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I would like to start with the main installation of the game before anything else, I will admit that installing FEAR 2 was extraordinarily irritating, but for the sake of the review I will not let that effect my overall view of the game.To install the game, you must first install steam and create a new account, after that you must insert the serial of the game then let it install, for the overall size of the game (11GB) the install took longer than it should of. Each time you start the game you must enable Steam, this ends up taking even more CPU. The overall process is very tedious and inefficient since multiplayer is account based using GameSpy. I would assume that the protection was introduced by Warner Brothers,since none of the previous games were published by WB and none of them required such absurd validation methods. Also, FEAR 1 multiplayer is given out for free by Monolith.FEAR 2 takes place after the first game so if you haven't played the first game, then the story will make little sense. The story in FEAR 2, as mentioned, takes place after the first game but instead of adding to the story, it mainly twists things we learnt in FEAR 1. Although some readers may think this would make the game intriguing, it doesn't. There were a lot of unexpected twists within the first game which worked brilliantly and adding more twists when we felt accomplished would just cause you to give up on trying to understand. To make the frustration more understandable, imagine yourself piecing together a 5,000 piece jigsaw with no visual guide to what the final product is, you're halfway through and on the verge of knowing what the image is, then someone suddenly comes in and dismantles it all. You'd be unhappy, annoyed and you'd most likely give up.I then enjoyed the game for what it is, a first person shooter. There is an immense amount of action in the game and the enemies are really satisfying to kill. The only advancement from FEAR 1 is that you have the ability to move some of the objects in the environment and use them for cover or to reveal a doorway. You still have the ability to slow down time, do jump-kicks and drop-kicks, although the melee attacks don't feel as easy or as necessary to execute. There are also a few quick time events, which feel forced in and do not flow well with the game. If you complete them the first time, you'd think it was cool. If you fail, it'd just get annoying.The horror factor of the FEAR games is absent. There will be multiple occasions where you'll literally walk past something that was supposed to scare you and the `scary' parts are `in your face'. FEAR 1 wasn't about scaring you but about creeping you out and making you feel cautious and vulnerable wherever you go. FEAR 2 on the other hand will try the scare you and most of the time it'll fail, you'll find yourself knowing something `scary' is about to happen and it doesn't surprise you when it does.The controls of the game are the standard FPS controls and I have no need to elaborate on that.The AI in the game is pretty smart and do use some of the tactics you use such as moving furniture, which makes the game more challenging. But this is no advancement from FEAR 1. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same AI.Overall, FEAR 2 is a decent game and is a good FPS, the story was a huge disappointment and it was the story that compelled me to actually buy the game. Without the story, all it makes is a decent `run of the mill' FPS.If you're interested in buying FEAR 2 but haven't played the first games, I'd recommend buying the FEAR platinum pack, which includes FEAR and both expansion packs. You'll have more enjoyment and satisfaction for money and it's cheaper too.
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I enjoyed the first FEAR game which came out in 2005. Despite its age I played this again recently and the shooting and graphics are still good on today's hardware. I bought FEAR 2 some time after it was released and forgot about it so have only just played it to completion. What put me off buying it at first was that it was a Steam game which requires internet activation etc. I've got a lousy internet connection which puts me off games like this. However I subsequently found with other games this was no real problem as I could install the game from the retail disc and Steam would simply validate it and download the latest patch before allowing me to play offline.However with FEAR 2 this took ages as the patch is huge - it patched up to version 1.05 and most of the content seemed to be new multiplayer maps which are irrelevant to me. Therefore if you have a poor internet connection as I do you might not wish to bother with the hassle. Also note you cannot simply choose not to patch - the game will not launch until it has been fully patched initially.The game itself is good fun if you are a FEAR fan - it runs parallel to the original story and you play another special ops hardcase called Sergeant Beckett this time. The story unwinds nicely through the tapes scattered