

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Juicy Couture Peace, Love & Juicy Couture Eau de Parfum reviews.
You can find all Juicy Couture Peace, Love & Juicy Couture Eau de Parfum reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Juicy Couture Peace, Love & Juicy Couture Eau de Parfum, 26 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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Amazon has 25 customer reviews and the average score is 3.9. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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First discoverEd in a large High Street store and NOT purchased as price was beyond budget. Browsed Amazon and there it was! Great to receive the 'complete' beautiful bottle with attractive/fun lovely beads, etc. Love the smell, just right for spring.


Really happy that I found the Juicy Couture Love and Peace Perfume here at such an affordable price! I previously bought it in the USA and ran out, so happy to have a big bottle of it now. The bottle is totally gorgeous!


The fragrance and the price tag!. What a gorgeous fresh scent.. Many compliments have come my way since using this fragrance.. If you've not tried it then make sure you do you won't be disappointed!


An amazing fragrance with a clean and uncommon scent. Not overpowering and the bottle is wonderfully unusual too. Would definitely recommend it


Just as I expected, smells quite nutty and earthy when first sprayed but after a min or two smells very feminine and sweet, bottle was huge:)


Bought as a Christmas present - recipient was pleased. Genuine perfume at a good price as bought when on offer.


This is a lovely fresh fragrance I always seem to go back to it and such a good price :)


Great fragrance and a very good price, really pleased with speed of delivery too.


Love juicy couture, always buy from amazon very reasonably priced x


Love this perfume, cannot beat the price from Amazon


Fast delivery and lovely item. No problems.


Lovely smelling perfume that lasts all day


The best smell in the world!!! Buy it!


Smells beautiful for wedding


Lovely perfume good price

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