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For Fluval Q, 160 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.5.

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I've had a few of the Whisper pumps and I have to say that this was a nice upgrade. I was hesitant buying it because I had seen a few reviews saying that it was loud. It is definitely louder than the 20 gallon whisper pump, but this is made for a much larger tank. My LED Marineland Bubble Wand is functioning again with the extra air and the fish seem a lot happier. They were very sluggish and hid a lot, but are now all over the tank. If you have an enclosed area to put this, go for it! The enclosed area will muffle it a lot and you won't mind it if you are used to the drone of a current pump. My only complaint is that about 10 hours into use, it got really loud. I took the cover off,tightened everything and then put it back together. I'm a week into use and haven't had the issue repeat itself. Also, there are two separate diaphragms, one for each line out. Back pressure might be a concern one day with expanding them, so don't regulate it too much with a gang valve and make sure what you are running is always clean and functioning properly. If the diaphragm does fail, you can always get a relatively cheap repair kit. I would definitely recommend this!
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Quiet and WAY strong! beware of the size of the pump according to your tank, don't purchase a pump rated for an 80 gallon tank if you're tank is small as it will produce very strong bubbling that will really stress your fish, I learned this the hard way! soft fine bubbles are better than large ones, if your tank is large/wide enough you can get away with a fine bubble wand connected to this, but in a narrow tank this pump will be way too strong giving the fish no areas of still water for them to rest and relax in. This pump is excellent, I had intended to use it for my 30 gallon tank but had to disconnect it because my fancy goldie was getting sick from stress, way too strong.When I turned the bubbles off he recovered in 2 days and was back to normal. I have since purchased a 75 gallon tank that is 4 feet wide, so now the pump goes great with it without problems! :) no more stressed goldie!
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I used a Marina 100 for my 33 gallon and my 2 other Nano's (5 gallon and 1 gallon). It barely was able to run 3 air stones that I use in my sponge filters. I bought this pump as I wanted to add another 2 gallon Nano. Marina 100 was noisy as hell. I had to suspend it in a plastic jug and duct tape the jug to make it quite. Fluval pump is now running air stone sponge filters in all 4 of my tanks. It is running very briskly putting out a lot more air. I can barely hear it. The only noise right now is a faint hiss of air escaping from bleed valve and yes I am only using one of the two outlets. I love this pump from the get go. Recommended.


Fluval are the best in anything to do with fish keeping, I bought 3 of these air pumps so quite really could not hear them. But Sorry Fluval, I buy everything I need from you, but the 3 air pumps broke, the first just after a few weeks, the second after a few weeks more, then the last one broke last night. to say I was gutted would be an understatement. and they cost much more than todays price. so I now need to replace my air pumps, But I do stick buy my belief the Fluval are the best, I am going to order another 2 of these air pumps today. I would of given 5 stars but for the early brakes.


Really silentI run 3 of these in my room / for 3 aquariums.Barely any noise.( As good as noiseless )It pumps out good.It's been 4 months now ( approx) since I am using them.They are working fine so far.I do not think I will use another product.One is connected to a sponge filter (betta tank) and the other 2 to wooden diffusers.It has a dial that is helpful to control output, I suggest you add an external regulator also.Go for it.


I just purchased this and I'm am very satisfied with it. It has plenty of power to run my sponge filters. I see other complaints about the noise being too loud. This model seems to be ok noise wise. The bubbles on top of the water from the pump seem to be louder than the pump itself.All in all I do recommend this product.Will do an update in a few months and see if quality stays the same or declines


This is an outstanding pump and is absolutely noiseless. In fact, the noise made on account of the water bubbles is louder than any hum the pump may produce. Its got multiple dampers and is well designed. I have tried various brands, but this one is the best so far. Since its only been a couple of months since I installed this pump, I still haven't established its longevity.


Great air pump for bubble walls! I just got a air line "T" and connected both outlets from the unit to the T and ran a airline from the single connection on the T to my bubble wall. Lots of aeration and surface agitation. Used in a 20g long tank. Its a steady audible hum, not very loud, but could be enough to be annoying if you slept in the same room.


These pumps work great. However, I gave four stars because this is the second pump that I have purchased in just a couple years because the first one was dying. It wouldn't push enough air to even make one bubbler work in a 30 gallon tank. I purchase the larger pump to have three bubblers going at the same time. It works great when it's working.


Can't give 5 stars for ease to install as it comes with a 2 pin plug so had to find a adapter and it's definitely not silent but seems quieter then the last air pump I had but I would recommend as it is stylish compared to most pumps and I am gonna buy the Q2 for my bigger tank soon


I have one running a large air-stone and one running an air curtain in my 850 ltr discus tank.The power adjustment on the top works well if you need to reduce the flow.Good solid build qaulity.I'm in the process of switching my other tanks over to these Fluval Q2 air pumps


I run this on a 55g tank, produces a LOT of air. I will likely need to add some flow control valves to adjust down the volume of air produced. It is very quiet, I have placed in the enclosed stand under the tank and you can barely hear it. I would buy this product again!


I have tried many air Pumps, but this one is without doubt the best ever, no noise just a low hum.It truly is the best, but I am not surprised coming from Fluval, they are the best, and I had it within three days.I have three tanks and three have Fluval air Pumps.


I have had Fluval before but this one is so Quiet and i am running one 5ft air curtain a 4ft air curtain and a 2ft one so i would recommend this Fluval Q2 to anyone, I do have a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft Tank and the Q2 is not on full power to run these.


Bought this as I wanted extra air flow in the fish tank, is a good make and works well, but is rather noisy, no matter what I tried, even standing it on piece of carpet, but didn't work, the motor is still noisy. would not really recommend.

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