools to the sandbox genre like the grappling hook, used not merely as a gimmick however as an integral mechanic allowing multiple ways to fight. This and couple of things to do that actually feel fun that allows it to compete with its compadre’s such as GTA, Mad Max and Far cry 4 just to name a few in the past year and delivers an explosive exciting experience. But, the game still feels lacking in any real plot and once the smoke clears after all of those Michael bay esk explosions there really is not much left except a very good set of reasons I should never be given a grappling hook.
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I'm going to try and keep this review short and sweet.Small IntroductionI really enjoy the Just Cause franchise (even if I haven't played the original first game), and if you loved Just Cause 2 Just Cause 3 will be as/even more enjoyable as its predecessor. You should feel right at home with Just Cause's unrealistic (well, usually) physics and over-the-top explosions, which are Just Cause's signature features.ProsThe game's graphics are absolutely stunning, especially the water bodiesThe new wingsuit mechanic makes getting around the map efficient and fun (oh, and it's more gliding than it is 'flying')There are several new types of soldiers, some are armoured to the brim and some are notThe grappling hook has drastically improved,with a new ability to reel objects inThe new rebel drop system is an improvement over Sheldon's black market, which eventually got on peoples' nervesThe map is an improvement over Just Cause 2's map, as military bases and towns are a little more difficult to discover (instead of being blatantly pointed out, like on Just Cause 2)There are a wider variety of military bases, which adapt quite nicely to the climate they're inThere is more variety to the types of guns to choose from, instead of there only being one type of each gunThere are a new collectibles to find on the map, including rebel shrines and Di Ravello's tapesThere are lots of new challenges, with which you can unlock gear modsConsIn Just Cause 2 your health and heat level were easily available to view in the top right, but this is sadly not a feature in Just Cause 3No multiplayer, which is quite a major bummerThere is a lack of variety to the towns; they almost always have a police station and speakers, billboards etc.Generally, the game feels quite repetitive to the point where it can become a bore to liberate military bases and townsThe game takes at least 3-5 minutes to start up, which can be annoying when you just want to get straight into the gameTo Summarise/Other NotesEven though the game only has around 70%* of the reviews being positive, this is mostly due to performance issues. I have a mid-high range PC with a 1920x1080p monitor, and with a bit of tweaking of the settings I was experiencing absolutely no lag and the game has never crashed for me (turning 'Vertical Sync' off can help drastically). The game is a blast to play and you'll quickly notice hours have flew by when you check your clock. Long live the Just Cause franchise!
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JC2 was one of my favourite games on my 360 back in the day, and I felt it was seriously under-rated and under-performing. When I seen all the hype JC3 was getting, I thought this would be the time that all my gaming peers would realise this is actually a good game, but that's all it is: good. I bought this for Xbox One and be prepared for some mega load screen watching, particularly if you're bad. It probably takes the best part of 5 minutes from turning on the console to begin playing. and can take another couple when loading missions and being resurrected from your fiery death.Compared to it's predecessor, the map is of similar size and supposedly has more stuff to do. This I disagree with,but I feel the quality is better. The map tool is way better than the predecessor with regions and being able to determine where towns are likely to be that are undiscovered. The mediterranean art style is gorgeous and quite realistic actually, only the built up hi-rise areas let it down. The lack of 007-esque tools such as THAT plane from JC2 are sorely missed, but the grappling tools are incredible. Chaining together and blowing s*** up as a result is so satisfying, and the physics engine is impressive, even if it causes severe frame rate issues from time to time.I know story takes the backburner in the series (which I shouldn't like, but do) is too weak and dilute compared to previous scenes. The last mission I felt really anti-climactic and friendly characters on the whole were hollow and forgettable. The various types of NPCs who all have tattoos of Rico's race car on his back are also out in force, I swear most of Medici are inked!Pros:Grapple gameplay is awesome!Physics Engine is brilliant (when not stuttering)Wingsuit addition very goodPretty environmentsIntuitive controlsEffectively unlimited weapons available (once unlocked)Cons:Frame rate suffers during large explosionsLoad screens suuuuuuck.Very weak outcome of intentionally weak story lineOnly one actual bad guy, could've done with some accomplices!If you have a good PC, those technical cons I hear can be solved. In doing so, this could be a 5 star game for fun at least!
