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I bought this as Official X Box magazine gave it a score of 7.3,they gave MGS:Substance 7.2!,describing it as a cheap and cheerful clone of MGS,Mercenaries and Syphon Filter,rubbish!The story is a very generic "anti-terrorist" plot just like those 'made-for-telly' films,to accompany the very wooden cut scenes is some of the worst dialogue you'll hear this side of the original Resident Evil.To be fair the controls are very good,aiming is pixel perfect,too perfect actually,clip after clip is poured into some poor soul only for him to still be standing once the OTT muzzle flash has died down,The graphics are very basic,coming across like an average Dreamcast game,and certain sections are awful,thefirst hovercraft level for example is just...gray,it's everywhere,the water,the buildings,the sky,the people and as for the interior of the bank,it's completely devoid of any detail at all.The biggest set-back with the game is time limits,they pop up almost at random,meaning the stealthy approach of using cover and rolling out to take pot shots or blindfire result in mad dashes to see if you can make it the next,badly placed,checkpoint(there's one practically five seconds from the beginning of the hovercraft level,then you don't see one for twenty minutes!)Also,upon dying,you revert to your default weapon,vision mode,meaning if you crossed a checkpoint armed with a machine gun with invisibility activated,you'll restart fully visible with the pistol!!,you'll die,again!As for the Free-fall bits ,don't ask,Overall you are better off with MGS,Mercenaries,Splinter Cell or Brute Force,Avoid!
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