

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Fjällräven Abisko Light Trekking Trousers W Reg (89583R) reviews.
You can find all Fjällräven Abisko Light Trekking Trousers W Reg (89583R) reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Fjällräven Abisko Light Trekking Trousers W Reg (89583R), 2 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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I have had my first fjallraven bag as a gift from my BF and since then I fell I love with the tech this brand offers. It's Minimal looks and durability and not to mention the storage space deserves an A+!I have received my Abisko pants in the mail and I ordered one for my bf for his bday. I didn't know my size so I kinda guessed that 36 -37 would fit me considering am a 5'3 and weight 116lb. The size turned out to be perfect! I am also so happy I went for the red shade! It's gorgeous and looks so flattering on my curves. I can't say much about how it stood up during my hikes but I'm giving an initial feedback after trying it on for the first time.I suggest taking the size chart on the originalFjallraven US website (it's what I did to determine my size) before ordering as I have read that it may run small. It's high waste, a regular cut and looks very flattering! So happy with my purchase ❤️
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I've had these for a couple of years now and they are probably my favorite pants. In addition to being sturdy and useful, they are very flattering. To be frank, they make my butt look great. They take a beating down in the city and out in the nature. Highly recommend.

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