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For Faber-Castell TK 4600, 33 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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I have used clutch pencils since I first discovered them in 1972. These marvels of simple engineering do away with all that business of messy wood shavings and an ever-shortening pencil. In my experience the leads for a clutch pencil last much longer than a conventional pencil of equal length. There is an easy-to-use sharpener in the top of the pencil and a neat place to store it.The Faber pencil has an efficient finger grip on the outside and the mechanism works perfectly, holding the lead tightly without slipping. If you use a pencil a lot and you are fed up with the 'itty-bitty' little leads in propelling pencils (where the leads have the annoying habit of sliding back inside the housing and snapping off in use)then this is the pencil for you.There are many clutch pencils on the market but this is a fine example at a reasonable price - irresistible.
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These are very good tools for sketching. The point can be sharpened in the silver push button, and the body is nicely weighted and slender. Wooden pencils have their own appeal but these are great for keeping on you for sketching while travelling, etc. It's pretty light, but more substantial than a wood pencil. The pocket clip is a bit of an annoyance because as you move the pencil around the bit of metal will dig into your hands, but I managed to twist the clip off of mine, so it's essentially perfect now. You can refill with any grade of lead up to 6B, I think, which is awesome.The best part is you can keep it in your bag, pocket, etc without having to worry about leaving pencil marks everywhere because the lead can be retracted,so it stays neat and safe and won't break either.
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I wanted a 2mm clutch pencil for art drawing, urban sketching and life drawing. The technical drawing pencils I already had (0.7 and 0.5) felt too fine. The advantage of a clutch pencil is you don’t have to sharpen it, carry a knife or sharpener, or worry about getting your pencil out to draw and finding the lead broken off. This one feels light, balanced, and comfortable to hold. I like the facets where you grip the pencil, I find that more comfortable than a textured grip which some have. The clip is handy and means hopefully I’m less likely to lose it. I got some 2b leads to try besides the HB it came with. I’m very pleased with it so far.


I've had one of these pencils for just over 30 years and it's just as good now as the day I bought it.I bought this one for my daughter who has been wanting one of her own for her artwork.It feels good in the hand and is well balanced. The great advantage is that the pencil never gets shorter as the lead gets used up.You can buy different grades of leads. You can even find coloured leads, but they're not so good in my opinion.


This Faber Castell pencil has a 2mm thick lead that can hold a good fine point, whereas normal propelling pencils are too thin at 0.5 mm (or thereabouts) and the leads snap when marking lines on timber. The 2 mm lead can be sharpened easily using the sharpener in the top of the pencil. Used with a B lead it makes a clear dark line that is also soft enough not to make deep marks. Nicely engineered and rather traditional.


I bought my FaberCastell TK4600 in 1997 as part of my architectural drawing course (back then, it was all done by hand!).Incredibly enough, I manage not to lose it over the years and I wouldn't know if there are any better as it never failed me and therefore I never considered getting a new one. I will buy again if I need to, but I have a feeling that it will outlast me!


This is my 2nd faber cluch pencil and an thinking of buying a few others. I go through pencils at a rate of knots but the 10 pack refills for this actually work out cheeper then buying 10 reg pencils. I also find the quality of the leads far more consistant all the way through. If your an artist i would say make an investment and change over


Bought this pencil to use on the building site as it is less likely to be stolen than generic pencils.So far extremely happy. Find it much better than a carpenters pencil for the purpose. I did however purchase 4H leads off the bat as I think they will be better suited to the materials I will be marking than HB.


I really like this type of pencil, the thick lead is much better than a 0.5mm mechanical pencil for my purposes and this model has a sharpener built into the end cap, which is ideal. When I lose one or one breaks somehow I always buy more.


Clutch pencils are awesome and this is a reasonably priced model worth including in your pencil-case or jacket pocket. A much more affordable alternative to the more expensive caran d'ache model I have.


Great item from yesteryear, far better than the modern .5mm etc lead propelling pencils that snap just by looking at them. I actually bought two in the end as my daughter grabbed mine for school.


Bought for my 14 year old daughter, and I wanted to keep it. Memories of schoolday technical drawing over 30 years ago. Brilliant pencil, think I'll just get one for myself!


Sexy pencil, works really well. If you're new to art like me, don't forget to buy a lead sharpener like I did! The shipping cost for getting one alone is crazy!


A great pencil, the fact you can sharpen it with the the inside of the lid is an added bonus and that any size lead will fit in it makes it very versatile.


The product is excellent and I could not have asked for anything better. I use it to write but you can scetch easily. Very comfortable to my hand as well!

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