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Lemme be honest with you.I am 1 of those 20% of people who found nothing exceptional inthis game.Here are a few things i did like about the game.1. MOUT, it teaches us everything we need to know about the game and how to win the next levels, it tells us what buttons is used for what etc etc2. The 2 first missions, why? because after these 2 missions everything becomes like a reflex that you will not lose a soldier, ever3. Graphics, bad language and realism. OK fine this game is realistic with some of the greatest graphics ever, and i like that like nearly everyone else, also i like the fact that i can finally here people who talk like i normally do with my friends in a game.The things I don't like...1.EASY EASY EASY, and 1 more time extremely easy for a man who likes strategy games.2. After a while this game does get extremely repeptitive3. I admit that after this game I wanna get into the army, as weird as it sounds... before I never would've considerred it but seeing how much fun I had talking to those people who are like me, i started taking some target practice and now i told my parents that when i 18 (3 more years to go) i wanna get into the army asap. (understand the fun was from watching cutscenes of soldiers talkin not combat afterall chances of me fightin will be minimal)4. No stealth, even if the enemy are not at an angle to see you, once you see the enemy it suddenly turns it's head and runs for cover... amazing AI with eyes at the back of their head.5. The enemy will always shoot at you, they have infinite ammo while you don't...6. It takes around 2 entire hours to finnish a mission with only about 3 save points.Now lemme tell you that you are not shooting yourself. As you might already know the soldiers shoot by themselves at targets in a target area, luckily for you they are all top soldiers with good aiming.To survive you have to get cover otherwise you'll die. Get cover behind walls, cars, benches, cargo boxes, and many more, some sorts of cover such as wooden planks will slowly fall apart.the enemy is quite stupid and will fall for many pranks such as letting alpha team cover while letting bravo pass to run into a place where they can kill the enemy and the enemy will basically forget about bravo team (you command 2 teams alpha and bravo and occasionally charlie).You can use grenades to kill enemies in desperate circumstances or you can use them as smoke grenades to pass through enemies without being seen.When you are coverring the fire for the other team you have 2 choices, point fire and suppress fire. Point fire is nearly always enough to somehow distract the enemy, it is the shooting raids you know the fire, reload and cover, fire, reload and cover stuff. Supress fire is shooting all the time until you waste your bullets and is nearly never used. Also you can shoot your own team mates if you suppress fire.Additional features include recon flights which are basically planes that scout the area for any enemy units. Well sometimes they won't spot the units if they're out of view. Your GPS is used to see the map of where you and your objectives are. It is a very accurate map. You may also call in air strikes vs tanks.In conclusion I can see why the vast majority of players would like this game. However many strategists such as myself will find this just too easy and reppetitive and time-consuming. what a strategy gamer wants is something challenging and not long to finnish such as warcraft or the total war series. For the many people who don't specially like strategy this will get you into "strategy" and maybe lead you to more strategy based games.For me i'd give this game 50% but for the overall xbox gamers I'd give it at least 75%
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This is not as realistic combat game as it claims to be. You probably find some first person shooters more realistic then this. Like one reviewer pointed out even thou it seems like you have a clear shot at an enemy and if it were a first person shooter game you can take em out with one headshot, however this is not the point of the game. Its about fire and manoeuvre tactics, using one team to give cover fire while the other position themselves for a clean shot at the enemy not in full cover, or move a team two at a time to cover themselves. Here if the enemy is behind cover he is safe until you move your teams into a good fire position. This is not a shooters game. The AI of the team members is good,they will move into cover unlike the dumb AI team members in Ghost Recon where you have to control each member individually.It simulates the different levels of cover from different objects, such as cars will eventually disintegrate under fire but not as quickly as wooden crates or a sofa, but you cannot send your men up some stairs to get an elevated fire position or move into houses and shoot from a window for example.You only have one round for the M203 grenade launcher per team, so cannot keep blasting away at things so forcing you to use tactics. You can only throw the grenade to the ground and not up onto a balcony or through a window where a sniper is.There is one annoying bug I've encountered thou. It was when you have control of a third team, which was vital to the success of the mission. There are save points in the game called SITREPs which when I was using this he disappeared from screen. He reappeared again when he was engaged in a firefight. It was just luck that an enemy brought him back into the game because later on he was vital to complete the mission.The game itself is based on an army training tool, but it still feels like a training tool. Your objectives are as well as completing the