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For Iris Ohyama 106301, 421 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.4.

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Malcolm (the cat) is still not sure about his new litter tray. He has never before had a high sided one and he is 14 now so he keeps looking at it like it's going to murder him. However, he did venture in to the unit yesterday after it being in place 2 days and actually use it so it looks like he is reaching acceptance.One of the most important things for me about this unit was he is a scratcher and we seem to spend about 3 hours a day with a dustpan and brush sweeping up discarded cat litter from the floor and pouring it back into the tray. When he used it yesterday there was still a little thrown out (because he was scratching in the direction of the access point)but nowhere near as much as he usually throws out so that's a win. However, what I didn't think about was the impact of the high sides and the inevitable cat diarrhoea he gets on a regular basis (he has a tendency to eat anything he finds outside with disastrous gastroenterological consequences - the vet has assured us he is healthy and not to worry unless a bout lasts for more than a couple of days). Yeah, I can see me doing a lot of arms length washing of the white plastic sides.I also didn't consider how we would go on with the litter changing. We use the litter that comes in a little pack that folds out in to a tray liner and then you just pull the whole thing out, tie it up and bag for the bin - nice and easy. Fortunately if you take the sides off, and put the bag/liner in place the handle section easily clears the tabbed section the secures the top and bottom together so you can still make it nice and secure, it just looks a little weird with the blue liner poking out between the top and the bottom but I'll take it.Overall I'm quite pleased with this one but I have to admit that white top may end up being discarded if Malcolm doesn't settle to using it in the next few days (it's December and I feel sorry for him keep going outside for his business). Also, the cleaning it is going to need on a daily basis may become onerous but we shall wait and see.
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Over the years I've had quite a few cat litter trays, from the basic simple trays to the fully enclosed boxes, small ones, large ones, you name it. However they all have their drawbacks.The simple ones cause spillage when your little furry friends do their business, meaning you need a mat or something around the tray and you are constantly cleaning up the fallout.The enclosed boxes have their own issues, they of course keep the spillage down to a minimum, but they instead result in 'splashback' on the sides of the enclosure. Besides this you also find some of our furry friends simply will not use them, whether they associate them with cat transport boxes or simply don't like enclosed spaces I don't know.But they will not use them.Which brings us to this new design which is a sort of hybrid. Basically you have your open tray with a raised border provided by the open topped lid. This has the effect of blocking the overspill that you get with a simple tray, but as the top is easily removed it is also easy to clean if it suffers splashback. You also find you favourite little furry friends seem more happy using this than an enclosed tray as it has an open top so it is nice and airy for them.You also have provided a special scoop that allows you to clean the litter by scooping out solid waste or litter and allowing the still useable litter to filter through. This reduces the amount of cat litter that you get through over a period.Finally in terms of size it is at least in my opinion just about right, it is big enough for the bigger furry guys, but at the same time not so big that it takes up a huge space in your chosen room.Overall I think this litter tray is good value when you take into consideration all the positive design features - recommended.
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We had a fully covered litter tray with a swing door for our cat but the amount of noise he would make kicking the side of it while he covered his business could be heard all around the house...and boy did he bury it for a long time, he doesn't seem to spend as long banging the sides of this tray. This one is so much quieter, I guess the old box acted like a sound amplifier.Strangely for some reason we don't seem to get as much litter scattered around the tray with this one I assume the curved upper edge helps with this somewhat, we use the paper pellet style stuff and even with the old box we would still get it scattered outside the box but no where near as much with this … maybe because hedoesn't spend as long inside.It's easy enough to clean and come with a scoop that can be attached to the side which we tried but then found it had been knocked off (probably). He's a biggish cat is Charlie and this box suits him fine it's just the right size - he likes it for sure and there was no problems with him transferring across to this new open style. Ha! Sometimes if I go in the utility room when he is using it he has that embarrassed look on his face and tries to ignore me and look off into the distance, so I do too and pretend I've seen nothing.So it's a success for all the parties involved, quieter and less messy than the previous box and he gets to look around while on the lavvy!
