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For Fudge Clean Blonde Violet Toning Shampoo (250 ml), 330 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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I have used various purple shampoos and conditioners in the past but this one is so far the strongest/most effective I have ever tried.It is a bit pricier but a little goes a long way!It has a lovely smell. And most importantly it doesn’t dry the hair out!I haven’t left it on for up to 5 minutes as in directions for use. I only washed my hair with it, straightaway rinsed it and repeated once more because it really needed a thorough washing... but when I was about to dry my hair I was shocked because it was unexpectedly grey. I had to wash it again with some other shampoo because I didn’t want the tone to be as “cool”/grey.So proceed carefully on your first time using it.It’s very like a professional toner.The product feels very creamy and it’s very saturated with the purple pigment.It also stains the hands a little bit but I managed to wash it off before the date night. (There is in directions for use to use the gloves if possible.)Fabulous product for a quick colour refresh! My hair can go a bit too warm at times/brassy and although I don’t have it currently lightened as much as I used to (so not wanting it completely icy blond all over) I can see using it maybe once every 3rd-4th wash to get the certain highlighted strands a bit whiter and overall tone a bit less "yellow".Very happy with the product and now I am very intrigued what the conditioner would be like!Totally recommend this to all the blonds out there who want to keep their hair in great condition and also keep their cool tone look.
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My hairdresser recommends this purple toner and uses it in her salon. I really rate Fudge for hair products, and I tend to want my hair to be a cooler blonde, so have used this once a week with great results.Pros:- You can control how silvery it makes your hair by leaving it on for longer or shorter amounts of time (I leave it on usually for about 10 minutes once a week for a top-up, but leave it a few weeks after my hair has been toned professionally as I don't want to remove their toner)- Lovely, bright violet-coloured shampoo- Genuinely gives you excellent results and keeps brassy tones neutral/cool - you do need to keep using it though- When combined with the purple-toned conditioner you get even better results- Doesn't dry out hair,it still feels nourished afterwards and not weighed downCons:- Doesn't lather too much, you do need to use a bit more than normal shampoo to cover your hair- Can turn your hands purple so wash them straight away! I don't use gloves like advised it's too much faffSo overall I can't recommend this purple-toning shampoo enough for people wanting to get rid of brassy tones in their hair. It may be more expensive than some products you can find but you get immediate results and Fudge are a high quality, recommended brand. I wouldn't use anything else.
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It's been three months since I tried to tone down bleached colours (first orange, then mustard-like!) with no success. I tried everything, several "purple shampoos" and "blue shampoos" (l'oreal, inebrya) I tried dying light ash blonde on my light coloured bleached hair, I tried blue colour diluted in shampoo (turned my hair green) and I tried vitamin C in head-and-shoulders shampoo (it worked, but very faintly, I'd have had to go on applying it every 2, 3 days for a month to get good results). I had given up, but having read good reviews of this, I ordered the 50ml tube to see if it would work and, to my great relief, it does! After a few experiments on very thin strands of hair to find out how long to leave it,I got this lovely silver colour that I've been looking for for months! There are still a few strands with a tinge of pale golden, however not obnoxious like the mustard colour before them! I will apply it again to those strands in a few days. Basically, in two applications, you can tone away the fluorescent colours of a bleach! You'll need to experiment, as said, on thin strands to see how long your hair needs, as each hair is different. I love it, and am so relieved that I finally got something that works! Once I finish this tube, I'll order the bigger one!
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I was very excited to try out this product, after recently having blonde added into my hair in the form of balayage I was keen to treat my hair with a purple colour shampoo to keep it looking fresh and bright and remove any brassy / copper tones.The packaging is very attractive and convenient as the cap is at the bottom so there is no need to shake the tube to get the product out (normally an issue when the product starts running low).The product its self is quite thick and is a very bright purple. (Beware this can and does stain light surfaces, so be careful to wash off as soon as you notice if has transferred onto something). It lathers up nicely and a little goes a long way,the smell is quite strong however, but it isn't unpleasant. My hair feels clean after use and I have noticed a reduction in any copper/ brass tones and my blonde seems brighter. One downside is that I find it makes my hair extremely dry. Which is strange as normally my hair is very oily but since using this shampoo every other day it has made it so dry and wiry! This is very disappointing as I like the other results, I will continue to use but perhaps not as regularly, more as a treatment once a week or so.
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I have wanted to try this for ages just never got around the buying it. I have been having my hair bleached for around 15 years and have always used purple toning shampoo...even before it was popular! I have tried many different brands and types over the years and have always alternated what I use depending on the condition of my hair, I usually have like 4-5 different bottles on the go at any one time. Hands down this is the best so far. Better than some that I have paid £30+ for.I always shampoo my hair twice, first with a clarifying shampoo then purple shampoo. Left this on for around 10-15 minutes (always do) and the results were amazing!I have freshly bleached roots and my hairdresser never puts a toner on so they always appear slightly yellow and not icy blonde like the rest of my hair and it usually takes around 3-4 weeks of using toning shampoo to really lift the roots to match the ends of my hair. I think another use of this and I will have the desired results I want. Very impressed, a must have!
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My adult daughter dyes her hair blonde and I really worry about the condition of her hair so I opted for this purple toning shampoo for her as it is meant to remove brassiness and condition her hair at the same time. She washes her hair already with a Fudge conditioner so was delighted when she was able to follow this up with using this shampoo first,. She washes her hair in the shower and then massages in a good amount of this shampoo and leaves it in for about 5 minutes. When she rinses out this shampoo she says that her hair feels more nourished and soft than her hair normally feels after using a shampoo. After she drys her hair she says she has noticed a difference in the colour of her hair as she feels it looks more natural and glossy.She is very happy she has discovered this shampoo and is going to purchase another tube when she has finished this one.
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I’ve been using this for yrs now whenever my hair needs a livener in between colouring sessions as I colour myself.It’s bright purple but don’t be alarmed! You can add a small dollop of any decent white shampoo to dilute a smidge as it’s strong purple but goes on like an ash. Two-5 washes later and it still going.Of all the purple ‘rated’ shampoos out there, this one is the best. You don’t need much but make sure your hair is soaked then pop pr gloves on as this stuff stains your hands but work it in, comb through & wash out and if you don’t have any gloves, scrub your hands with a nailbrush immediately after washing in then again when rinsing out. You don’t need to leave it on long,I left mine on around 3-5mins tops. It covers yellowing blonde/ bleach blonde lovely and really tones the brassiness down 100%Read full review...
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This Fudge shampoo is really excellent quality. My wife is using this on her blond hair along with the Fudge conditioner and really loves it. I've included a few photos and a video of it pouring which I hope you find helpful.She says you need a good amount in the hand to get a good lather up and then it washes the hair really well. It has a pleasant but not overpowering smell.If you've never used this type of shampoo before you may be shocked by it's deep purple colour which can be alarming. This one is so deep and dense it felt like she was going to be dying her hair purple and staining our bathtub! Fear not though it didn't, but as a precaution she would always recommend washing out your bath or shower after use though....just in case!This is premium well made shampoo and she'd definitely recommend it.
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I have waist length grey hair. Grey hair is very porous and soaks up all of the pollutants from the environment so it takes a lot of taking care of.I normally use Touch of Silver, but i am going to switch to this permenently. It was lovely on my hair, covered well, i left it on for 5 minutes and washed off. It removed the yellowy tinge out of my hair. You do have to be careful with purple shampoo/conditioner though so i only it once a week as too much will leave purpley tones in your hair.It left my hair soft and shiny and smelling lovely with no residue. Am definitely buying this again.One final thing,be very careful with this because if you drop any on shower curtains/floors etc and are not quick enough to wash it off it will stain.
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I got this for my daughter. She is a natural blonde but has been several shades of pink and blue the last couple of years and although its dyed blonde again, some of the other shades are still peeping though.This is a lovely shampoo. It smells absolutely amazing and leaves the hair also smelling amazing.The shampoo lathers really well. It takes a few washes for it to start to tone down. But sure enough after a week or 2, the yellow (an various other tones!) had toned right down leaving it blonde again.It over £11 a bottle its not cheap and a little out of my regular price range, but its great shampoo so if its in your budget I would definitely recommend it.