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Ok this game might not be GTA5 and the cars do not look or feel anywhere near as good as GTA5. You could say the charachter does not feel and move as good either, But even so, this one is such a good game to play and it has had me coming back for more time and time again. The wing suite and parachute feels incredibly good, really smooth and it's very enjoyable to just fly around the absolutely stunning scenery. It is good fun to take over each town or village around the massive map. I've only played it since it was released at the beginning of the week so I'm sure I've not even scratched the surface, it took me a small amount of time to work out the comms menu, but I think I've got it now.One slight criticism, I've been kicked from the server a couple of times, a bit annoying because it is nice to see how others are doing against my score and it crashed once, I'm sure there will be fixes to address any problems that arise. We bought the version that came with a map, the map is a bit basic(a bit bland)Even with the few minor annoyances, I would say it's worth the money for this game , it's free roaming so there will bee loads to do and see, apparently 400 square miles .Very pleased with this game. I Would reccomend it, oh yes one other thing, it came with a copy of Just Cause 2. This too is a very good game. I was given a code to redeem for Just Cause 2, it works fine on The Xbox One
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Overall an improvement over Just Cause 2, but not by a great deal.+ Traversal outwith vehicles is great fun, better than JC2 (although the wingsuit takes a little getting used to) and reminds me of Spider-Man 2 (2004) in terms of sheer enjoyment.+ Although graphically not the most impressive, Avalanche have crafted a beautiful and believable world.+ The story isn't really the main draw of this game, and isn't really intended to be, but for what it's worth the characters involved are much more liable and compelling this time around.+ Grapple hook mechanics are endlessly entertaining.- Awful car handling.- Overuse of SAM sites in military bases makes many of the most fun aircraft redundant.-Really not much innovation over JC2 gameplay wise.- Plot is poorly introduced and the protagonists motivations are never explained. The plot is also very thin and basic, but the main villain is excellent.- Despite great draw distances, graphics are average and a lot of textures aren't particularly impressive.While it may not stack up next to games such as GTA5, JC3 is a very enjoyable title in small bursts. It's a great one to mess around in, even without a decent plot or a strong narrative. I really feel the traversal and destructive gameplay hold up on their own. If you liked JC2, you'll love this. If you're unsure, maybe try JC2 or wait for a <£30 price tag.
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I wrote a full review over on TrueAchievements.com which you can find herehttp://www.trueachievements.com/Just-Cause-3/reviews.htm#c944706A quick summary:3.5/5Just Cause 3 is an exciting and well-paced adventure in a beautiful country beset by rebellion. When the bugs and framerate aren’t hampering your experience the game looks gorgeous and plays excellently. Combat is satisfying and movement across the map is faster than ever before. Where the game falls short is in its disappointing and annoying bugs, crashes and frustrating framerate drops, poor micro details, repetitive gameplay and uninteresting characters who you never feel any real connection to.The game offers more explosions than you can possibly need and an enormous,immersive map that should keep you busy for many days just don’t expect a deep and rigorously thought out story as this game does not offer that. It simply serves its purpose in allowing you to blow even more stuff up! Have fun!PROS- Beautiful setting and landscape- Refined gameplay and excellent mobility- Explosions have never looked so good- Di Ravello’s backstory makes for an awesome villainCONS- Severe frame rate issues, bugs and crashes- Missions quickly become repetitive- Micro graphics are poor- Generally weak story and characters
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My son loved it... Unfortunately I've not been allowed to play it. Ok, I've played it for a total of 5mins when he let me.-The graphics are really good - even the underwater scenes are almost realistic-You can drive a tonne of different vehicles including motorbikes, quad's, trucks, cars, helicopters, jets etc.-You have a flying suit - that with the grappling hook and parachute will allow you to pretty much soar over most of the courseOne thing I don't like is that you can use your grappling hook to impale someone, and then hang him from a building. that's a little gross. I know, you can shoot / run them over / make them explode, but that's a little beyond my comfort zone.Unfortunately (like the way most xbox games are going)you can't play this in 2 player mode. I used to like to play games together, but less and less titles are allowing you to do that now.As well, you also get "Just Cause 2" which we haven't tried yet - a nice little bonus that'll keep him going for a few more hours.He's played the game since Christmas (3 weeks now) and has just completed the game. Much better than other games that can be completed in one sitting (won't mention their name)Overall I'd totally recommend the game.
