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For Hoya HD Pol Cir, 102 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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I bought this polarising filter in mid-June after reading a review of polarising filters in "Advanced Photographer", in which it was awarded "Best in Test", but was rather expensive. It was a pleasant surprise to find it available from Amazon at just over 1/3rd of the usual price.I have now used it for about 6 weeks and I am very pleased indeed with it's performance. It works really well darkening blue skies, improving contrast between clouds and sky, and brightening the landscape generally. It has improved my landscapes considerably. It reduces reflections in water quite well, but did not remove reflections in images that I took in an aquarium,although perhaps this was too much to ask.It is very easy to use and is so thin and transparent that I hardly noticed it on the camera, it certainly did not reduce exposure by any noticeable degree. The front, rotating element of the filter has an arrow marked on it which made it very easy to reset to a standard position between shots. This feature made it quick to set for different photographs, with different lighting. It was also very easy to keep clean over a longish period of use, even greasy finger marks and damp spots came off easily. One very small niggle is that the back filter element is so thin that to remove the filter from the camera I had to hold the front of the lens very firmly indeed to start the filter's screw turning.In summary, I can thoroughly recommend this polariser.
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You want a circular polarizing filter. This kind of filter removes a lot of reflections, softens the hard midday light in your photos and improves contrast. It makes colors pop especially the blue sky will suddenly look gorgeous but it will also make grass and leafes look greener and more "juicy". When shooting pictures of water, fx the ocean, the surface will suddenly be transparent instead of a shiny blank surface, and you will be able to see either whats below the surface or a beautiful deep blue color. Picture of any item with reflections from light can be magically improved, as it removes the reflections in many cases.Be advised though, it does reduce the amount of light that reaches the sensor in the camera,so you should remove the filter in low light situations and if you need to take pictures of moving objects (sports, kids). Not a great filter for street photography early or late in the daye but fabolous for holidays.This particular filter from Hoya I have mounted on a 35mm Nikon prime lens, it is a normally sized filter (not thin) that works as advertized.I you havent seen a circular polarizer in action, you should buy or borrow one. Chances are, you will keep it and love it.
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Having read loads of reviews on various websites I finally decided on this model of polarising filter. Although relatively expensive it is likely to be used a lot - in fact as most of my work is outdoors it is attached almost permanently to the lens, to be removed if NOT required, rather than an 'extra' added if required. Of course the amount of 'effect' can be adjusted by simply rotating the filter, using the white arrow marker on the edge as a guide. It is thin and light enough to be unobtrusive, with no noticeable vignetting. It is claimed to be dirt and scratch resistant, although I have not tested this! The main plus points are that it can provide the right amount of effect (not 'over the top'artificial-looking results) with minimal reduction in light transmission, which means you do not have to reduce the shutter speed too much, and so far I have not noticed any colour cast which some PL filters seem to add. Used with a Canon EOS 7D with 15-85 lens.
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Any serious photographer needs a polariser filter to get rid of unwanted reflections, improved colour, super cloud scapes & so on. In certain situations, it can replace a neutral density filter too. For those of you that done't know, get a UV filter too which you can leave on your lens all the time. This Hoya filter is top of the range but was at a bargain price. Performance is top class, very thin & light & much more durable than cheaper filters. It always pays to buy the best filters if you can afford them. Remember, you don't need to buy filters for every lens ou won. Just buy for your largest diameter & then buy step down rings. Saves a fortune. Anyway, for this polariser,it's a no brainer if you can get one at the price I paid!
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Having used the traditional dark polars for years, this is a revelation - very reduced inherent darkening. The clarity is exceptional too and the reflection removal from shiny objects seems superior (near 100%) to previous Hoya polars I have used. I use these a lot and this increase in light transmission is going to enable greater DoF or faster shutter or reduced ISO - all will give me a greater chance of a perfect shot.One really odd thing though - for years the way to prove a polarising filer or glasses was doing its job was to cross then at 90 degrees - if they are polar, they go black. These don't do this - they darken a little, but not that much.Does anyone know why?Expensive of course.
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Every photographer should have a circular polariser - they're an incredibly useful asset to keep in your kit bag. Use them to improve the appearance of blue skies, bring out the texture in clouds, reduce unwanted reflections from water, or even just as an ND filter at a push.If you're using decent lenses, it's worth spending a little extra on your polariser - a cheap filter won't do your image quality any favours; I've yet to find any loss in IQ with the high-end Hoya filters. There are probably better filters: the B+W filters have an excellent reputation, but they're often close to £150 for larger front element diameters. The Hoya range offer a good balance between performance and price.


