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For Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island (PC), 10 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.

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I LOVED this game. OMG it brought back memories of Monkey Island and all the passion of adventure gaming I felt all those years ago that have waned in the last few years. This game is full of humour and brilliant puzzles and great voice acting (except for the sister of one the main characters who cannot decide if she is Spanish or Irish but her part is small). This game is top quality and is very long and is classic point and click graphic adventuring. It played fine on my Windows 7 but is suitable for the last few PC operating systems too.I loved it so much I wrote my first walkthrough as I decided it was going to become a classic and I wanted to do something that would be associated with it in the future!Do not buy this if you like RPGs,FPS or combat, sims, strategy or arcade games. This is a graphic adventure game.
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I have been waiting for a decent point-and-click adventure game since Monkey Island. And finally its here!This game has excellent graphic and sounds, a good story to follow and an addictive quality. I was hooked on this for a few days as I played it solidly. It has a good mix of easy tasks and those that will have you thinking hard for a while. Likeable characters and easy controls.If only there were more games like this on the market these days.


Excellent game to play,problems to solve are not that difficult but make you think.Graphics and audio are brilliant if you can forgive the changing accents!If you've played "The Bards Tale" (2005 version) then you will understand what I mean.The only drawback I have is that sometimes the game would not load but I would add that I had bought a used copy.


Good game

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