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For Giro DND II Gloves Kid's, 79 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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Amazon has 70 customer reviews and the average score is 4.5. Go to this seller.
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My husband and I love to bike and we can't wait to start teaching our little girl. This helmet is still a bit big (she,a very petite and we had a hard time finding one small enough), but we are happy that she can grow in to it. From our research, the extra MIPS technology looks like it is well worth the extra cost, and you can never put a price on your child's safety! We live in a small town where a lot of people bike around, and there have been several accidents involving cars hitting bikers. It's nice to have a little bit if extra reassurance that our daughter is as safe as we can make her.


The adjustment wheel on the back makes it adjustable down to the millimeter. It's a perfect fit. The chin strap is fully adjustable too but even before I could adjust the chin strap my energetic daughter ran away and the helmet stayed on her head while running, jumping and climbing. It meets all my expectations even for an adult helmet. It's probably even better then mine since it has MIPs. From what I've noted MIPs makes the helmets a little more comfortable in addition to it's safety benefits. I'm a little jealous of my 2 yro's helmet.


This helmet is great. My daughter has an extra small head because she has an extra small body and this helmet was the only helmet I could find that fit her small stature. The only complaint I have is in regards to adjusting the straps to make the helmet fit. I spent hours adjusting the straps and finally ended up going to a bike shop where where a pro spent five minutes adjusting the straps to fit her properly. Now the helmet works wonderfully.


Outstanding fit! Kids helmets have come a long way. Our peanut was a bit small for the smallest helmet our local shop carried, and that turned out to be a lucky thing. I hadn't heard of MIPS but I'm happy to add a little extra protection for my kiddo. This helmet is flatter in the back than the average helmet which helps bike trailer rides be more comfortable. The straps were easy to adjust. I would buy this helmet again in a heartbeat.


These are good gloves for kids looking for protection and comfort. I used Giro's web site to see sizing measurements. The gloves are a tad large, but perfect for growing into during the next 6 months. The stitching is good and the adjustable wrist wrap is helpful for fit. It's a bit amusing that you can find adult gloves for half the price, but the kid loves them, and loves the newfound grip from the palm fabric.


Great fit for her little head (13mo old), and lightweight. (Dont have your kids in helmets all the time - it is good for them to bump their heads - it hurts but only superficially and teaches them how to protect themselves better for when they are older and when it would really matter more. We bought this helmet for her first toddler push bike experience extravaganza).


Worth spending the extra money on mips. Not s lot of options for my 2 year old to choose from that actually had it but we really like this helmet. Love the dial tightening. My little one will be able to use this for years. In that case the extra cost for mips is even more worth it for when she starts riding her own bike.


This helmet fits my 2 yr old’s head like a glove. I had to follow the directions to do a lot of tweaking with the straps and adjustments, but once I got it right it was perfect. We got it for his ice skating activity and for when he starts riding his balance bike outside. Seems to be very comfortable and well made.


Awesome little helmet for my 2yo son. We originally purchased a Joovy Noodle but it was too small, which was a blessing in disguise as we ended up with this one instead. It really is like a mini adult helmet. Will buy the same for my daughter when she’s old enough. Make sure to measure your little ones head :)


My daughter is a little over 2.5 years old, and has always had a small head (15th percentile or so). I got her the small, and it fits perfectly on the tightest setting. Happy that she will have it to grow into! I could have definitely gotten the extra sma, but I think it’s longevity would be limited.


My 3 year old Grandaughter loves this helmet. It fit her perfectly...I was a little worried, but I had my daughter measure her head just as the product advises and it was perfect! Great Quality, so if your worried about safety, like me (Im a Firefighter EMT) then go ahead and get a good helmet!


I bought these gloves for my son to protect his hands as he learns to ride his bike. BIG HIT! He slept in them the first two nights but more importantly he puts them on whenever he rides his bike. Kid gloves and mittens tend to fit pretty poorly but these are spot on and he really enjoys it.


I bought the helmet for my soon to be 2 year old son. We have purchased Giro helmets before and have had great experiences with them. I specifically purchased the scamp mips because of the multi-directional impact protection system/design. My husband and I are pleased with our purchase.


Shipped fast and arrived in perfect condition. I ordered a size small for my two year old! It fits perfectly and we will be able to use it for a couple years. There is an adjustment knob that makes sure the helmet hugs your kiddos head and isn’t loose. So happy with this!


Got these for my 5 year old daughter, I bought 3 different sizes and these were the best fit for now, she will grow into the others. They seem to be great quality and have already saved her hands when she has fallen on her bike on pavement a few times.
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