around the various locations. Unlike collectibles in most games which are derived from console trophy hunts it is important to collect these to uncover the conspiracy. Becket, like Point Man in the first game, can slow down time and if you uncover the story via the hidden tapes you find out why he also has this power. Compared to the first game the levels are much more varied which was a large improvement. Also you get the opportunity to maraud through the city in a giant war mech - a bit like the one Ripley uses at the end of Aliens. There is also a level where you act as a turret gunner which again adds some variety. I did not find the game particularly creepy though - as soon as the lights start flickering you know you are going to experience a supernatural event. The gameplay is again superb - the controls are well designed and precise. I thought the graphics were a little disappointing - the original FEAR was notable for its cutting edge graphics at the time. I do not know if FEAR 2 uses the same game engine but the look of the game is no real improvement on the original. This is fine in most indoor areas but some of the backgrounds in outdoor areas looked quite awful. The plus side of this is that the game runs superbly on modern hardware - on my GTX 285 with settings on maximum the framerate never left the vsync cap of 60 frames per second. I bought the dlc "FEAR Reborn" on Steam to extend the experience. You play as a replica soldier which adds more variety. However it is very, very short, nowhere near the length of a full expansion pack. I also found the story hard to follow and the graphics looked unpolished.In summary if you are a FEAR fan this game is a must. If you like well designed shooters with bullet time (slomo) this is also well worth a visit. The game augments the events of the original game nicely without adding much to the story or changing the gameplay much. It reminded me a little of how Crysis Warhead linked with Crysis - a parallel story from a different perspective. I am looking forward to FEAR 3 and I hope the new developers can do as good a job as Monolith have to date. I also hope we get a new game engine as the current engine is starting to look a little dated.Hope this helps
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When I bought this game, I immediately inputted the CD key onto Steam - in order to bypass any existing DRM problems. (Steam is a wonderful service that allows you to download and install games to an account - which can be accessed from any computer. The best part is that I don't think you even need to be running online for it to work)Then again, after reading some other reviews - I think you need to get it running on Steam anyway, much to their dismay at not being able to re-sell.This game is a psycological horror and will make you jump many times, however the problem is that many of the "scares" (USUALLY you can tell when they are as the HUD will buzz and the flashlight will flicker)are in directions where you aren't looking. Although there's nothing quite more shocking than randomly looking behind you and seeing the creepy figure of Alma right there.This game probably won't scare some players - but it's one of those games where you'll have to get immersed and let it. Playing in the dark (whilst alone, of course) will make it much scarier.Anyway, here are the pros and cons:Pros:- Builds a creepy atmosphere- Brilliant(!) level design- Has some good scares (especially the School)- Some weapons feel satisfying (You'll like the sniper rifle), although that's purely personal opinion- Graphics style is nice and from what I can tell, doesn't require too much power- The slowdown power still makes you feel awesome- Interesting (although confusing - especially if you don't pick up all of the intel items) story- Satisfying melee attacks (yes, there are 4 different melee attacks)- AI is fairly smart (they will use the new feature to flip tables/whatever for cover - and they will try to flank you)- VERY gory, probably a neutral pointCons:- You have to be looking the right way for many scares.- Some weapons feel unsatisfying (SMG for example), although that's purely personal opinion- I don't believe the AI is as smart (or amusing to listen to) as the first game- Fairly short- From what I hear, the multiplayer isn't in good shape (I HAVE NOT tried it myself)- The combat parts are COMPLETELY separate from the horror parts, so when you see some enemy soldiers you can rest in the knowledge that the game won't try to scare you for a little while.In conclustion I think the game does what it sets out to do and is definitely worth a try - although it could be scarier/creepier. There is a demo out (that doesn't spoil anything due to the way this particular company makes their demos) so I'd definitely try that out before buying it. I personally think it's worth it at the cheap price that is currently listed, but that's obviously my opinion.P.S.The whole generic argument (has been used in previous reviews for this game) fails to me as most ideas for FPS have already been done before.