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Unfortunately, I have an elderly 'vertical, high peeing' cat and was getting sick fed up of lining my walls with puppy pads. This is the highest sided tray I could find.It's not perfect however as it's a little small length wise (my cat's about 4kg) but she doesn't find this a problem.The urine does leak out of the join as well. Having read previous reviews, I sealed the join on the inside with brown parcel tape (I tried on the outside and it still leaks). This works brilliantly. The only downside is that I personally like to change the parcel tape once a week as it starts to smell a little.I did consider using sealant but had concerns about the smell over time and the colour it would go (likening this to seal around a bath etc).Anyway,changing the parcel tape is a lot easier than replacing puppy pads every day (I used to sellotape them to the wall). So far it's completely solved the problem.The only other slight issue is the design at the back of the tray - it's indented which can make it difficult to get the used litter out (I use clumping).Overall it has made a massive difference and I now no longer have any accidents to clean up. She did pee out of the front of the tray once but I always double up puppy pads there anyway.Good tray but I wish the joints were sealed
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I got this primarily because I've wanted a high topped litter tray for ages to make a digging box for my lovely mini lop rabbit, who is a house bunny. You could also use it as a litter tray too, but the high walls are perfect for an attempt at stopping mess!We got some top soil and dried it out for a little while and popped it in the litter tray about half way. It comes with a really handy little line-holed scoop, so it's easy to turf up the dirt, and we added some herbs on top and mixed in some treats. Unfortunately my bun isn't digging in there much, but so far it is preventing mess on all sides and he finds it easy to hop in and out of it!If it doesn't end up being a huge hit with him we can use it as a house (turn it upside down)or you could easily use it as a litter tray too. We use recycled paper litter pellets and line the bottom with newspaper, but our rabbit needs trays with holes in to stop him from eating the litter!All in all I'd highly recommend it for my weird purpose for bunny fun! It's a big thing using cat litter trays as diggy boxes in the rabbit community as they're the perfect size for them. The high edges make this really suitable.
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I got this cat litter box to replace the large but open tray I had been using, the tray I was using did the job but I was constantly having to sweep up litter they kicked out so I hoped this higher sided one would solve that problem.When the litter tray arrives it is in 2 parts and you have to snap the white wall onto the base but this is a simple job.The litter tray also comes with matching shovel which all cat owners know is needed to remove poops ( or clumped litter if that is type you use) I like how the shovel hangs inside the box.My cat accepted instantly (in fact I went to take picture after filled with litter but when I got back with camera she was in there doing business and laying claim to litter box lol.She is a cat the digs and covers for ages (my husband often joked trying dig way out) and this usually ends up with floor covered in litter but the high walls prevented this totally.The opening is large enough for you to reach in and spot clean.My cat is happy and I’m a happy owner.I think price is right when you consider my open slightly smaller tray and separate shovel were only few pounds less.Great product.Recomended
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This stylish cat litter tray is made from sturdy plastic and designed with an open top lid so that it is easy to remove any surface solid matter. The lid is designed so that the cat can easily step into the litter tray while three sides of the lid allow privacy. The lid is easy to remove so that the litter can be replaced. Having the sides of the lid also cuts down on the flick of cat litter when the cat is scratching around, so that is a bonus especially for me as I mix grit with pellets.When I received the litter tray, I attached the lid and left the tray in my lounge so that my two cats got used to it. They jumped in and out of it, as well as sat in the tray. Once they were familiar with the tray,I mixed the grit and pellets in the bottom of the tray and added a little previously soiled litter so that they knew they could use the tray for their toilet. They are very content with it.The scoop which comes with the tray is easily clipped to the side of the lid and this makes ideal storage. Overall, very pleased with this litter tray and the old split tray, which was many years old, has now been discarded.
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I got this box as my two needed a new litter box and I thought the bigger of my two cats might prefer something more open, as he avoids the litter box with door in favour of the one missing a door - I was right, my boy loved having a little more room to manoeuvre himself while doing his business, but I'm not as keen on his poop being on display!I found it tricky to get the top to fasten on correctly, and although I loved being able to put the scoop on the side of the litter box it still sometimes took some work to get it hooked-on correctly. The lid wasn't great quality but for the price he base of the litter box is good and the base of the litter box is really good size wise as well as for quality.I think this is a good alternative to a standard litter tray,the height of the tray is really deep so helps prevent litter (or worse) getting all over the place, so even if your cats prefer an open litter box just pop off the top of this one and you've still got a good quality deep litter box to keep everything where it should be.
