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For Juicy Couture Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Bowdacious Eau de Parfum, 19 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.8.

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I like this perfume. It's a strong floral mix reminiscent of the Katy Perry 'Mad Potion' scent but stronger, fruitier and very much longer lasting, the sort of scent which will appeal to those who like pink florals including rose, jasmine, peony and similar blended with fruits and coconut. Immediately following application, it is quite strong so best sniffed after a few minutes when it's settled and the fruity-fragrant tones can be enjoyed without setting the nostrils tingling or being over-powering. It is then a very warm, pleasant, fruity floral scent which smells expensive, lingers lightly for most of the day and wouldn't require a top-up for at least 6-8 hours.I applied it mid-afternoon and could still detect it on my wrists the following day. It would also be suitable for day or evening wear and although fruity-florals tend to be associated with summer, this could be a favourite worn year-round.At its current price of £52/50ml it is more than I would normally pay for perfume but anyone considering the price must be aware that very little is required and it lasts so long once on the skin that it could work out very economic and offer good value in use.I was far less keen on its name, packaging and bottle however. At 15x10.5x7.5cm the box felt large and I didn't like all the pink foil printing. I also felt the bottle with its gold embellishments, large oversized garish pink bow plus four further bows looked tacky. However, I realise this is a matter of individual taste and personal preference and other reviewers like it so maybe I'm alone in my views. At 50+ I'm possibly not the target market for the package: I would very happily buy the perfume but I would want to hide the bottle which I feel cheapens the otherwise excellent and expensive-smelling perfume.In terms of star-rating - an easy 5 stars for this perfume which I can't stop myself from sniffing repeatedly. However, I really do dislike the bottle and rate this as 2-stars. Overall, because the product is more important than its packaging, the scent has to win, which it does, and is an easy 5-stars from my nose and skin.
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The packaging on this is pretty nice - you get a cellophane-wrapped, slightly embossed front with gold lettering on a pale pink background. I quite liked the take on 'Viva Las Vegas', but I can't say that I'm impressed with the scent.It is a very sweet floral that's perfect for summer, admittedly. I've smelt similar scents on 20-something colleagues, and tbh, I think that at 50 I'm the wrong age for this. It is quite cloying when you put it on, but it fades fast and stays faded. In the heat London is experiencing on 1 June 2019, I'd have expected the heat of my skin to intensify the scent (not that I wanted it to), but despite doing the hoovering and unpacking shopping and perspiring whilst doing so,I can only smell this if I bring my wrist up to my nose (I have washed my hands a couple of times, admittedly). It now smells very, very faintly of vanilla and Tahitian monoi, I think, but the strength is that of a hand cream or body lotion long applied.For the price, it's not worth it, despite the lovely (if in a way, also tacky) bottle. It will look nice on a dressing table, but it's not worth the current price of just over fifty quid for 50ml.
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My mum and sister assisted with this review, my mum loves this perfume. My mother loved the name Boudacious, associating it with the bow design of the presentation bottle/dispenser. The scent is one my mother likes a lot, however, she did wonder if it is a revival of the Viva La Juicy original which she owns and though the scent quite similar.The bottle was something that my mum thought was absolutely beautiful, we had expected the bow to be cloth but it is instead a glossy hard material and is very impressive. The bow continued in hard plastic round the base of the bottle and would look very impressive on any dressing table. The perfume is also boxed very nicely with 2D wording on the outside of the box the .The scent itself is a lovely subtle smell. It lasts a long time and is not overpowering. It is the kind of perfume that someone would walk past and think "that's lovely perfume".
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The irritating marketing hyperbole in the description would have stopped us buying this but, given the chance to review it, Mrs Gumby was more than happy to splash it on. And it seems she rather likes it.She isn’t over-keen on the silly name but the packaging is attractive and the atomiser bottle delightful. She likes the fragrance – light but lingering, and very feminine. It’s floral and perhaps coconutty but we didn’t detect the pear they mention.This isn’t her favourite perfume, especially at the price, but it would certainly make a lovely gift.


We really like this fragrance. It has a sweet flowery smell which lasts for a long time. Suitable for daily use or put on an extra spray for an evening out.The packaging is a bit disappointing as the stopper of the bottle and its associated bow is so large that it will not fit in a normal sized handbag so if you wanted to reapply you would need to decant it into a more normal sized bottle or pocket atomiser. Looks nice but isn't really practical.Overall it is a really nice smelling perfume let down by the size of the bottle.


My wife pretty much fell upon this and opened the box to try it...It's actually a rather nice smell although the alcohol 'carrier' needs to be allowed to evaporate for a couple of minutes.It comes in an attractive and pretty solid box with a cardboard inner so there's not much chance of a nasty accident in the post unless someone is exceedingly careless.Inside the cardboard package is a rather elegant, and pretty obviously collectable, atomiser bottle.All in all it's a nice package and would make a wonderful gift.


What a lovely perfume! I was a little wary of spraying at first, because my previous experience of Juicy perfume has been finding it quite heavy and crying. Not this one.It is light, sweet and fresh and fruity - a lovely scent for summer and for enjoying.I think the presentation os fabulous too - fun, pink, and very feminine....like the perfume.It lasts well...about 4 hours after the dry down....and suits any age really.I love this and would not hesitate to recommend it. Wow!


I can't describe perfume in the esoteric way that advertisers do, so let's just say that this has a fruity/flowery base that is very nice as an everyday scent. My wife loves the bottle and at first thought the big bow was made of material and not the solid plastic it actually is made from. It looks nice on her dressing table and she wears the scent every day to work.As an eau de parfum it lasts a lot longer than eau de toilette and was still noticeable several hours after spraying.


A fresh perfume of Italian mandarin, tiare flowers, coconut, pear, honeydew and tonka bean. The overall effect is a clean floral scent with citrus notes that are ever so slightly sweet. Subtle rather than overpowering. Attracts many compliments. The bottle is pretty - very Italian in design, with gold detail on the front and a pink bow on the top. All in all, an excellent perfume.


The bottle for this is rather large and fancy looking making it quite decorative and appealing as a present.The fragrance itself is sweet and lasted quite a long time. My partner is happy with it and has added it to her list of approved present perfumes.


My daughters favourite cheeky fragrance makes her stand out from the crowd and she is 13 so a bit more expensive that the other kids won’t copy her reminds me off sunny happy holidays


Smells great with a beautiful bottle

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