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Before i get started lets just get this out the way now, ive only had the game for two days now but its classy, pure class i tell ya. Some of you may not think its worth 5 stars but lets be honest its got all the ingredients..... Ash, Deadites, Boomstick, other groovy weapons, Brucey baby voice overs, blood and a tastey 3D environment in which you can have plenty of fun slaughtering those zombies. The game isnt too challenging puzzle wise (bearing in mind ive not got that far yet!) and has a fair number of deadites for you to have a go at but not too many, yet there are waves of them every now and then.It starts off with a cut scene, which usually would annoy me slighty as they tend to be a bit lengthy,yet i didnt mind this one it explains what the dickens is goin on and ties in with the films.You have the classic weapon scenario, bookstick in one hand chainsaw in the other and you are given the oppotunity to cast some spells to your advantage against those undead punks. You can also get other stuff like spades to slap them round thechops with to. Killin em is pretty fun, you can dismember, decapitate and spray blood all over the show, if this dont kill em they wiggle along the floor after you if you shoot thier legs off. Another little thing i liked, is that fat and chubby deadites take a few more shots of the boomstick or a few more jabs with the old chainsaw to kill. If you chop thier arms off they still head butt you to, its gems like that that make me happyThe graphics are pretty cool, Ash looks rather groovy and theres a variety of deadites to hack at(tho they do start to look a bit familiar after a while). However, i must admit the environment is slighty bland. You just get block buildings that you cant really interact with, theres the odd alley here and there you can explore though, BUT dont be put off theres plenty of cool stuff to do tho, and interact with. You can chat to people, explore things, find stuff and use it etc etc etc.I can easily understand how non-evildead fans could get a bit bored with this but then again they shouldnt buy the game if they're not fans, therefore everyone buying the game should love it (or else!) Over all this game is top notch, if your an evil dead fan, you should love it, if you think its rubbish, you should love it anyway.
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I think that this game is fantastic or groovy if you will. This is vintage Evil Dead. You get the dry humour of Ash with all of the gore from the film. You play as Ash(obviously) armed with your chainsaw and trusty "boomstick" (shotgun for those of you who are not familiar with the film)you hack your way through an army of deadites to rid your hometown (Dearborn) of the evil which a TV presenter has unleashed. You play through 3 different timezones. Modern day, colonial times, the american civil war and post apocalypse. As you go through the game you can pick up different weapons, both melee and projectiles. You start with your shotgun and a shovel which you find.A little later you find your chainsaw and you're on your way. Once you get into the game you can find weapons such as:flamethrowergattling gunswordmini boomstick (handgun)and so on and so forth.The graphics for this game are pretty good. As of yet I have found no glitches on the game. The game is pretty much free roam but you are limited to where you can go/the routes you take. The controls are really easy to pick up and if you use the camera angles right can make the game even more fun. Another adition is that Bruce Campbell has returned to do the voice of Ash which is cool and will be appreciated by fans of the franchise.I think that this game is a must for any Evil Dead fan. Its also a hell of a game for someone who has never heard of Evil Dead. So just go buy it. I mean you get to hack up unlimited amounts of zombies with a chainsaw. What more could you possibly want?
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If state of emergency was for you then you are about to reach gaming paradise (for those who do not know state of emergency, then it is a game with lots of blood and guns, it is a riot game with up to 100 people on the screen at once and you just had to kill the right people and leave the innocent pedestrians alone, if you wanted to!!). This a game made with the same system of state of emergency so the general graphics and controls are the same. This game is what state of emergency could have been but fell short of lacking the technology. The game itself is set at the end on the evil dead series as a continueation from the last movie so if you like the evil dead series this game is for you.The game revolves around killing zombies and all sorts of creatures while trying to get from place to place and solving puzzles. The story line is very thourgh and well thought through. Keeping with the style of the movies the game has a load of ash's(the main character) hilarious catchphrases, and they have put in loads of them so they will never get boring or repetitive. It also has all the classic weapons such as the boomstick(shotgun) and chainsaw! What is more this classic game comes with a free evil dead dvd!! And at merely £PRICE this game is not worth not buying, it is a bargain!! Your PS2 collection is not complete without this game!!!
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Ash is back!! Come get some!!!A marked improvement on the Evil Dead PS1 release this game features buckets of gore and loads of laughs as our favourite hero returns to rid the world once again of the troublesome Deadites.The gameplay is nice and simple so it appeals to the whole family ;o) (although I think granny may protest against the dismembered corpses).The game is visually stunning with smooth flowing scenery and great atmospheric locations.The deadites are completely unpredictable and pop up from anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes they dont even bother you and just walk straight past!!!This disk has currently welded itself to my playstation and will be there for quite a while.A heartily recommended buy.
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What are you waiting for SNAP it up at this price, great fun, loads of zombies to battle and of course the Famous ASH is here with his trademark chainsaw and Boomstick(shotgun). Loads of fast paced zombie choping/ blasting fun and a mission base game that moves along at a great pace. If your up for a bit of fun shooting chopping with reasonbly easy to defeat Bosses at end of each level, then grab this pick up and play game at such a great price. You wont regret it. Bring on Evil DEAD for PS3 / XBOX (fingers crossed). All in all great Zombie bashing wether playing on your own or when mates call around.


From the trailers and pictures i bought this game thinking it was going to be allright, but not brilliant, and purchased it mainly because it came with the movie, Evil Dead 2, as it's a classic!However, i found the game extermely entertaining, it's simple, it's gorey, it's funny, it's gorey and quite frankly, derspite the fact i got a bit stuck or lost in some silly ways or stupid places, it wasn't due to teh games fault and teh game also manages to keep you entertained just enough to find your goals!I'm only halfway through the game, but I allready know it was worth the money i spent on it!


Think of state of emergency, now imagine that you are playing this game but instead of fightng people you are fighting blood thirsty zombies and you have a chainsaw attatched to your arm! Throw in a few puzzles, and Ash from the popular EVIL DEAD films and this is what you should expect. To top it all off Ash is actually voiced by the top actor from the films, Bruce Campbell!A must buy for all fans of the EVIL DEAD series as it is by far the best attempt at a video game based on the movie so far.


This game is fun. Okay the story isn't that good but the game itselfe rocks! If you liked the movies you will love this game.The story tells us about a city full of zombies and of course ASH.Funny Gags, cool comments from Bruce Campell, a Chainsaw, the boomstick and zombies everywhere. You like action?? you like the game. I love it just like the movies!


Great game starring the main actor from the EVIL DEAD movie's :Bruce Campbell.Bruce is at his wise-cracking best in this time traveling adventure of evil dead.This is a HUGE game that is well worth playing... Plus you will learn some great one-liners to insult your friends with!!


THIS GAME is head over heels better than the original psx res-evil clone, this game is all gore and more gore baby! Bruce (da man) returns to voice Ash once more, (wonder if they will get round to actually makeing a 4th film now)


love this game well i love the series there fun shoot em up games with lotys of zombies to kill and not too bad grafiocs these two evil deads a fist ful of boomstick and regenration are rare now for ps2


Pros - Bruce CampbellCons -So yeah, there you go. BUY IT


Difficult but great game if you like this sort of thing


Its a quality ps2 game what else can i say?


Highly recommended. Thank you

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