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When I first put this on my initial thoughts were that the missions were too short grahpics were good but, it was just an average shoot em up.I was wrong, after playing on I soon became envolved in the plot whilst at the same time I took emence pleasure in shooting down the bad guys.This game is all about action and entertainment, just like the films. throughout the missions, if your observant enough you'll notice different ways of approaching missions, either by stealth or the rather more bashfull approach.There are also driving missions, I won't spoil the surprise by describing them, all I will say you won't be dissapointed. The car handling isn't exactly World Rally Champ style,but it suits this game perfectly, fast, smooth, and packed with fire power.Graphics are excellent, the frame rate is smooth and very quick (as we should expect on a PS2).The longer you play the more challenging each mission becomes.One down point is that the single player mode only allows you to play missions (unless there is a game mode I haven't unlocked yet)the multi play is good, but it is restricted to a minimum two human players, you can't play the computer.Which is good if all your mates love games, but mine don't so I was a little dissapointed.The replay value is quite low, once all missions are completed your not left with much. You just go through the game again with your various power ups earn't from the first trip throughOver all this is a good entertaining game that has been well put together. I'd rent before you buy if possible, but if you know you want an action game that is a non stopn adrenaline rush with no silly minor faults, this is the one.This isn't a PS2 clasic but it is one of the best in its genre, a very good game indeed.
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Agent Under Fire was one of the two games I got with my PS2 on Christmas Day 2001 (that other game was Gran Turismo 3) and being a Bond fan, this was obviously the game I played the most.Upon playing it I loved the then next-gen graphics and the style of gameplay. Part FPS, part on-rails shooting and part driving. I also loved the fact that this was an original story and for once Bond had a female lead villain (alright I know he did in TWINE but it isn't so obvious because the lead villains were more of a joined team).I loved the fact that you could get bonus points for doing certain things in the game that only Bond would think of,making you truly feel like your the man himself.What I wasn't so impressed about was the fact that if you got bored with the one player main story, you couldn't have any real fun on multiplayer because you couldn't select bots on the PS2 version (but later could so on the Xbox and Gamecube ones!), also although there is a fair amout of unlockable content in the game, most of it is dead easy to get wheras the others are impossbily hard to.Also, once you've unlocked certain upgrades for your weapons (like gold pp7) the guns come out in that colour which is nice but it would've also been nice to have the oppotunity to turn them back to their original style should you want to.Other than that it is worth adding to your collection if you're a fan. ****.
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Like James Bond himself, this game is gorgeous looking and fantastically smooth. The graphics are nearly faultless, with no glitches in sight. The enemy AI is very good, as they don't just stand around waiting to be shot by you. There are about 20 different types of weapons, as well as numerous gadgets which are all enjoyable to use. The missions can be a little linear sometimes and YES the game is easy to finish if you only play it on the easy level - but I guarantee you've missed loads of those special 'Bond' tricks. But the real enjoyment of this title comes from playing this game on the double-hard 'AGENT' level, whilst also trying to achieve GOLD and PLATINUM rewards which open plenty of extras.All in all,this game has a very real 'Bond' feel to it, especially during the car chases when you're flying through the air!!!!If your the type of gamer who like to complete a game as quickly as possible then never touches the game again, then this game isn't for you. On the other hand, if you like to set yourself a challenge and try and beat your best score time and time again, then 'James Bond - Agent Under Fire' is a very worthy addition to your games collection.
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Agent Under Fire is a superb Bond game (and we've waited a while). It has the weapons (sadly with made-up names for some reason), the gadgets, the cars, the girls, and thank God some cheesy Bond wisecracks as well.The developers have even gone to the trouble of inventing their own plot, which although not very original, is suitably Bond-esque and at least gives them free reign so they don't have to fit in with a movie.The action switches between first person shooting, on-rails shooting and driving, all of which are suprisingly good. There are 'Bond moves' (shooting crane ropes to drop crates on henchmen, etc.) that trigger the old Bond theme and get you bonus points. Working these out adds a lot to the game,as higher scores unlock better weapons, multiplayer maps, etc.Agent Under Fire is a great game and a wonderful Bond experience, even the control is good by PS2 FPS standards, but sadly it has one major problem - the single player game is too short!! You are left wanting more but all you have is too replay the missions to try to get better scores, which has limited attraction.But still, a great addition to any PS2 games collection.
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Some people have knocked this game because it is not a "vintage" Bond game (ie, that it is not based on a film). However, I think this adds to the enjoyment of the game. With no previous plot to follow, this game can go and do whatever it wants.Another huge plus about this game is its variety. Gone are the bond games that are only shoot-em-ups. In this game, you get shoot em up levels, you can drive in bonds BMW, and you can look around and shoot whilst riding in cars.Another leap forward is the AI. They will now hide around the corner to reload and will dodge a sniper laser (you have to do this as well, when they have the sniper rifles!) They will sound the alarm if they see you after you shoot someone,but they will not if you can hide fast enough.If you get bored with the missions, there is still an excellant split screen multiplayer. And with trip mines, rocket launchers, proton launcers, and zero gravity mode, this mode is no end of fun.Buy this game for your PS2. You wont regret it.
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I recently recieved this game and after tearing off the packaging with expectation i was quietly pleased! i played through the game the first time finding the graphics and attention to detail amazing, but also that the variety of weaponary was good aswell. Although it was going well i found that i could achieve most of the set points targets for each level quite easy so i set the difficulty to 00agent. This proved more of a challenge but i still find myself easily completing the levels which to be honest is dissapointing from a game with so much hype! Im not saying its a bad game but its not what i expected and it certainly isnt no goldeneye even though the multiplayer is quite entertaining.Overall i think this is a game for first time first person shooters or james bond fanatics but personally to me it aint anything special despite what anyone may tell you! But dont take my judgement i would rather you rented the game and experienced the "new james bond game" yourself!
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At last a new chance to be Bond! Agent Under Fire is a great game, although in places it feels a too much like Goldeneye, which isn't always a bad thing. The car driving aspect has to be one of the best aspects of the games offering a complete change to experience. As for the storyline it is very bond like and is very well portrayed. One draw back is the seperate missions, many players by now will be used to the Half-Life and Red Faction system of rolling it all into one massive level of sorts, this is one small disapointment as some of the levels can be a little small and restricting. As for the multiplayer its is really good, the days of getting your mates together just to play goldeneye are back only this time with Agent Under Fire.All in all Agent Under Fire is a very highly polished game, with good graphics and storyline with a very enjoyable multiplayer, the only small draw back is the mission based single player
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If you liked Goldeneye for the N64 you will love the newest in the james bond games.The graphics for this PS2 game are absolutely amazing, not only a addictive game but good for the whole family.A perfect christmas present.This Game is a combo of games in one if you have played spyhunter you will like this as you get to drive the Z8 with attached machine guns, rockets and missiles, not only that it is also like goldeneye with the unbeatable shoot-em up style of kick ass missions and two player combat to die for.You also get to drive a tank which you just batter everyone in sight.Not only can you go out guns blazing but you can also be a sneaky sniper or even creeping round levels help.One hintdont let the alarms go off.My rating is 5/5 but if there would be a rating better it would even be better than that!Gameplay for months to come!
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I brought this game on PS2 because i like Bond and i first played it on Gamecube and really enjoyed playing it.This is my favourite Bond too.It has really good graphics and great sound effects.On some of the missions you can either play stealth or go in guns blazing, both are fun ways to play. There are lots of different weapons gadgets that are pretty cool and have some really good sounds when they are set off.The missions get harder and thrilling/exciting throughout the game. You can even play multi-player, so my brother can play and my dad too. But it is only 2 player unfortunately.i recommend this game to Bond fans and people who like shooting games.Good price, fast dispatch and delivery...Thanks
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Having played Goldeneye on the N64, I was expecting this game to be a slight improvement, but it wasn't - it was a huge one. There is a vast selection of missions which get more and more difficult at the right pace. The gameplay is excellent and hints from 'R' or 'M' in your ear help you discover how to carry out tasks quickly, removing potential frustration suffered on continual trial and error tactics, so you can get on with the more interesting stuff. The atmosphere and graphics are great and even Bond's cheesy lines and permanently cool expression add to the involvement. Great escapism and hopelessly addictive!


