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For Hoya Pro ND 1000 67mm, 115 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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Recently taken delivery of this. On a 700d crop sensor camera I can use the filter on a 77mm thread canon 24-70 and (with a 77-67mm adapter ring) a 67mm thread canon 10-18mm stm lens without any vignetting / obstruction at all. I'm sure other lenses will be the same. The ability to use the filter with the 10-18mm stm lens really surprised me as 67mm filters screwed direct to the lens are visible in shot at the 10mm end and vignette to varying degrees at the narrower angles.I've had a good look at the images today and the shift in colour balance (when using Auto White Balance) is minimal to negligible (in the conditions the camera appeared to render slight inconsistent /different results in AWB mode whether the filter was fitted or not and so this may have been due to the camera and conditions). When selecting the White Balance either on a custom or one of the presets (I used Cloudy and direct sunlight) the difference in colour shift with / without the filter was negligible if noticeable at all. This was backed up by the camera's RGB histograms when reviewing the images.Also, reviewing the images at 100% zoom there was neglible, if any, change in sharpness in the images with / without the filter that I could see.In the conditions tested I would say use of the filter resulted in a difference of between 11 to 12 stops according to my 700d depending upon the composition of each shot.I still have concerns over the longevity of the surface treatment on the lens given other reviews I've read however for now I'm going to give it five stars. Having used other ND filters of varying qualities I'm v. happy with this thus far and would recommend buying it.
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Bought this filter for landscape photography for long exposures of moving water. Allows for slower shutter speed to capture movement, say in a situation where normally you would need a shutter speed of a 60th of a second this filter would allow you to open the shutter for a full second. Obviously you need a tripod or solid surface to place camera on also to prevent blurring of image.Also would allow you to use a larger aperture and get a shallower depth of fieldThe digital multi-coating is supposed to reduce the appearance of lens flare and ghosting.I find this is enough to capture the movement and when taking photos at sunset when light levels were lower I was able to open the shutter for 45 seconds or so using this filter.In bright midday daylight however it's not quite strong enough for that and if you want really long exposure times in bright light I would suggest getting a stronger filter.However as a multipurpose filter this one is perfect and can be used in a variety of situations, ideal if you don't want to go shelling out for a full range of filters
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First ND filter that I ever bought and I'm glad I did. Gives lovely results and is cheaper than the 100x100mm square filters.PROS- Relatively good value for money- Good quality- Case that it comes in does a good job of protecting the filter and is nice and small.CONS- It is quite wide and although it can be used with other filters I have experienced some vignetting when stacking up.- Not great if you want to use it with lots of different lenses with different filter thread diametersAll in all I would recommend buying this if you are just starting out with long exposures and don't think you'll be using many other filters.If you think you are going to be using ND grads and polarisers I would consider looking at the likes of NiSi's or Formatt Hi-Techs square filter systems.
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This is an excellent product, its very well made. It doesn't seem to affect sharpness, but its benefits in allowing longer exposures in bright light and ultra long exposures at say, just after the sun has dipped below the horizon, are fantastic. If you use a ND Grad set up with an adapter and holder, I'd not recommend it, rather get a slide in ND filter that is compatible with your filter holder. The filter is rather thick so it means your ND Grad kit sits quite far forward which means the filter holder can intrude into the edges of the image, depending on how wide your lens is.The image attached is a 5 minute exposure using this ND 1000 filter.


Great filter and worth every penny. Unlike other 10 stop neutral density filters, this one does not leave a colour cast. Experienced hands will know this but for those who are trying this for the first time, you will need an exposure chart to work out how long you need to open the shutter for. You will need to take a reading with your camera's meter and then reference the chart which tells you how long to expose it for. You then set this up on your camera using the manual settings option and hey presto! Some experimentation may be necessary to get it just right for your particular camera but as I have said, it produces great results.


I tend to buy B+W filters as the cameras I own generally have high end lenses and I don't think it's sensible to skimp on the quality of glass you put in front of those lenses. That said, an ND filter of this type for me is for an occasional bit of long exposure fun so I thought I would go with a slightly more affordable filter as I will only use it occasionally for non-professional reasons.That said, the few pictures i've taken with it have been impressive and for no reason that I can think of do I feel that it's a hinderance in any way. It's well made and the image quality is excellent.


I've had this filter for over 2 months now and has become extremely useful these past few months, it has allowed me to get pictures I would have never been able to have created. It allows me to become creative with my shots, especially in day time when long exposures of 20sec would have never have been possible. It made my trip to the alps all the better, and continues to be a gem in my kit bag. It also works extremely well with my Panasonic GX7 M4/3 camera as in good light, it is still able to meter through it.


It is not as dark as I thought it would be so I bought an ND32 as well which I sometimes use together with it to make an equivalent ND8. For relatively long exposure silky smooth sea water shots even both these together are not enough where an ND500 (9 stop) would be more suitable enabling you to slow down from 1/125 time to 4s. It all depends on what you want to photograph as to what strength ND filter you want. One grade will not do everything so you either want more than one or a variable ND filter.


Highly recommended.I spent a good while researching ND filters before I bought this one as the prices and performance are variable to say the least. I went with Hoya as they get good reviews for being colour neutral (important as I don't want to be fighting weird WB issues) and they're a well respected brand that I've used for years. I've used mine dozens of times on my Samyang 12mm f2 with fantastic results - just what I wanted and perfect results.


I use ND filters quite a lot and have head several brands. Almost all of them start to introduce a heavy colour cast as soon as you use more than four or five stops of filtering, whether that's a single filter or a couple of them stacked. It's therefore a delight to be using the Hoya ND64 (six stops) and finding that I am not getting any noticeable colour cast. Not much more to say, just that I will be getting the ten stop Hoya filter at some stage.


I have purchased some cheap neutral density filters in the past and been really disappointed with them. It seemed that with the cheaper ones as soon as I bought higher than about ND 8 the photos had a very strong red cast to them. Not so with these filters which are to my eye truly neutral. With this filter I am able to use some really long exposures and create some really nice photos capturing the very natural colours of the scene.Very pleased.


Purchased the ND as I'l more interested in pushing the long exposures, rather than just small 1-3 stops. As expected the product is excellent quality. Its a little warm on the colour temp, but actually fine for what I personally like.I've not had much time on the filter, but the shots taken have been sharp and no issues with it.Frankly for the price, great bit of kit for daylight long exposures.


I will start of by saying I am a total beginner to photography. I have been using this filter on my Nikon D3300 and have found it to be good when used in lower light conditions.I found some issues when using it during daylight, that there is a heavy magenta tint to the photos. Unfortunately I didn’t save any of them to attach here. For this I have given the filter 4 stars.


Used this a few times and results are pretty good with no major colour casting. I have no way of knowing whether it is a full 10 stop or not. Interestingly, it is often said that a 10 stop is so dark you cannot see anything when the filter is attached. For me and using it on my Fuji XT1 I am able to use Live View which greatly simplifies the process.


Excellent ND filter that really works wonders for long exposure.No colour cast on the images and there was no reduction in image quality.Easily screws on to the front of the lens. I noticed no vingeting on my 18-55mm fujinon.Be careful with the glass itself. the coating on it means finger prints smudge easily and are really hard to remove.

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