This is really nice shampoo from Fudge, i am familiar with the brand and like their products. I have also used the purple conditioner before which works really well.The smell of the shampoo is really lovely and stays in your hair too, i found a little goes a long way, lathers really nicely but does rinse out no problem. Evens out yellowy tones and brightens up blonde hair and gives a lovely finish, this stuff is worth trying. Pair with the conditioner from the same range for that extra smooth finish.I feel it is a little on the expensive side for just shampoo with an RRP of £12 but it is a good quality product and is fairly long lasting.


At the time of review this shampoo is £11.51, it sounds a little expensive but when you think you are using it to help fix the colour of your hair it’s well worth it. Ive been using it to take the yellow shade out of my hair because I just hate it. I read a few of the reviews first and avoided leaving it on too long. I left it on for 10 minutes as it’s a very dark colour shampoo as you can see from the pic and I didn’t want my hair going purple. It smells very nice and left my hair feeling super clean and soft and no longer with a dreadful yellow tinge. Would definitely recommend. Thank you.


A deep purple shampoo that calms and brightens blonde hair.This shampoo is designed just for blonde hair, it will still clean and freshen brunette and redheads hair but it excels at brightening and adding a fresh look to either natural or dyed blonde hair.I used it and got nice clean brown hair, my daughter used it and her blonde hair was bright and light with a look of being lit.It has a pleasant perfume that lingers on the hair, it cleans well getting rid of styling products and general dirt and grime that accumulates on the roots but it doesn’t strip hair to the point of being dry.


I have always wanted to try purple shampoo because I have seen so many people try it after dying their hair and it makes their hair look very healthy.This shampoo might say it is only 250ml, but it is very big and large in size. This might just be the brand and how they do their sizes, but for 250ml it is bigger than average.It is a very deep purple in color, and also very liquidy and thick. I'm guessing this is because of the fact that it helps to undamaged your hair.I hope this review helps other people looking for this item or other similar products on Amazon.


I have just had my hair coloured so I was very keen to try this Fudge Professional Purple Toning Shampoo for Blonde hair. It comes in a 250ml tube, and is attractively packaged. It is easy to dispense, smells great and lathers well. I have found that it does stain your hands though when using, not a lot but does give them a purple grey tinge.It may be worth using gloves when applying. It also states not to use around anything porous as it will stain, so some caution should be used, when using this. I have been impressed with it so far but may not use it for every wash.

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