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For F1 2015, 127 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.9.

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First impressions for me were mixed on first play. Expectations were low from official reviews.After playing for a while on season mode and multiplayer there is a good palance of gameplay to be found. On career mode you can be as picky and exacting as you please or play online for thrills and spills. Online shows promise but is plagued with lagging issues however it rarely detracted overly on the overall experience. If only it didnt take so long to find a game to play in. Bad. Had to rely on friends to create custom lobby.Championship season is were you learn your limits and attempt to increase difficulty which is often tough but consistent. I found if i was slow i was consistently slow at all tracks.This means your expectations during races are realistic and make it interesting.On the whole the game runs very smooth and graphics after a while grew on me and does look nice and polished. A touch more detail in the drivers and crew and crowd would be nice as with the lack of pit crew on the start finish line when the race ends. Only greeted by a pop up in the middle of screen. However overall the depth of detail is a big step forwards and it becomes more noticeable as play more. Details such as helicopter shadow and the realistic sound of the surroundings is nothing short of brilliant. Especially the engine sound when using cockpit view. Hamilton (he is FAST) developing a electrical fault and having to pit and other issues that occur make it feel like you are always in the race.l even when strugging for pace.The lack of content of carrer mode no safety car (which im a game isnt required due to the fact nobodys life is at risk) etc is quite shocking, especially no co op which would not have been difficult. This game needs to come out of its shell and be more focused on online team play co op with easier online matchmaking. However as a stand alone racer its pretty spot on andhas some online element. It is accessible with a controller setup. With damage on and with all or most of the driving aids removed its challanging on many levels. Dont expect to be quick but if consistent you can often come out of races well in career and online.
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An improvement on F1 2013 and 14 as we move to nextgen. Graphics are good, but there are plenty of bugs online. AI on legend difficulty are dirty to race against, and some great game modes such as split screen and multiplayer coop lost, for no reason at all.Multiplayer requires great improvements via patching. We can't choose our own helmets and furthermore searching for lobbies online is impossible unless you are playing in a custom built lobby (where you invite your friends).Multiplayer gameplay is very buggy. However Codemasters have got the simulation of thr 2015 cars spot on. Very fun and life-like with assists on.- A mixed bag with a lot of room for improvement, but fun nonetheless.


I didn't get on with the last one but for me this is exactly how an F1 game should be. The only thing which could be better is making some of the in game features when racing a bit more realistic such as knowing exactly how much fuel you have left and condition of the tyres with an indicator as I have had to pit a few laps prior to actually pitting as the wheels fall off and you get lapped as though your driving a Marussia. Overall I have really enjoyed this game and currently play it on expert so that I don't always win and full laps.


I love this on the PS4, brilliant graphics and so good with the T300 RS steering wheel, haven't really played career as i play custom invite only sessions with friends online, however the online game modes are extremely buggy, at times it can go smoothly then on other races players will lag, drive in different positions to what others see, I once got hit by a friend but he never new about it cus the game broke. Please codemasters bring out the patch for PS please :)


It's a great game that's right up to date with what's going on in { F1 ONE } now , Only get this game if you are a gamer that love's F 1 and driving game's a lot , It will take a long time to do each part of this game , You can not just do what you want to do , You must do all the game in full and have a lot of time to do it all , it's not a game that you can do in just one day , each race take's a long time and is about 15 lap's long .


I love this game always have, shame there is no career mode but in all fairness I don't get much time to play a career now with other commitments and work as such, so to play a one season career is fine with me! Also still love the way you can change all controls this is a massive plus for me as I still steer with the d pad, I've always loved playing racing hands like that, I wish all racing games you could do this but hey ho


Recommended product: it assures (if you are a F1 fan) hours of playing entertainment. Graphics improved from previous version as well as artificial intelligence of other drivers. Difficulty levels are well calibrated and you can really enjoy the game from the very fist play. 4 stars instead of 5 because the career mode is no longer available in this version.


Based on pure racing, it's a huge step up from the previous gen games. However, the lack of game modes really does have an impact on the overall experience of the game. Ai is much much better however can be slightly too aggressive at times. Overall, the actual racing is very good, just lacks variety in the type of modes it offers.


Superb Graphics, really good game.One drawback however, you cannot play in career mode, for some reason they knocked that out of the game so you have to play as a named driver.Not quite the same experience as working your way up the ranks as yourself.All in all, good game but not worth 5 stars.


I am a bit of a F1 fan, not massively but i do enjoy it.Its the first F1 franchise game that i have bought and i have been more than happy with the game play so far. It's kepts me quiet for hours & hours.If F1 is your thing or even just racing games in general then i would recommend this!


Good but not perfect car handling is good but mechanical failures due to over stressing the engine would have been a good option to have, but miles better than all the ps3 f1 games that code masters have produced still no commentary so that is not good. So I'll give it a 8 out of 10.


Generally this game is very good, it does have flaws. Codemasters don't seem to have finished it upon release, such a shame as it had great potential. The graphics are the best feature of this game by far. Haven't tried multiplayer recently but previously there were many issues.


It arrived in perfect condictions and sealed, Amazon was perfect with Delivery.The game it self is really hard to play, but really addictive.Suggested only if you have friends to play it with.You can't play with a friend in the same house as there is no split screen.


I'm pleased that F1 2015 has moved on from the arcade like gameplay and graphics of 2013/14 and onto some more serious, more immersive racing. This time the interface is so much better better and you can really tell the difference the new game engines makes.


Visually this game is amazing, the environment is so realistic. Although, the career mode is lacking something which is why I have only gave it 4 stars. Having said that, the driving and car physics are extremely good so overall this game is enjoyable.

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