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For Fudge Clean Blonde Damage Rewind Violet Toning Conditioner (250 ml), 109 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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I currently use Fudge's shampoo (not the repair one, just the toning one) to keep my hair less brassy between hairdresser visits, but have never used their conditioners before. Even after a couple of uses, the conditioner has noticeable effects for both cuticle health and keeping my colour platinum - to be able to keep my hair healthy and keep the colour up in one product is a huge plus!Pros:- Seems to actually reduce the brassiness immediately after use. My partner commented on how much more silver my hair looked after using this, he doesn't tend to notice just with the shampoo (which I use weekly). So when combined, it seems to make a huge difference- Hair feels very soft and strong and looks healthy,even though it's blonder- Scent stays on the hair for a good day after use - it has a lovely feminine smell, not sure how to describe it but it makes me feel like I've walked straight out of a salon- Despite potential warnings, it doesn't dye my hands even though the conditioner is a lovely lilac colour- Not badly priced for the amount in the bottle and how much you need to applyCons:- None!So as with all conditioner, I leave this on for a minute (even though it doesn't specify to leave it on for a particular amount of time) so it can penetrate my hair and provide the strengthening benefits that it claims. Mixed with the shampoo being used once a week, you can easily keep your hair platinum and silvery using these products if you persevere and keep using them. Very pleased with how my hair feels, smells and looks, so this gets top marks from me. It makes me want to try their other products as I'm so impressed!
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I rarely rave about anything so soon after trying it, but this is one of those cases where thye product is really good and is worth raving about straight away!Not only do you get a sizeable tube of thick, mask-like conditioner, but it transforms your hair from one application.With all the lockdown recently, I ended up missing my regular hairdresser's appointment and had to cope with yellow hair and black roots, not daring to get it sorted myself, given the history of having my hair burnt to the roots and having to spend 3 years restring it, so...yello head it was then.This conditioner was ordered merely because I was running out of my good hair food and thought this was better than nothing,I guess, but I had used so many different products over the years that did not think anything could actually impress me! Wrong I was!Literally squeeze- in the shower dried my hair ( as you do) , applied a good dollop of this thick purplish concoction, left for 5 minutes or longer, to be honest I did not time it, but no less than 5, washed off and forgot about it! Went to bed ( yes, with my hair wet) only to wake up to a mane of ash blonde, strong and lustrous hair! WOWzers! So, looks like I have just found my next favourite brand! It definitely transformed the way my hair looks and feels and I can most certainly recommend it! It does not break the bank too, which is fab!
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My daughter is a natural blonde but after a few years of dying it pink, blue, purple etc, she has gone back to her natural colour but every now and again the other colours show through, so is using blonde shampoos and conditioners to keep it a nice tone.This conditioner is quite a lot more expensive than some of the other brands but it is very nice. It comes out purple, it smells amazing. It rubs through the hair very well and leaves it smooth and soft, and smelling delightful.The results are ok, it does help keep the brassy / orange tones down and helps it look blonde instead of yellow. So yes its great and I would recommend it. However I do feel for the price that there are products just as good on the market for a lot less,so it entirely depends on your budget whether you would feel this value for money.
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I wish I had taken a photo of before and after using this conditioner to prove how good it it.I had approx 2 inches dark root regrowth and my hair looked a mess, just after 1 application of this and my hair looks amazing the dark roots are more grey and have blended beautifully I cannot rate this conditioner enough.Friends have commented on my hair and were shocked that this conditioner can make such a improvement, the more I use the product the better my hair gets and it looks so clean and healthy.My hair is silky smooth and the scent of this is long lasting at least 24 hours and my hair still smelt lovey of a non descriptive scent but I was very pleased about this.I would highly recommend this product and it will be replenished once I eventually run out,you get a lot of product for the money
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I have waist length grey hair. Grey hair is very porous and soaks up all of the pollutants from the environment so it takes a lot of taking care of.I normally use Touch of Silver, but i am going to switch to this permenently. It was lovely on my hair, covered well, i left it on for 5 minutes and washed off. It removed the yellowy tinge out of my hair. You do have to be careful with purple shampoo/conditioner though so i only it once a week as too much will leave purpley tones in your hair.It left my hair soft and shiny and smelling lovely with no residue. Am definitely buying this again.One final thing,be very careful with this because if you drop any on shower curtains/floors etc and are not quick enough to wash it off it will stain.
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Fudge Clean Blonde Conditioner is a conditioner especially formulated for blonde hair to help maintain color and moisture. The conditioner features a toning violet pigment to help neutralize and remove brassy tones, while natural proteins protect hair against UV and environmental damage.The product smells great - love it. It has a pale purple shade to neutralize yellow tones in blonde hair, and it leaves my hair looking and feeling smooth, silky, shiny, and hydrated.Together with Fudge Clean Blonde Shampoo, it is effective at toning blonde hair and getting rid of ugly yellow tones. Also when I am washing my hair often,I use this alone to maintain the tone of my blonde hair.Highly recommended!
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This conditioner is absolutely brilliant. If you have blonde hair and want to keep it blonde without the brassy hue that coloured blonde hair seems to turn in between colours then this conditioner combined with the shampoo is amazing, I have never ever been so pleased with the results outside of a salon.This conditioner is quite strong so I would not advise using after every wash, I would use every four of five washes in between colours and it will keep your hair in tip top condition. Worth every penny and I am so happy to have found it. A little goes a very long way so you do not need to use very much and it will last a long time. A well deserved five stars.


