

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Fulton Chelsea-2 City Stripe Auto Folding Umbrella Grey reviews.
You can find all Fulton Chelsea-2 City Stripe Auto Folding Umbrella Grey reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Fulton Chelsea-2 City Stripe Auto Folding Umbrella Grey, 10 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.4.

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This is one of the most comfortable folding umbrellas especially as it has a well constructed handle for larger hands. Having had a few years of good use of our previous Fulton, sadly during the recent stormy weather and very strong winds, this was irreparably damaged when it blew inside out damaging the spokes - hence requirement for new one. Familiarity with quality of brand, decent size and ease of opening and closing dictated no other choice. Smart design too.


I'm quite happy with this umbrella. It looks very stylish and more befitting younger men, I guess. It's a very solid make, with an elegant wooden handle, which is rare for compact umbrellas. I haven't had the chance (yet) to test it under windy conditions, but it feels like it won't invert easily. Also, this umbrella easily fits into my messenger bag. I can only recommend this product.


Thank you for a good value product. Be aware that the picture looks like an all black umbrella but it does have thin pink stripes. Was not a problem this time as bought for a woman.


This is my third 'Chelsea', I managed to lose the first two. They have a classy look, backed up by a proven wind-resistant frame. They also keep the rain off! Nice one Fulton.


Very solid and excellent umbrella. Highly recommend. However be aware that it is slightly on the bulky side, which is understandable given its' solid construction.


I bought the umbrella as a present to my husband. He loved it - aesthetic look, reasonable size, light.


Good quality umbraella, very fast delivery


Great umbrella

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