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Warning this tray may appear smaller than it is due to the size of my cat. He's a big boy and weighs in at 12kg. The other cats are 5kg and they have plenty of space.Picked this up as I have 5 cats, one of which is an old man and another has 3 legs. I wanted to try this as we have a few trays without lids on and the litter goes everywhere. This seems like the perfect solution.It comes disassembled but takes about 1 minute to construct.There is an included scoop (which I didn't expect) so bonus here.The sides seem high enough so that no litter can be flicked out and it provides easy access to clean.My two cats who need easy access are using it without a problem and I'm thinking about replacingall of the trays with these due to easy access for all.They are easy to clean also as the top section pops off with a light pull and then it's like a normal base of any tray.Overall A good product, which allows less mobile cats to get in and out.
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Nicely made, smooth and easy to clean. The high sides work really well at stopping overspray, which even with our female very fastidious cat, is sometimes unavoidable. I'm going to guess that the sides also offer the cat a degree of privacy and there's plenty of room for our 4.6kg adult female.In the end, I bought a 2nd identical tray and drilled a grid of 1/4" (6mm) holes on approx a 1 inch grid, in the base of one tray. They stack inside each other very nicely and the inner drilled tray I fill with compressed pine pellets. Every 3 days or so, I use the poop scoop to rake the sawdust through the holes and then empty the bottom tray (1" bits of wood are used to space the drilled tray a bit higher for this bit as they naturally sit close in normal stacking).Overall,that leads to a lot less waste as only the used pine litter falls through as sawdust and the rest remains to be used again and topped up with fresh.
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First of all I want to tell you that I did not purchase this product but it was sent to me by Amazon in return for an unbiased and honest review.Litter tray is strong and well made and a nice unobtrusive beige colour but the high sides are white so easy to see if they are dirty.My little Bessie loved this litter tray, she’s only tiny and this Is bigger than the tray she has had previously but she seemed to like having room - she is a digger, digs before and after!The high sides of this did prevent a lot of flying litter although it can still fly out of the entrance a bit, but I don’t put much litter in as I prefer to keep changing it.You still get a bit of mess too as the litter sticks to their paws.If you have a really big cat (I used to have two huge cats) this wouldn’t be big enough.Can highly recommend if you have a small or average size kitty!
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This item is extremely good value and a perfect tray for cat litter. It’s wonderful. We highly recommend it! HOWEVER the delivery process was torture as we had an extremely prolonged wait whilst it was first quickly and successfully dispatched on its way to us but was then re-routed via Tilbury Docks in the UK to Barcelona and then to another Spanish city,Sabadell before heading back to Tilbury! Off to Mouscron in Belgium, back to the UK and then on to Rochester ( still miles and miles away from us)before we gave up waiting as we discovered we could order a another from the same supplier for delivery the next day! And believe me we desperately needed it for our new cat!So buy it by all means but keep watch!PS: we cancelled this first order the second was great. On time and perfect. Just thought you’d all enjoy a laugh...
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My elderly cat was always an outdoors puss and did her ablutions in the garden. But after a couple of accidents I decided to get her a tray and, fingers crossed, no more accidents. The first tray from the supermarket was useless, far too shallow and there was so much mess outside the box. A bigger one from Amazon wasn't much better, still loads of litter outside the tray and she often peed over the side, ruining our wood floor. Then I discovered this one and its fabulous. No more peeing over the side and no leakage where the two pieces join either. There is a little litter spillage where she gets in and out but nothing like before. I also love the scoop which hangs neatly on the inside of the box but doesn't impede or bother puss at all.It's also easy to clean with antibacterial wipes.
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My little brat didn't waste anytime exploring to the point it got annoying and she started batting me away so i assume she liked it, is decent size so deffinetly will be comfortable for a bigger cat, probably would need a step to help kittens into it, easy to assemble i mean it litterally takes two seconds and then scoop included is niceThe thing is she seems to not actually use it for litter she just sits in it and uses the one she already has, which has a door so maybe she likes her privacy and to be honest i prefer the one with the door cleaning that is more effort then this one would be but atleast its not out in the open untill we go to clean it just personal preferenceIm going to get hera cushion and make it a sort of den for her so its not gone to waste
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Our two male cats (Aussie and Floyd) seem to like throwing the litter out of the tray at the first opportunity, they are both large cats (6.7kg and 8.7kg respectfully) and had a large rimmed litter tray before this one, we have the tray in the kitchen on a laminate floor and use a paper based litter that used to get throw all around the kitchen floor, so anything to stop or just reduce the expelled litter would be good.This tray from IRIS comes in two parts which simply clip together, it is a smaller tray than we would normally have for our two boys but they seem to like it and the litter outside the tray has reduced considerably.The tray stays very clean and you simply unclip the top half ofthe tray to dispose of the used litter.Excellent product.
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