The Fudge purple toning conditioner comes in a good sized bottle to help kick some of the yellow or brassy tones from dyed blonde hair. Great for highlights too.I found that it can be left in highlighted hair for a few minutes to help deep condition but without leaving a purple tone. I’m guessing that the shampoo has the stronger violet shade.My hair was left softer and lighter tones much more vibrant after only a couple of uses. Not as effective as a toner but great to keep hair in good condition in between treatments.The price isn’t bad as usually cheaper bottles of varying brands come in smaller measures from my experience.


This is really nice conditioner from Fudge, i am familiar with the brand and like their products. I have also used the purple shampoo before which works really well but not this conditioner.The smell of the conditioner is really nice and stays in your hair too, i found a little goes a long way but still feels really luxurious, thick and creamy and the end result is great. Evens out yellowy tones and brightens up blonde hair and gives a lovely finish which is difficult to describe, this stuff is worth trying.It is a little on the expensive side with an RRP of £15 but it is a good quality product and is fairly long lasting.


When I leave the salon my hair look so good and after a few washed I look like a chicken with this artificial yellow tone on my hair.Last time that I tried a product like this I bought a cheaper brand and I thought this type of product doesn't work. I was wrong after trying this "Fudge Professional Purple Toning Conditioner" I decided to use forever and ever this conditioner, I am extremely happy with this product is just fantastic!!!Leave my hair very soft and the colour is even better than before. Easy to applied, I used three times per week is a big size of 250 ml. I totally recommend it is worth the money.


I have a full head of bleach highlights and have a toner on at the hairdressers to get rid of the yellow tone.I then have to use purple shampoo to maintain that ash look.This conditioner is a great addition to my purple collection.It not only helps reduce the yellow tones, it is soooo silky when you put it on. It also smells really nice too.Really impressed with this to reduce my yellow tones but also feel like it’s repairing my hair too.For £11 I would recommend this conditioner for highlighted hair to get rid of yellow tones but also repair hair too and protect it from further damage


Due to the lockdown I have been unable to attend the hairdressers are usual and my hair became a unwanted brassy colour, after 2 normal washes and one leave in treatment my hair is back to bright and beautiful as I like it. I was very impressed with the results, it also left my hair feeling amazingly soft. It looks a lilac colour when applied but even though it’s light colour the purple treatment really does settle down the brassiness. The fudge professional condition smells very nice but unfortunately I found the scent washed off when rinsing my hair.


Fudge is a brand that can be trusted and I know that even my hairdresser uses and recommends this conditioner for removing brassy yellow tones from your blonde hair. Yes it can stain your hands a little but this usually washed off easily. I find it tones my blonde perfectly towards the end of my colour before I get it redone although I have to make sure I don’t use it on my grey roots as it tends to give them a much more purple tone than the blonde! I’m a huge fan of this brand over all the others that promise to do the same thing. Highly recommended!


Great stuff! Brightened up by dull blonde balayage a treat! I use this once every fortnight. Don’t use too often as you’ll notice a little bluey tinge starting to show in your hair. Yes it does stain your hands, but nothing a good wash after won’t sort out so I don’t bother wearing gloves like it suggests. I even went to the hairdresser for a toner touch up and decided that it didn’t even need it! Keeps my hair lovely and fresh between colours. Great stuff. Lasts for ages as you don’t need to use it that often.


This is really thick and you need a fair bit for long hair. If your tiles are white, wash it off immediately otherwise you'll be scrubbing it off later. It is also a bit difficult to get off your hands and from under the nails.However, this is really working for my wife. It has massively improved the hair condition, especially the ends. Removes the brassy tone and creates a more realistic and natural blonde. The ends seem stronger too.

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