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My God, this game is generic isn't it. Sweet Jesus, it even has a turret level!!!!, I mean seriously how un-imaginative is it to have a turret level in a FPS these days ?. It also has a small mission where you are protecting a fellow marine (the token wise-cracking female) with a sniper rifle. The cast of characters are your usual FPS marine types (anyone whose played any squad-based FPS in the last ten years knows exactly what I mean) and the set-peices are so predictable you would have to be a FPS virgin not to see them coming. The poor sound also deserves its own special mention, especially the voice-acting which sounds so fake and sterile you get the feeling Simon Cowell was maybe hired as sound engineer.And yet for all these problems I kinda found myself enjoying the game anyway.Yes it may be generic but it goes at such a pace I didn't really mind (well, most of the time). A special mention must go for level set in an elementry school, which I found very enjoyable and tense. You may have played this level on the demo, which is kind of a shame as it is definetly the game's high water-mark. The combat is solid and yet very unremarkable, with way too much emphasis on the slow-mo option. I found myself purposly not using this option as I found it made the game much too easy (another problem) and predictable. The enemies you face are also quite frankly unremarkable and pedestrian with the usual mix of marine types, freaky (and yet not scary) monsters and (too easily defeated) ghosts. I should also mention how the game has the exact same problem as it's predesessor, in that it always feels like you are travelling down grey corridor after grey corridor, this is something Monolith must sort out in the third part of the franchise.So if you've read this and wonder after all the faults I've picked why I quite enjoyed the game, I could'nt really give a convincing answer other than the fact I still found myself playing the game to it's conclusion. So if you've completed other (superior) shooters such as Bioshock, Far Cry 2 and Crysis and your just looking for something new to play then by all means give this a go but don't expect anything too special.
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Right, first off I have had the game for 2 days and am half way through on the "hard" setting, so this is based on what I've seen so far.I am running a 3200 Athlon 64, 2 gig RAM and 9800GT 512Mb graphics card and I can get the graphics cranked up to near the top with no perceivable loss of game performance.Graphics are very good with lots of attention to detail (water splashes on your visor, blood splashes with close kills) lighting effects are very atmospheric (remember to set the lighting control at the start, this really ads to the effect).Game play is familiar to anyone who has played the other games,though with some nice touches like being able to flip objects and tables for cover and unblock some doorways with brute force.The publishers have also taken on board the need for more diverse locations..... yes, you are no longer stuck in a city full of above and below ground car parks. :o)Now for the things that got a star knocked off. Stupid things that, given the attention to detail, are not easily forgiven. The top three being:-1. Monolith, I have a P.C. Don't make me rely on way-points to save the game just because you're console users have to use them. Put in a proper save/quick save menu with your next patch. (Not fixed yet, as of 14th March 2009)2. Oh and on the subject of patches, no support for 5 button mice (i.e. most gaming mice)? (Again, not sorted as of 14th March 2009)3. The AI is not aggressive enough at higher levels. Strange, given my earlier comment about the need for saves, but you will see the difference on open battle fields as opposed to more confined areas. (VERY FIXED - Difficulty of HARD setting is now fairly challenging as of 14th March)Finally, for those who have difficulty loading, set your firewall/virus software in "Game Mode" or turn it off for the duration of the game. You will lock up otherwise as the game needs a clean connection to the net.
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After some mixed reviews I had my doubts FEAR2 would compare with the original. Indeed for about the first quarter of the game it seemed to present nothing new or exciting. The story is pared down - mostly about stopping Alma. Sure, the special effects were more amazing than ever, and graphics - whilst a bit cartoonish at times - still created an effective (if not scary) atmosphere. It was from the time that I had to take out the multiple enemies with a sniper rifle that things started to pick up - a definite ramping up of tension. Then, a particular highlight for me, piloting the armoured assault vehicle (seen in many an action blockbuster) that still puts you in enough jeopardy to keep things exciting.Ok,so it is a linear game, but then most are, even the COD series can be accused of that. If you've played lots of shooters it might even seem predictable and too easy [on normal]. I played it mostly on hard setting, and with no quick-save option that certainly got my adrenaline flowing. Could also be a frustrating experience to have to repeat a section, but that's the trade-off.Here are the down sides: It is a fairly short game, but at risk of it becoming repetitive that's probably not such a bad thing. The tie-in to steam is a hassle if you don't already have an account. But once that's set up it's no problem (at least for an average broadband) and means not having to insert a disk. It's a one-time installation. The controls are a bit fiddly; much better to use the alt-mouse for zoom and x for melee.In conclusion, I would rate it somewhere between the original and Perseus Mandate - which was certainly the worst. But at a price of a about a third of most games I would say it is good value for money.
