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Like a younger lover, this pan is initially pretty to look at and will enchant you, but the more acquainted you get, the more you'll realise looks looks rapidly fade and this relationship is doomed to end in despair and resentment.Looks wise, this is an attractive addition to any hob. In terms of function, it's all downhill from there I'm afraid.So let's examine the cooking attributes of this pot. Firstly, the inside of this artisan pan is the opposite of non-stick. Potatoes - exceptional adhesion; noodles and this pan - a better union than Liz and Phil. Every day is a long soak with lashings of elbow grease with a Sarpaneva.One of the most unique features of the Sarpaneva pan is the exceptional ability to spit cooking liquid over a 20-60cm radius of the pot.The donut of spritz is as uniform as it is unparalleled. In this category, I can confidently say it is unbeaten. Slip the lid on and as the cooking vapours reach the lip, they bubble up and spit across an almost perfect torus covering every square centimetre of your hob. Play a soothing sound track and you've got yourself THE anti-ASMR video (followed by 45 minutes of degreasing, obvs).Manoeuvrability: Need to move the pot off the hob? No problem! Just slip on your Kevlar gauntlets (both hands- no one-handed moving for this daddy) and you'll avoid the hot metal. Le Creuset manage a heat proof knob when you need to remove the lid but that's just for wimps. Who doesn't need a burn risk to sharpen the mind when cooking sprouts?Now for the final distinctive feature of this pot. Not only does it looks great, stick like s**t to a blanket, pose a life changing burn risk and cover your kitchen in grease; you'll also be delighted to find out that cleaning this objet d'art will result in damage to your enamel. The base is distinctive in that it rusts in the vicinity of the mearest hint of H2O and so placing in the sink for any period of time will result in a "Sarpaneva Kochtopf , 2019" ring that, as yet, copious amounts of Cif have yet to remove.In summary, if you're a snowflake, this is not the pot for you. If you prefer an ass to an Aston Martin, a mangle to a Miele and an ink-well to an iPad then this is the kind of post-brexit fun you've been waiting for. For the rest of us, heed my advice and avoid buying with your eyes rather than your head. One further note to the wise: avoid buying this pot along with its smaller sister (the one with the wooden handle) It's complete family of high maintenance fun.
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