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For Football Manager 2008 (PSP), 11 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.5.

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I think the other reviewers have been very harsh. This is never going to be a PC beater, the whole aspect of the game is its for a portable and so meant to played in short chunks and not hours and hours at a time like the pc version. All I can say is that i've been addicted. It's very easy to pick up and play as your favourite team. Most of the game mechanics seem very realistic and its quite a nostalgia trek as it reminds of the old skool style of football management games. It concentrates on the basics and does them well.If you're looking for the latest footie management game with all the most in-depth features - then buy the pc version. If however,you're just looking for a game to fill up the odd half hour on the train or an hour here or there - then you wont find a more addictive game for your money.. get it now - its a hidden gem.
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Ok so this is a scaled down version of the PC game. So what? it is brilliant. The new features added have enhanced the game and I once again find my life draining away much to the annoyance of the missus. I have been buying FM or before that champ for over ten years and this is a very good version compared to all the rest, it is certainly the best PSP version. Allowing tactics to be adjusted is long overdue to be included and I now find myself playing 2-4-1-3. Player interaction is simple but again a welcome improvement. For some reason Goran Pandev is a goal machine but hey these things happen. My only small problem would be that I do need to stop every now and again so that my eyes do not bleed as the new skin is quite painful.Well done SI, the best complement I can think of is my missus hates you.
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(Please note this isn't really a review - its information on the game as there is none listed on amazon yet - I can't truly do a review as I help make the game and would be biased as heck :D)Football Manager Handheld 2008 will include a host of new features, which will enrich the portable management experience.While a new skin and lay-out makes it easier to navigate for players, the addition of a reserve squad doubles the amount of squad members players can use. The player can now also customise their tactics and share them with their friends. The match engine has been optimised as well, meaning the player will spend more time playing and less time waiting.Marc Vaughan(Head of Development -Sports Interactive Ltd)
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Marc, thanks for posting your update on Amazon. However, could you answer me a couple of questions which I think have seriously flawed the Handheld games.First of all, will we have bank balances this time rather than just a transfer budget? Secondly, in both previous versions I have found it impossible to get a new job at a better (or worse) club. As I have wrote in a previous review this is after leading Cheltenham to the Premier League and Berwick Rangers to the Scottish Premier League. These are the bugs I would like fixed before adding new features to be honest.PS Can I congratulate you on a fantastic PC game over the years (even if it has killed many peoples social lives :-)


I may have given it 5 stars but i don't think it's changed enough since last year, i only got it as it was £15 and it had the new players, still good if you enjoy them but nothing special.


If you've got this game you'll agree that its great however if you haven't buy the new one


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