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For Fisher-Price Classics Music Box Record Player, 254 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.9.

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I loved this toy as a young child in the 70's.i wanted to get one for my young children and having read some negative reviews on this new relaunched version I began a search for a vintage original. I managed to get my hands on a couple and disappointingly, one played very slow and the other had a constant clicking sound. They both went back. I researched a bit more and discovered that it's very hard to get a second hand one that works at full speed so as to be able to enjoy the songs. Reluctantly I bought this new version and was overjoyed at how it sounds just like the original but plays at the proper speed and volume. The main differences are that it's a tad smaller,it requires batteries although I'm not sure what these are for as you still need to turn the winder in order for it to play. Also edelweiss has been replaced with the Farmer in the Dell. The record arm still needs to be placed on the grooves of the record but the stylus is different from the original and the records don't have the same or as many grooves. However these changes, whist disappointing for us 40yr olds, are unimportant for young children today as the main functionality is the same and the sound (having compared an original vintage right next to the new version) is exactly the same and will still bring the kids a lot of joy. I personally think that unless you're a collector, do your kids a favour and buy the new one so that they have a proper working toy that plays a decent tune.
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I bought this for a friends son on his first birthday. It requires batteries so I opened it up to put the batteries in to test it. The wind crank gears are a little loud. Well, actually, it is all a little loud in general. My three year old daughter heard it and came running. She swiped it while my back was turned and Barbie and friends are now having a merry dance to Hickory Dickory Dock. After seeing that I think I am going to need to get another one. The other review is correct it is not the same one I remember growing up but I think none of the magic has worn off in the update.


While I shared the disappointments of many that this needed batteries and some songs had changed and so on, as soon as it started playing my 14 month old was smitten with it! She absolutely adores it! I can't remember if the sound quality is much different but it does sound a whole heap better than the other musical toys on the market these days. I think many people writing the negative reviews want back their own childhood toy for themselves and are reviewing it unfairly. It has changed but it's still charming. She loves it and I love it!


Was a little disappointed that this isn't the same as the one I had as a child but my 21 month old loves it probably as much as I loved mine. It uses 3 AA batteries and you have to turn it on underneath to hear it. The wind up on the front is just to make the disc turn and the on off button ontop stops and starts the turntable.It works perfectly well and is lovely. My son enjoys playing with it but I do think it should have been stated that the mechanism is not like the original


My two year daughter loves the songs on it, but I have to say it's annoying that she isn't able to change the records on herself. The part you have to lift to change the record it's not really easy to move if you're a small kid, so one of us has to be there to change the records... Maybe when she's older she will learn how to do it, but I wish it was easier to handle for toddlers and babies.


Our little girl loves music so when I saw this I just had to get it her. It’s just how I remember my fisher price music box. The storage compartment for the vinyls is built in keeping the vinyls safely stored. The wind up component is great for improving fine motor skills. A great nostalgic toy that both parents and children can enjoy together.


Bought for my 18 month old as he loves our real record player. I think he has more fun changing the record and putting them in the little storage slot at the back than listening!It is a little fiddly for him as you have to lift and move the arm to get it off the record but he loves it and it's very sturdy


This is an excellent toy, creates a love of music and independence as the child can use it themselves. It is also very sturdy and survives lots of hassards. I had it for my kids when they were young, and was delighted to see it back on the market. Have now got it for my grandchildren.


Bought this as a birthday present for a 1 year old. I love a bit of vintage Fisher Price, and this went down so well. They loved the gift and little girl can play with it as she grows up!I've got another 1 year old birthday in a couple of months guess who will be getting the same!


Bought this originally in 1978. Then had 4 children who made good use of it. Unfortunately it got lost over the years. I was delighted to find one the exact same on the amazon site. i now have 5 grandchildren who are making good use of it. Bringing back lots of happy memories


Classic design Fischer Price “record player”. Good looking and sturdy and well suited for toddlers.Nice selection of popular nursery rhymes in discs. But would help if a play list was included in the item description which was disappointingly vague.


Bought for my daughters first birthday and she loves it. It is exactly how i remember mine was even down to the design on the side. Perfect first record player and really well made as my daughter is quite rough sometimes swapping the records.


Blast from the past - had one for my children all those years ago - now have one for little grandson!! As well made as ever - takes a bit of a hammering from him at times, but seems to withstand any amount of bashing!! Worth every penny!


used to love the old ones as a child and while this is not quite the same as we all remember its still a fun simple toy that can be carried around and encourage a lot of imaginative play. Not a bad modern reproduction at all


I ordered this for my Grandsons Christmas but unfortunately there was a fault with this product but Amazon replaced faulty item no bother. The replacement Record Player is Great & Grandson loves it. Thanks Amazon.
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