mission is also to keep your team members alive. Similar to Conflict Desert Storm you can save downed soldiers, but whereas there you can still carry on even if most of your team is wiped out, its game over here if one soldier dies or more then one soldier gets hit. Which can be frustrating when one of your soldiers gets hit and lands out in the open and anyone who tries to rescue him will come under fire. Then while you waste time in killing the enemy, he dies and its game over and back to the last saved position. You cannot just save anywhere at anytime either, the only time you can save is when you are given a SITREP position where you can save your progress within a game. Heres a tip if possible rearm your teams or return a wounded soldier first before using it. If you don't you may end up repeating the process again, and again and again and boy can that be very very fustrating.The graphics are great which makes the game looks realistic, and the sound is excellent especially if you have a 5.1 system, it puts you're right in a middle of a battle even thou you are not one of the team members yourself. However the one music score although brings the action to live, does get tedious after a while and it would be nice to have the option to access saved music like the sound track to Black Hawk Down. Another option that should have been made available and not as a cheat option is the realism profile and the original training version.Overall it's a fantastic and highly addictive tactical game despite its shortcomings. However I'm looking out for Brother in Arms which is also a two squad team base game but in first person mode and hopefully it will live up to its claims.
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What more needs to be said about this game? The reviews so far have been very good.The graphics in the game are crisp and very good- especially on the models of the men. Sometimes the animation for the objects, that you are hidding behind, blowing up are not as good as they could be, but for most of it I havent seen any better graphics on an Xbox game, and thus this area gets 9/10.The sound in the game is amazing! I have never really felt like i was actually truely part of a game and felt real tension before, but this sound track does so! The music adds so much to the game play, and makes it alot more realistic. There is no better sound in any other game ive played,and this adds so much to the experience- as it is more of an experience than a game- and thus gets 10/10.There are two different aspects to the gameplay really; the training missions, and full thing. The training missions are really good. This game must have one of the most complex control systems in any game, and yet after completing the training it is all second nature. The training itself is basically a game in its own right, and, if you take your time and play it fully then, it takes the best part of an hour to complete.The full game is great. It is so realistic and accurate, which makes you believe even more that you are out there fighting for your life!Im playing it through on the easier of the two settings so far, and it does seem a little easy at times- hopefully the hardest setting is REALLY hard and challenging.I give the gameplay a 10/10- if the hardest setting is really challenging, if not then the length of the game would come into question and i would give it an 8.5.All in all this is a brilliant game- and considering i only came on this site to give a review, which ive never done before, then it shows its worth telling people about.It is a must-buy for Xbox users- even as much so as Halo.If you dont have an Xbox i would recomend you to; buy it, stand it in the middle of your room, kneel before it, and bow down to your new God, and hope Santa gets you an Xbox for Christmas to play it on!
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Ive read people's reviews and im thinking, "what do they all have in common?" They thought FSW was going to be an FPS!? What's that all about? If you want a realistic FPS army shooter then try the Tom Clancy range, but if you want 3rd person, command and squad based action then this is the real deal. I love the intuitive command system, point-and-go team based action, there is no other game like it where commanding a squad has been so much fun. Ok, so this game isn't for hardcore FPS fans or people who don't like the strategy side of warfare, but thats what makes this war based game so amazing. I can't help but think im in the movie Black Hawk Down with this game, because it has that style gameplay.The 'Delta Force' doing gritty urban combat in middle eastern streets fighting against a guerrilla army with the usual assortment of Black Hawk gunships, BMP and M113 tanks a-plenty. The graphics are superb in my opinion and it's like watching a movie rather then playing a game, which also some people might not like. This game requires strategy and puzzle solving abilities, although its a combat game you have to work out a plan of action to make sure your men dont get shot up, as it's quite realistic as 1 shot = death for a teammate (even tho at a medsite he can be "healed"). The levels are rich and simulation like, with burning cars and burnt out cars, shell ridden buildings which really engross you into the surroundings you've been put. I could go on for a long time with a list of decent attributes for this game, but i would imagine you have the gist of the game already. There is 1 downside i can actually see to this game and that is the lack of weaponary variety and it has a steep learning curve and is not happy-go-lucky. Deffinately worth the money if your after Black Hawk Down/ Three Kings style games, but are also very realistic!!
