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For Fulton Funbrella Birdcage Kids Umbrella Silver Trim Umbrella, 234 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.4.

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I knew this was a childs umbrella, but wanted to buy for 2 reasons. Firstly, because I thought the size might be ideal for me walking through the crowds to work, and secondly, so I could check the quality before buying the adult size!On opening, even the feel of the plastic felt stronger than any other clear umbrella I've owned. The 'slide' opening mechanism is superb. Very smooth. The dome shape is ideal for keeping you dry, and the 'cage' is very strong, yet flexible, so should be ideal in windy weather. All the tips are encased in rounded plastic, so no sharp areas.I have given this to my 6 year old daughter, and she's over the moon with it. The only con I could find, is that it is perhaps a tiny bit heavy,and the handle a touch too long for smaller children (perhaps 5 and under).I shall be buying the adult version shortly, and then my daughter and I can be twins!
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Having read good reviews for this item and for the Adult size version, I have to say I am very pleased with the outcome.As a 'shortie'(5'1") with joint problems, I opted for the Kids size. It is just big enough for my small frame, whilst not putting too much strain on my wrists and fingers.The opening mechanism is excellant and the overall quality makes me confident this will last a long time.Not being a 'telescopic' umbrella it will not fit in your handbag, even the 'oversize' ones. However, it is light and not too much bother to carry.Also, being clear plastic, you can bring it down over your head and still see traffic when crossing the road and not bump into people coming the other way!!All-in-all a good purchase,especially for the price.
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My little one had one of these umbrellas and it tore at the point where the wrap around strap attaches. It that polythene type plastic so will only take so much punishment from a child.So I ordered a replacement and is exactly the same. This will be the third one to date and I’m sure I will be ordering a replacement in due course.The little one enjoys keeping out of the rain whilst being able to look through the umbrella. It’s a good size when opened and at a push accommodates an adult. The frame is solid and it’s easy to open. All the pointy bits are covered in rounded plastic caps so nothing to poke yourself on.Just have to be careful not to pull the strap too tight when closing the umbrella.I award four ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Happy shopping.
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Bought this for myself as I am 5ft tall adult and already have the adult version of the Fulton Birdcage which I find is abit too big & heavy for me.Quality is good and sturdy with a smooth open/close glide. As this is designed for children, there are no sharp edges that could poke someone's eye out. The size is slightly smaller than I thought it would, it does cover my whole head and if I hold the umbrella low with it leaning on my shoulder then it covers my shoulders as well, but its just enough space to cover shoulders, so if you carry a bag with you, that wouldnt be covered by this umbrella.I gave this a 4 star as ideally I would have loved it if there was an in between size between thechildrens one and the adult one.
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I ordered this umbrella for my 5 year old son. He really likes this umbrella because unlike most children's umbrellas he can see where he is going when he is using it. So far it has held up well to the wind and the rain and has not turned inside out or collapsed. With my son wearing his thick padded coat this umbrella manages to cover his head and shoulders well. However, I would suggest that this umbrella would be suitable for children no older than 6 years of age. The only small problem is that strap that keeps the umbrella closed is a little short and has to be pulled firmly for it to fit.


I bought two of these for my 6 and 3 yr old boys. After doing a search and reading the previous posts, i chose these rather than the chealper versions and i am very happy i did they are great quality and easy for the boys to open and close by themselves! I even used one myself to have a try but these are too small for adults even if you are only 5ft it wouldnt give enough cover and the rain just wet my shoulders! But fantastic for the kids they loved the fact that they can see through and walk they had a lot of fun!! I will be ordering an adult one for myself!


I bought these umbrellas for my kids, so that when we walk to school they can cover themselves & their backpacks. They are able to pull the umbrella low, keeping them dry and since the umbrella is clear they can see through it. It also keeps them from bumping into people with their umbrellas. They are kid sized - perfect for my 7 & 9 year olds, maybe a bit small for a large adult, but would work for a small adult.These have been a lifesaver, no more wet cranky kids on rainy school days!


I needed an umbrella for my 2 year old, for when we go wandering and there is a chance of rain. I was very drawn to character designs but I'm so glad I opted for this transparent one instead. My 2 year old loves using this independently and she's able to do so, confidently, as she can still see where she is going whilst being underneath and sheltered from the rain. This umbrella is light weight, very strong and sturdy and easy to dry and wipe clean when neccessary.


I bought this item for my 3 1/2year old boy who goes to nursery. It is very firm and sturdy and does keep him dry when it is raining but the only thing is that it can get a bit heavy for him to hold at times. Though i'm sure by time, it will become easier for him to hold as i can't see it braking that easily pretty soon. Whilst he has no problems open and closing it, i would state that it is overall a good purchase would recommend it to others alongside this note.


Loving this so much, I plan to buy the adult version for me. It's sturdy and made with decent weighted plastic so it doesn't look like it'll tear easily. Very simple to put up and down, and as the blurb suggests, specially designed so that small fingers don't get trapped in it. It is definitely too small for an adult to comfortably use (I'm 5'9") but I bought this for the children in my school and playscheme to use and it is perfect for that.


This is good quality as other reviewers have observed. I bought this on the strength of those reviews and as I am petite and 5'4" thought this would be better rather than a larger adult one. It is JUST ok and I think the advantage of it being smaller is I'll be less likely to take someone's eyes out! You can easily see where you are walking through the clear plastic. If you are any taller than me I would go for the adult version.


This is a great umbrella for kids and smaller adults. The slide mechanism for opening and closing is smooth and quality, no trapped fingers at all. When up, the dome covers the head completely so no matter if the rain is coming sideways, you still keep dry. The great thing as well is that because it is clear, you can see where you are going. Well made and worthy of the extra price you pay. So impressed, got the adult one as well.


Bought this for my 2.5 yr old. The clear umbrella and birdcage design appealed and is practical in that he can see where he is going and keeps dry. He can operate the slide open and closing with little assistance and the hook handle and covered top mean no pokey points and he can easily hold it himself. Would definitely recommend this umbrella. it is well maded and a quality product, large enough for children up to 10/11 yrs.


I have the adult umbrella as well but bought this because I wanted a smaller one which I fit under and doesn't blow inside out in the wind and I can see where I am going. It is perfect I'm 5 ft 4 and it is fine the handle is also long enough. I wish they wound make this shaped umbrella with a retracting handle so it would fit in my bag. It would defiantly be a best seller. Come on umberella designers sort it out .


I bought this one to replace my other one which had unfortunately come to the end of it's life but after a long 3 years. I thoroughly recommend these umbrellas since the dome shape means they never blow inside out even on windy days and the clear plastic means I don't walk into people! I go for the smaller kiddies size as I'm quite short myself so I don't end up dragging it along the floor with me!

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