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When I first heard that Alma was coming back, a few emotions surfaced.A pinch of joy, a little excitement, but most of all FEAR!! I knew that if I was going to play this game, I needed to refill my stack of grown up diapers again. The memories of the previous installment still lingered in my head. Finally I pulled my guts together en bought this game. I installed the game and was immediately surprised. Apparently you need Steam in order to play the game. No way around it. You can't even install the game without Steam being installed first. (Not a good idea in my book.) Then the game began. The game plays about the same way the previous games did, except for a few changes.You can only carry 3 medkits now instead of 10 and they are to be used as a last resort. You don't have the slow mo effect at the beginning. You'll receive it after the first episode. The graphics look great even better than the first F.E.A.R. The gameplay is a lot faster, scarier and more tactical. The enemies will rather hide for cover and smoke you out with a few grenades instead of coming at you guns blazing. A nice new features is that you can use a lot of objects to create your own cover, a hospital bed, a few crates,... You'll use it a lot.The story is what drives this game. What will happen with Alma. Why does she do the things she does. What was the hidden agenda from Genevieve Aristide...The level design is more varied now. No more crawling through the same office corridors again and again and again (although you'll have some of that again). Now we've got a hospital, some underground facility, and more...My advice is, buy the game. Play it. FEAR Alma again...
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... For it comes round far too quickly.Ok first of all to get the good points out of the way, the suspense will cause you to feel your own heartbeat in your ears a fair number of times, the gun fighting gameplay is fun and if you let it draw you in you will shout at the screen in blood crazed frenzy quite a lot, (who doesn't smile when using a shotgun at point blank range in slow-mo) and the graphics will on occasion make you coo under your breath, and the world is fairly interactive.Right thats done moving on, bad points, you will after some time be able to pick up on when creepiness is about to ensue, and so will lose some of the impact, the gun fighting can get repetitive,(slo-mo - headshot- headshot- end slo-mo... repeat ad nauseum), despite the world being very interactive, you may find you miss out on most of it besuce you just wouldn't think to do something, e.g you can when out and about in ruined suburbia yank open car doors for cover, unfortunately when quick thinking in combat you don't spend time opening the door when you can just duck behind said car and probably live longer.My major gripe however is that despite its flaws I did actually enjoy playing the game which cut me to the quick when within about a days worth of play i was suddenly at the ending, I mean crikey! How infuriating is that?My recommendation for the game is if you like this kinda game check it out, you'll probably have fun, if not then hmph you're loss, but definately play it on the harder levels to get a bit of a challenge and/or longevity out of the game. and find people to play online with.
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Right im not normally big on franchises, they dont normally work, they usually get sloppy and just try and scratch out another release. But this... wow, i played the demo and it was fantastic, i was playing on my imac through bootcamp on windows vista on max specs and max res and it played like a dream!Graphics:I dont know what people are on about with the graphics looking similar to the first, they obviously havent played the first because these are beautiful! With stunning visual effects. When you run under water you get water droplets on your visor, if you getshot in the face and die your visor smashes to bits on the floor (the visor is your hud interface for the game btw - so...your screen)Gameplay:Well you should be expecting some great gameplay,fun, action-packed! The usual from FEAR! The enemies do the usual dragging tables over for cover, throw grenades and try to flank you! Great fun. I can only critisize on the opening of doors... your hand doesnt actually touch the door... (i know what your thinking... so what?.. yeah well i have to say some negatives...)Overall:I loved the demo and im getting the game. you should too. So stop reading this and click the buy now! FANTASTIC!
