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For Gears 5, 61 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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I got this maybe for around £40-ish which considering the extortionate amount it was originally going for seemed reasonable, kind of. Gears 5 fleshed out Lore elements are a major selling point to me. Dozens of collectibles are dotted throughout the levels giving the relatively linear levels a feeling of being "lived in" even though we unequivocally know that isn't the case but you appreciate the studio for trying. I wouldn't say I was a fervent Gears fan but I appreciate a well polished game and the visuals/aesthetic of this flagship title are impeccable.In a nutshell our new female antagonist Kait is looking for answers after the murder of her mother in Gears 4 and tensions are high.The Coalitions attempt to delve deeper into narrative and story elements more so than its peers is immediately obvious, the valiant attempt to "humanise" and make the characters more developed and relatable is admirable. But as flawless as its shooting/combat mechanics are, to myself at least, it seems very "one-note" It is possibly why everything looks so good, the exemplary visuals attempt to distract you from realising you are running from area to area doing the same thing over and over again.Despite its admirable yet jilted attempt at developing an engaging narrative that isn't Gears 5 selling point. Gears 5 sticks to its cover-shooter mechanics, this is a slick shooter. The seamless switching from pulsating shooting, reloading, swapping cover and changing weapons is as smooth as it's ever been and perhaps because it has always been at a high level it is easy to take it for granted and not appreciate it. A new addition is the ability to upgrade our robot companion Jack by collecting components to develop Jacks attributes and enhance health and stealth giving you different options to attempt to strategise and approach situations in a different manner.I can acknowledge and appreciate that Gears games have always excelled at multiplayer especially at its unique co-op modes but I personally do not engage in multiplayer but I respect them supporting the title long after launch day. Gears 5 has sleek shooting mechanics, adrenaline-pumping firefights and a decent campaign and is utterly stunning to look at. After Doom Eternal this may be the best shooter on the market and I highly recommend if you can get at a good price. A footnote being that the steel-book is of a high quality and you get a few highly detailed stickers.
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Initially gave this one star as the game was broken on release with constant server issues. These seem to be fixed as last night I was able to play two matches of horde and complete all 50 waves. There are tweaks which I was dubious about, but it seems to work well.The game does not allow duplicate characters, which can be annoying as it automatically changes your character for you - so you may find yourself suddenly playing with a character you aren't familiar with. However, this works well as in Gears of War 4 you may have two engineers so it helps to ensure you have an even balance of skills. Bot filling is also a welcome addition, not sure why they didn't have this in the previous one,but when people quit matches you don't suddenly find yourself down on numbers and the bots can be surprisingly helpful in the absence of human players.One worry I had was power and how it is used. You can deposit in the fabricator or use to increase your skills in-game (the skills are automatically reset each time). I was concerned it may lead to players being selfish, improving their own skills at the sacrifice of the team and being able to build fortifications. So far though this doesn't seem to be the case, possibly because the skills you can improve in-game aren't that worthwhile.Skill cards are unlocked as you play each character and the game encourages you to use each character too (through levelling up and achievements) which in turn provides variation. The tour of duty also encourages you to replay in order to get medals to level up. Not sure that this will offer repeated visits though as if you reach the level of General in your first tour I can't see there would be a particular wish to do it again without any new rewards on offer.The power traps is another addition that works, almost like king of the hill within horde where you protect the power trap from enemies and are rewarded with extra power.All in all once you get used to the new tweaks and additions horde is what we love about Gears of War and is a blast to play just as it has been on every previous game. They have reused old maps, but there are some fresh and innovative ones on offer too. Best of all is that new maps will be released periodically and will be free of charge - god bless you Coalition.
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Update Jan 2021: the recent updates have made this game great again. TBH I stopped playing it for a long time because it had lost the old gameplay that you associate with Gears, but recently they've corrected everything and it's fully addictive again. Just a shame that there aren't so many players online anymore, but I usuallly still find enough players for a decent game.Previous Review: It’s still good. All the game modes are still there, plus some new ones such as arcade. The power weapons have improved so it’s worth finding a markza or a boltok now. And the sniper is really easy to use. But some of the new features of this game are undesirable (compared to previous games in the series).The gameplay has become similar to CoD. Speed of movement is now super quick and that causes problems with lag. So Instead of out-witting opponents, you have to just run and gun, or someone will spawn behind you if you take cover for more than 3 secs. The characters are much smaller than in previous games, which is a real pity, as you lose the feeling of being in a real fight. Blowing someone to pieces just isnt satisfying anymore and duals with other players has lost all the tension. It feels like you’re playing a game of soul-less CoD now, which is a shame because the unique atmosphere and tension that gears is famous for has now almost gone. And don’t even get me started on the silly voiceovers that scold or praise you after each game.I’m glad I got this game though. I think it has become more accessible to people who are new to gears. I miss the carnage of previous versions though!
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This game is epic, but not made by epic, if you like gears you'll love this... best game of the series and i'm not even finished, it is amazing, brutal, and a relentless onslaught of bad assery, only down sides are occasional lack of lighting in pitch black area's, some area's lack clear paths or the way to proceed isn't fully explained, so some people might scratch their heads, but usually the solution is use the new robot ability or just around everything till you find the miniscule prompt with a small activation range.Levels have so much detail and some have set pieces which makes things explode in pretty fireworks and level deformation sometimes this is tied to progression.Tons of collectablesand even mini cut scenes are added to more depth,Fahz can suck a fat one...also all content is free but some needs playing the game to unlock, there are boost packs available for real money as well as some light rng boxes.no need to scrap cards now you earn scrap or iron while playing vs and the pve modes.escape is heavily reliant on team work as the gear/ammo is scarce so any ammo hogs will cause problems.We also have more character development which was sorely lacking in gears 4.Side note the game has some technical issues, so if you prefer a smooth gaming experience and like your achievements in timely fashion maybe hold off on buying this for a week or two.
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This is a fantastic series of games and they have come along way since the original, each of them improving as they go along, gears 5 is amazing and they have made some great changes since the last, the story as usual is action packed consistently throughout with great combat and bloody monster mashing violence! all the weapons we love are there and newly improved along side new gear and weapons and vehicles that are great, the multiplayer gets better and better with major improvements, maybe a tad few things that need ironing out over time, the new horde mode is particularly better with great new maps and abilities, vast improvements so other players can do their bit properly and work more as a team.the new escape mode is great fun too, there's plenty to keep you grinding for those achievements, the games graphics are absolutely amazing as usual, and the soundtrack is good too, a nice package for fans of the series and new fans alike. An essential purchase if you have an Xbox.The limited edition comes in a cool exclusive steelbook and with about 30 days double XP boost which really makes you level up quicker. plus you get the cool Halo character DLC and the terminator dark fate DLC and the T-800 looks so cool with a lancer running around the multiplayer!!! you also get a couple of cool stickers.
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EDIT:Most issues are fixed. The game play modes have been expanded and now you can do a whole lot more with this. It's just that every time a Gears game comes out, they expect you to spend hundreds of hours leveling up every character. So you know when you buy Gears its gonna be a grindfest now.- Campaign disconnects and is buggy. It’ll freeze or not load a section that is triggered by going into it.- I just finished a horde game on ultimate edition and zero xp or tour of duty points towards anything. I just wasted 1.5 hours.- seems very focussed on in game payable content- feels like playing a beta test game rather than a finished product.I love the franchise but what the hell???This is by Microsoft and the Coalition. No wonder everyone on forum just wants to go back to gears 4. It was way smoother then.
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To be honest i've have enjoyed all of the gears games but mostly played gears 4 and now 5, me and my mates mainly play horde so experiencing the changes from gears 4 to gears 5 was different but in a good way, played versus, horde and escape and they are all awesome, it would be nice if they bring out new horde modes soon though because 1-50 waves is ridiculous and takes so long!! Still fun and challenging nonetheless! Only played Act 1 of the campaign and it is 10/10 as always. Don't really have a bad thing to say, it's nice that they seem to have fixed the online connection issues now too, can't expect everything to be perfect playing the game early release!