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The first point to make is that this programme has been modelled on a real-life training programme for the US Army . As such , purchasers must realise that it is not going to be about movie-like rolling , diving and shooting . Nor is it going to be like Quake , with Rocket launcher propelled 100' jumps .No - this game is about realism , and it has that in spades . You control two 4-man army units through the streets of a city in the Middle East , covering each others movements as you proceed slowly towards various objectives via orders from your radio . Control is by a 'point-and-click' approach , rather than actively moving the men by the control stick directly ,and this is a concept which can initially be tricky to get used to . There are adequate save points throughout each mission , and I have never felt that the spacing between these points was overtly onerous .Ordering each of your units to perform tasks is not without it's pitfalls , as you need to ensure they are in sufficient cover against the odd surprise militant poking their head over the top . The switching between units sometimes has to occur quickly , and can lead to frustration on occasion , but overall the gameplay is excellent .The graphics are well presented , sound is optimal , with , again , realism being the key for both .If they make a follow up , I will be keen to buy it , and recommend this game as a strategic alternative to the current wave of first person shooters on Xbox .
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Commanding units to shoot and not shooting yourself is different to most games, but I think it works. It's easy to get the hang of the control system and how the game works.The levels are pretty good, and there's lots of action in them, but they are also quite linear. There's alley ways and side streets to go down to flank enemy's, but where you can go in the level is quite restricted, forced down certain streets, so how much you can use your imagination to complete the missions is limited.However saying that, it is alot of fun and you can use a couple of different tactics each time you play a level.The story is realistic but maybe too realistic, as you know what happens next as it's just like Iraq.The story and levels dont last that long either as once you get a hang of it you can breeze through the levels with relative ease as you know how the enemys will react in almost every encounter. Once finnished, it is quite fun to go back and try a level again, but not that often.Overall i'd say it's worth buying as its alot of fun and different from other games, but it wont last you as long as others.
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When I first got my hands on FSW, i was sceptical. Didn't really know what to expect. FSW is often compared to the Conflict Desert Storm series, but I think it is the better of the two. FSW puts you in control of 2 squads, alpha team and bravo team. You have to navigate the 2 round difficult city's swarming with enemys. The way to get them through safely is by using cover when your getting fired at. By cover, I mean a truck or a dumpster. You also have to use one of the squads to provide covering fire while the other squad moves safely. Along with your normal gun, you have frag grenades, smoke grenades, grenade launchers and at some points air strikes. One of the best features of the game,is when one of your soldier's gets shot, you have to carry him back to a camp where he can get aid. He can then rejoin your squad good as new. The Xbox Live feature is also very good. You can do the normal single player, but with an xbox live friend. One of you controls Alpha and one controls Bravo.This is the best game you can buy till October/November 2004, (Halo 2 etc)
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First thing i better tell u is that ive only played tha demo of this game-(1 level).First impressions were a bit disapointing in that i was half expecting to be able to control the leading guy ie. rainbow six. but you soon realize that its not a first person shooter and you cant realy control ur team. ok.. so wot good is a game like that? well basically you take control of two teams 'alpha' and 'bravo', and you gotta use 'em to complete missions,ie. sounds easy init! not quite. any body who's played it will know you cant finnish a level with out using real-time stratagy and tactics. cover is essential in this game and there's no way you can send ur men out into space firing there guns a full blast....cos it wont work - u'd have your whole wipe out in seconds.remember it aint a shooter!Tactics, Sratergy, planing and realism make FSW simply a must have for any gamer who fancies their chances at leading their own elite forces!the best game out yet this year untill november! oh yes!mmmmmm halo2+fable! yes yes yes!