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Not only has FEAR 2 got the looks and the style, it's intensely good fun, the plot is brilliantly delivered and although the replicants might not be as hilarious as they were in the first game (no shouting to one another that the guy who's 'tooooo faaaast', and also cornered, is somehow attempting to flank them), a more mature tone definitely suits this instalment better than the first.The characters look great, they move right and the dialogue works... it's well delivered and it fleshes out the characters just enough to tell the story.When I first started the game my initial feeling was that it was a great FPS... just not as good as it's predecessor. Not as much fun. About two Intervals in I was utterly hooked,blown away... the game is simply breath-taking. And ridiculously good fun to boot.You might find yourself wandering around it, the game, mouth agape, celebrating the plot, enjoying the way it intertwines with the original, amazed at where it has come, and then desperately trying to remember just where you bound that 'slow-mo' key as the replicant swarms (plus many new and exciting adversaries) arrive on the scene to take you down.Roll on the next Lith game!
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I thought having read a lot of the review here I would put in my opinion.I am a huge dedicated fan of 3D shooters and it's all I really play.FEAR 2 as we know was one of the much anticipated games of this year.I loved all the previous FEAR games. And this one is just as good.I admit like other people have said that it is a bit short. But the visuals make up for it. The outdoor scenes are fantastically rendered.When you are in the robot I couldn't help but flash back to Mech Warrior a game I played to death years ago and loved.The skill level has been slightly tweaked and is a lot easier than the last compilations, so I would advise anyone who is going to play it to start on medium and on the second time do hard.I completed it on Medium in a day but that was thrashing it.So on Hard it should take you a little bit longer. I won't be playing it on multi player so can't really speak about that.Overall I rate this game and think that it's one I would go back to.If you enjoyed the first series and want to get scared again I think you will like this game.
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I could not wait to get my hands on it, and when it arrived I was not disappointed. The graphics are their usual high standard and the gameplay is excellent. I only discovered two bugs that with a little practice are easy to get around.It was necessary to contact the Help Desk to get past a cinematic scene with Alma in the lift, and a second with Colonel Varik in the decontamination chamber. At these two points you keep getting killed and it appears there is nothing you can do about it, but the secret is to tap mouse button 2 as fast as possible and you will get through. I am assured by the Help Desk that a fix is being worked on.All things considered, the game is of the same high standard FEAR players have come to expect.It is exciting, thrilling, and scary all at the same time.I do not play on line because I keep getting shot too quickly, but that does not stop me enjoying the game. I am on my second run through and still love it. Buy it. It's worth every cent.
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First of all, I absolutely loved the first game and always play the PC version. I was really looking forward playing this but was a bit dubious because of the negative reviews, i'm SO glad I have tried it. Warner Bros have made such a brilliant follow up game, been on it 8 hours straight, very addictive. Was just a little disappointed ALL the original weapons were not in this game but there are quite a few new ones which are superior.The game really does force you to think 'on your feet' for example, you have to always be aware of your surroundings and how you can take advantage of it like shooting an electricity box or gas cylinder. The graphics are excellent and the game is so very atmospheric,your heart will be racing.My advice is look on some of the video websites at others playing the game (I do this with most games before purchasing them), if you buy it - you won't be disappointed; I certainly don't think it deserves the amount of bad reviews it's getting.
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What immediately sets FEAR 2 apart from other FPS is the sick feeling of dread, created from the very moment you wake up under an apocalyptic red sky in the twisted remains of a city.One section in the demo is truly unnerving, and I sat there (literally) feeling little rushes of adrenaline - real fear - as the various aparitions appeared. I was too scared to go into a toilet in the game as the lights weren't working - daft I know - and I did it finally by taking my headphones off. Sound plays a big part in creating the atmosphere, and during that part of the game there was some desolate sobbing in the background. It was getting to me. The straight firefights are a relief, and good fun - maybe even standard,but that doesn't seem to matter because if there is such a thing as a haunted video game, this is it.It's like being in a great horror movie, and it highlights how dull most FPS actually are.
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I bought fear 2 and instantly was hooked. The game is not without its scary supernatural moments and are far from few. The only negative aspect of the actual gameplay is the linear settings; large parts of the game feature in similar looking corridors of a hospital ward. However, i think this does build up tension; you never really know what to expect around each corner. I think the multi player is brilliant, i have played that more than the game even though both game and multiplayer are just as good, interacting with other online players is simple and its not too hard to get to grips with. As for steam, i have never had a problem with it. I think it is useful and it has never disappointed.I bought Fear 1 shortly after in the hope it would be almost as good, but it is pale in comparison.
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