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pros/conspros: incredible graphics, especially on the vehicles, really exciting gameplay, exciting missions, incredible game physics, the realism in how bad guys fall to the ground whilst being shot is really realistic, the noise of the weapons and car engines especially the jet engine is really loud and far more satisfying than the gun and engine noises in gta 5, endless capabilities with the abilities given throughout the game, i managed to attach a missile launcher to a corvette warship which managed to destroy incoming helicopters. huge variety of vehicles including helicopters and military land vehicles.Cons: initial buffering issues with the graphics on vehicles,this problem only occurs at the begining of the game and soon rearely appears, frame rate drop if there is continues rappid activity in an intense firefight, game can be rather repetative after a very long time, some random glitches involving floating objects and lights, and there is no large passenger airliners like just cause 2, instead there is a massive cargo plane but I always wanted to fly a large passenger plane again.:(
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Buy when price goes to £40-£50 I got mine for £42This game is just shocking thought I would treat myself with the Christmas money I received after taking a huge dent to my wallet (spent loads on the family brilliant Christmas) I ordered this game and I thought hell one day delivery I have money left from my last order when I got it just installed in 30 mins and then I started yesterday and already have 15 hours down up most of the night playing this very addictive chaotic game also very comical this game is a huge recommend for casual and hardcore there is something that everyone will love about this game you don't need to play the first two just cause games (you get just cause 2 anyway)to understand what is going on your a badass character named Rico back to do exactly the same thing take down the dictator and cause mayhem cause why the F**K not. Buy this game if you wanna have fun
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It's a decent game. I'd already played the standard version of this game before without all the DLC's, and that was good. Since getting this gold edition I'd gotten distracted by other games, so I haven't played ALL the DLC's for this gold edition yet, but the ones I have played are good. Like the previous two JC games, it was very different from the last, but in a good way. Though, it has a few bugs. I've only come across a few bugs but apparently there's more and apparently the developers are known for it (so I've been told). One bug was in a forest, you could see the floor but it acted as if it wasn't there and I went straight through it to underneath the map.So apart from the odd bug,it's a decent game. It's one of those games where you don't NEED to play the previous games to understand what's happening story wise (and I know because I have all the Just Cause games)
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I'm about 25 hours in and I've only discovered about a 3rd of the map. This game is bloody huge! The graphics are stunning, the gameplay is ridiculous, over the top fun and the story is comical with some serious tones. I've not been this immersed in a game since The Witcher 3. I will support others by saying that, the load times are long. It's about a minute every time you die... But as for the initial load time... It's no different to GTA V. It's long, but it's such a huge game, you almost accept that fact and move on. If you want a serious, story impactful game... look elsewhere. If you wanna blow stuff up, fly jets into the enemy, liberate villages, drive/fly vehicles with nitrous,decimate everything with your grapple, wingsuit down mountains... Do yourself a favour, GET THIS GAME. You won't regret it. Viva La Revoucíon!!
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Just cause 3 is great......if you like an open world where the adventure is up to you!I planned on playing through the missions and then just freeplaying after. The world opens up right away and on route to missions i cant help stopping at various enemy bases to see what happens when i attach a soldier to an oil barrel and blow it up....or as i pass a cliff i wonder how fast i can wingsuit down then find a helicopter and fly back up....eill i ever get to finish the story? I dont know and i dont care.....the storyline is rubbish and the driving is a bit bad and the loading times are longer than i wish they were but none of that detracts from the fun you vcan have along the way!!!Dont take ittoo seriously and this game can make evenings fly by with its just one more try approach.
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Not a bad game at all. However it is a little buggy. The gameplay is a bit repetitive; you have to liberate lots of towns and settlements and the method is pretty much the same in each. Also the northern most area to liberate is mostly mountains and so is a little dull when it comes to travelling about before you have free fast travel about the area. Also the handling of the motorbikes is ridiculously poor!I admit it is good fun to fly about the place and find vehicles to drive, fly or sail. It is also quite satisfying to dive from a helicopter with your wing suit and pull the parachute cord at the last moment to land in the middle of a battle to complete the final objective to liberate an area.Overall,it is a good game but unlikely to be one I will return to over and over.
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As of late 2016 most of the issues people have complained about have been solved.There are a few underground areas where framerate drops during big explosions, but overground (the majority of the map) it's very smooth. Loading times are also very quick, which I don't tend to expect from open world games.The worst thing was the online sign in required to view other player's scores. It takes ages to sign in, disconnects frequently (which forces you to sign in again when you open the map) and can't be turned off. If this game didn't require any server connectivity it would be great.It's lucky the gameplay is so brilliant that the issues are mostly overshadowed.


Got this early from a pre order. Never played any of this series before. But it looked very good. Decent graphics, and excellent fun when I started to work out what you had to do. I don't think it matters if you have not played the series before, easy enough to pick up. It reminds me a great deal of the far cry games. One of the reasons I bought it. Any way I have done some driving picked up a few mods. Blown up plenty of huge fuel tanks, cars, walls. You name it if it is there blow it up. The only thing I am not to keen on are the loading screens can take a while. And there are quite a few cut Seens at the start of the game. But overall it is pretty good fun.

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