Out of all of the James Bond games that have come out on computer consoles, from Goldeneye to Tomorrow never dies, this game in my opinion is "top of the pile". The reason for this is because the graphics and Gameplay make the game a real treat, however when it comes to depth, the game suffers a lot. Mainly bacause only 12 levels are avaliable, and if this was improved it would make this game overall a blast. With the aid of new and improved state-of-the-art gadgets, an excellent selection of weapons and finally not forgetting the Bond Mobiles this game will keep you busy and excited for hours on end.


Basicly you've got an FPS that only lives up to the hype graphix wyse. Sure the gameplays pretty good but the the controls are maybe just a little too hard to master straight away, after a while you click and suddenly it's all so simple!The one major leap is the multiplayer mode; in which instead of the types of weaponry you want, you get to pick the actual weapons.(which gives you much more control over your mates!)However the hard core 007 fans may be dissapointed with the lack of style that goldeneye had. But however you've still got yourself a pretty good game....


This one kind of snuck up on us as there wasn't a great deal of hype before it's release. But upon playing for the first time I realised how good it is. The clever extra tasks and secrets in each of the levels makes the game that bit more interesting. It's relatively easy to get the hang of and the cut scenes are typicaly Bond, sexcist but yet funny. There are some little niggles like the multiplayer not being brilliant but hey it's a great one player experiance. Buy it! also I recommend world rally championship and GTA3


When i first started the game i was impressed by the amount of guns, weapons and equipment. But after trying out the levels i just flew through in no time, the levels get a bit boring. some of the car bits are fun but you wont want to repeat them too often. The 2 player is quite fun though. Many guns maps and hideouts makes this a bond fan must buy for christmas. Still a very good game. Maybe suited for younger ones. thank you. please vote for me it would mean a lot to me.


Bonds back again and better than ever. This is amazing. The makers have actually made up a new believable storyline. The missions are exotic and intresting, from a Hong Kong building to a stolen Royal Navy aircraft carrier. The graphics are almost life like and the gameplay is brilliant. There is a countless amount of guns from sniper rifle to assault rifle. A must for anybody who likes action games or bond.

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