OK, before I say how brilliant this polariser is we need to clarify one thing, not all polarisers are created equal and a cheaper polariser, even a good one, will knock off a few extra stops of light. In fact in my experience even good hoya ones will kill your ability to shoot hand held in anything but sunshine.However this is a beauty of a polariser and as it states it let's in more light, which it does very well indeed. Been shooting now for a month with this filter and I can honestly say its the best I've ever used, can be a bit tight once it's on but let's face it you don't want to unintentionally unscrew it when you're out and about.5tars all round


This is a fantastic filter.I bought it initially to use with a dash cam and to kill reflections from the windscreen. It worked great for that day and night (these Hoya HD filters let more light through which means they perform better at night).I then took it on holiday to use with my DSLR camera and some of the results are absolutely amazing.I never realised it in the past but a lot of those amazing holiday photos you see in the brochure are just taken with filters like these - the sky will go a darker shade of blue, the clouds will pop and you'll be able to see the details at the bottom of the sea instead of just the sun reflecting from the surface.


Hoya 77mm HD Polarizing Filter.This a must have if photographing in bright light, especially when taking photos around water.Light rays which are reflected become polarized. Polarizing filters are used to select which light rays enter your camera lens. They can remove unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water or glass and also saturate colours providing better contrast. The effect can be seen through the viewfinder and changed by rotating the filter. The filter factor varies according to how the filter is rotated and its orientation to the sun.A brilliant all rounder kept in my camera bag at all times.


I bought this filter mainly because of good light transmission and anti-scratch resistance. Prior to purchase I was wondering how the plastic screwthread would work on my existing metallic B+W UV filter. It screws on fine and I don't see vignetting when using both together on a Tokina 12-24mm wide angle lens.Due quite possibly to my ignorance that the following may apply to polarisers more generrally, I was frustrated intially that, having screwed the filter on, I couldn't get it off again. I discovered by chance that if you merely rotate the polariser anti-clockwise, the main thread suddenly frees up.


The Hoya 67mm HD Digital Circular Polarizing Filter i just bought from Amazon is quite amazing!The photos became more contrasted and the colors got vivid and real.The landscapes gained the most, especially in hotter days when the extremely intense sunlight used to ruin the photos color and contrast.I've had other polariser filters, but none as good as this one.It's not the cheapest there is, far from it, but it's worth the price.I certainly would buy it again!


Great filter at a very good price,filter comes in a little box and has a little platic case inside where the filter goes inside , this protects the filter if the package is thrown around abit. bought from kazarr which had the most competitive price, arrived on the last day of the estimate, just in time as it was a present.Only bad thing is that it was sent by royal mail(standard)which doesn`t have any tracking method of the parcel.final conclusion: recomended:)


Very happy with my new 67mm hd polatising filter. Arrived well packaged and on time. I am using this on my Nikon 16-85 mm lens and at 16mm there is no vignetting and no notible loss in image quality. Makes a huge difference to the blue skies and clouds, grass is greener and water and glass clarity are superb as that's does an excellent job at eliminating glare. Would definitely recommend and the price is superb athe £30. Absolute bargain.


Low depth means that it can be used on top of UV lens protector with no visible intrusion on 24mm wide angle lens opened wide up. Only criticism is that there are no markings on the filter to show what strenght of polarization you are using - making repeating settings quite tricky - I would have knocked 1/2 mark of for that but since I can't give 4.5 I guess I will have to stick with 5.


Brilliant. I've used a number of polarisers before, but this is by far the best. The multicoating does seem to repel dust and grime, and is easy to blow or wipe clean. My Canon lenscap fits perfectly on it (a problem with some cheaper filters I've found) and there is no degradation in IQ: just a great polarising filter for my 70-300L.

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