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I saw the blurb from this game and thought it really did need tried out. How often do we hear the hype about new games? I mean most people if you asked them will say Halo 2 is the greatest game ever and have never even played it yet (mainly due to it not being out!).I tried this out and gladly i've not been dissapointed at all. It does however shave short of 5 stars due to a few minor bugs that in my opion are pretty irratating after a short while. The first and main problem is the fighting with the camera, especially when you come up to a corner. Then there's the fact the aim functions work one way and look function is reversed (up to look down etc).The last thing that is a big fiddly is trying to get your troops to go where you want them. I've sometimes tried to quickly get into position but got it wrong due to the camera and having to move the cursor around objects such as bins and cars.All in all a land mark game that's very well thought out, a little easy but a good sign of things to come.
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This game is based all around covering and giving fire sectors, its a good game and i enjoyed it, but its quite easy and lifespan not so great, i completed the single player in three days and it didn't take much hard work. It a good game, graphics quite nice, sounds good, music goes well with the action. You command Two fire teams Alpha and Bravo and you use the two together giving covering fire while the other fireteam moves. Although giving firesectors can get annoing, you dont actualy shoot anyone or anything at all, you just tell your team in which direction to point their weapons, and i have found myself many times with an enemy in the open and my team using about 25% of their ammo missing because they cant even aim!I supose its quite realistic, one shot and one of your men will be down and u will have to get your men to carry your wounded to a MEDAVAC. If you are like me and like army/war games and you dont mind not actualy being able to literaly shoot anything then this is a good buy.
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This and its sequel, Ten Hammers, are still among my favourite games on Original Xbox and Playstation 2, there is nothing quite like them? And its a shame they never made more on the next gen or current gen.You don't directly control people, like in a first/third person shooter, instead you tell solders or squads where to go and what to do, you're basically giving the orders, and it works so well and is really satisfying. It's not turn based, as time doesn't freeze, think more real time strategy but on a more intimate squad based level, but it's not just about point and move, its about supresssing and flanking the enemy, while covering other soldiers or squads, overwatching as they move,not exposing them to enemy fire and managing support units like infantry fighting vehicles, frankly it's a hoot!It's fantastic that this is now Xbox One/S/X backwards compatible, and on Xbox One X has upgraded resolution and frame rates, now I'm hoping the do the same with Ten Hammers
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Full Spectrum Warrior is based on a light infantry-training simulator designed by Pandemic Studios for the U.S. Army as a tool to reinforce Army doctrine and squad tactics among troops. Full Spectrum Warrior is a squad-based, tactical-action game that delivers the experience of squad level command in the heat of battle. The product was developed with expertise from University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies, which worked with Pandemic to bring state-of-the-art technology to the game. Designed to simulate today's challenges of urban combat missions, Full Spectrum Warrior delivers a level of realism and accuracy that has never been seen in a military-based game.This game promises to be groundbreaking with all aspects of the game faultless. My advice buy this game, simply brilliant a must.
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Put simply this game is brilliant, though game isn't quite the right label - "highly enjoyable and engrossing simulation" may be better.The controls are spot on, the graphics are great, the sounds are scary, the atmosphere is great and the gameplay rocks.The aim of the game is basically (there is more to it than this) to control 2-3 teams of soldiers and have to complete objectives such as take out road blocks, protect assets, rescue downed soldiers etc. it's done in such a way that is doesn't really glorify urban warfare showing you in a very basic and safe way the dangers present at all times for the guys really doing it. all said, it's fantastic.You will get a lot of enjoyment out of this game.more of long term game than some others this game will keep you (happily) busy for a while.
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Well what can i say , this game is Amazing!The Graphics are outstanding , the gameplay is strategic and very realistic and the way it is put together is better than any war game i have ever played!Also when you get shot , you dont automatically die (unless you get shot in the head , obviously) you have to go to the medical field and get stitched up , very very realistic.Usually in games you die and respawn or you just heal , in this the whole team has to go back to the med field , as you would expect.But you have 2 teams (Alpha and Bravo) to command so its not that bad....The training sequence is Brillaint for those who buy this game with no manual ,very easy to understand...VERY addictive and VERY fun to play - a must buy!
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As a avid player of war games and having played them all I rate this as the best one yet. The graphics are fantastic and the game play out rates the rest. It is a game where stategyis the name of the game. For real war game fanatics this is the one for you. The language is a bit choice hence a game for over 18s. The first job is to master the controls once this is done you are into a game of a life time.I MGO.

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