

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Goula Wooden Cow Puzzle reviews.
You can find all Goula Wooden Cow Puzzle reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Goula Wooden Cow Puzzle, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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Amazon has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 4. Go to this seller.

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This was bought for my just turned 2 year old daughter as a progression from single piece peg puzzles and 2-piece puzzles.It has provided the perfect challenge without causing (too much) frustration.The pieces are chunky and the perfect size for little hands. They fit nicely into the frame.You may be able to see from my photo that the edges of some of the pieces have had a little wear and the paint has slightly come off after a couple of months use. It would be nice for them to be a little longer lasting given the price but all in all a good product and would buy again.
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