Ok... I've been playing this as part of the Ultimate Xbox Game Pass deal and I've got to say its been slick, smooth and without a single hiccup since the first time I picked the controller up. Visually its great in 4k @ 60FPS and the campaign has been really enjoyable so far - it feels like they've taken all the best bits from the series and introduced some slick new touches as well. Challenging but not to the point where you want to put your head through the TV and the stroy line feels epic and as with all great games like you are in the middle of a massive budget Hollywood movie. Best gears I've played and I've got them all. Good work - recommended


What a great game! I waited for it for a while but it was so well worth it. GOW is back in full swing! I have spent around 6 hours playing and I absolutely love it. There is just one small thing that is a touch annoying and that is running. You have to press A to run rather than press the left thumb button but I can live with that. If you like GOW just get it!!


The game is based on the books and in order to understand it you will have to read the books or play all ther other ones! The gears 5 even somewhat deviated from original story still is a very smart game. The story will chenge to a degree upon your choice and for the first shooter game that is one of the first!


So far I'm enjoying this story far more than 4 graphics are incredible for the Xbox and while it was plagued with server issues at launch its become more stable now and will only get better. The addition of Jacks RPG elements feel really well done.I do not play online so cannot give and opinion on that


since i got the game i havent played it its not my kind of game i would play. i am more used to the call of duty franchise and destiny with fact paced action shooting games but with checking website for reviewing the gamer score it gets,then i would buy it or not depending on the score


Great game for me and my eldest lad to play on, multi player game even of you don't want to play online, which me and my lad don't. We just have fun completing the missions together. Got the game half price too, great value for money.


Another success in the gears adventure, this one does not disapoint in challenge and story line. Fully enjoyed it as much as its predecessors and would highly recommend it as a key xbox purchase... 5 stars


Fantastic game the campaign was great it was one of the best gears of war campaigns I have played. the multiplayer was good too although the servers were laggy and had high ping

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