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Eukanuba Overweight Sterilised Dogs Dry Food 12.5kg is one dog food which I would be happy to recommend to other dog owners who like me want only the best food possible for their dog.My dogs are both sterilised and I had noticed their weight slowly rising and I knew this could have been possible as the Vet had warned me once I got the dogs spayed their weight would have to be closely monitored. I have tried many dog foods; most of them were premium dog food as I do not like the cheaper brands as I do believe you pay for what you get. Our two dogs are members of the family as far as I am concerned and yes I have to admit if they do not like certain dog foods they refuse point blank to eat it.Therefore I was a bit worried when ordering this brand as I have had never had purchased it in the past, and was certain they would refuse to eat it. How wrong was I, both dogs were immediately in their dishes without me even having to add their favourite wet dog food to hide the taste of the dry food. I did not like adding wet dog food to their previous diet dry foods as the vet had described it as adding a hamburger to a salad.One thing I do love about this food is the fact that it is manufacture in such a size that both dogs have to chew it to swallow which makes sure that some tartar is being removed from their teeth. The last dried food was a very small flat kibble and both dogs just seemed to suck it up without chewing; this one does take a bit of a bite to able for them to swallow. As always there is always a dish of fresh clean water beside their feeding bowl, which is vital with this food as it is explained it takes the water to swell the food in the dog's stomach to retain the dogs from over eating or begging for extra food. I have noticed with this food both my dogs do not beg as much which for me is a huge plus as I have to be honest one look from those brown eyes and I am totally under their spell and for me to refuse them anything is a near impossibility. The food contains L-Carnitine which helps to reduce body fat while preserving lean muscle tissue; I will update my review at a later date to record any weight loss. I have taken one star off for one main reason the last dog food the makers had added Glucosamine and Chondroitin which is well known to help joints not only in dogs but humans with this dog food it is naturally added using chicken and turkey. In one way it is better being a more natural additive but I do like them having this in a higher amount but I can easily manage this by adding it myself. The simple fact my dogs' love the food and it already seems to be helping them in different ways makes this a good dog food for both my dogs.I will be ordering more of this food as it is liked and I have already noticed some positive outcomes from the dogs eating it. They seem happier and more energetic plus because it seems to agree with their digestive system a lot better and have made cleaning up after them a lot easier.(Sorry for being crude but I do feel this is a positive outcome)One more thing I do like about this brand is the packaging, there is a zip lock which seals the bag after use plus the fact it is odour free I can easily store it within reach of the dogs. The bag is easy to open and close without any difficulty and even though the bag I received is 12.5kg there is no odour whatsoever from the bag.I highly recommend Eukenba Overweight Sterilised Dogs Dry Food as a good dog food which both my dogs enjoy.
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We have a six year old cocker spaniel who has a tendency to gain weight. We took her to the vet about a year ago and she had put on nearly a kilogram (which, on a smaller dog wasn't a disaster but was a sign that we needed to be more careful).We were feeding her a diet food from another brand (not available on Amazon) which suited her well.We gradually switched her over to Eukanuba over the course of nearly a week. We began by mixing 2 portions of her old food to 1 portion of Eukanuba. Then after 2 days (and checking that her poos were still firm) we changed to 2 portions of Eukanuba to 1 portion of the old stuff. And then a few days later we switched entirely to Eukanuba.She's been on the new food for a few weeks so it's too early to tell how it will affect her weight.She has always been a hungry dog and could still eat much more than we give her (like most humans!) so she eats all of her Eukanuba up.Three things I do like about the Eukanuba:- the kibble is slightly larger than her old food so she actually chews more of it rather than merely swallowing it down. This might to reduce plaque build-up on her teeth.- the bag has a handy zip lock across the top which seems like a minor thing but makes it easy to open and close the bag. All dog food bags should have one!- it is marginally cheaper per kilogram than her old brand. But we will have to watch Daisy's weight (and overall health) over the course of months rather than weeks to see if this is a good investment or a false economy.
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Grabbed this for my 10 year old Ladrador.She is getting on now and like most older dogs has arthitus and is very slow moving.Normally i feed her those meat trays you get and thought i would try this out on her.1st day i put it down she looked at me as if to say what the hell is that, but i just walked away and left her too it.30 seconds later she had demolished it, come up to me on the sofa, grabbed the sleeve of my cardigan and pulled me back towards the kitchen where she shoved her nose in the bowl and looked up at me with expectant eyes.Poor thing, i didnt give into her tho, but did the same thing at dinner time and she whoomped it down.She has now been on it twice a day for the last week and i have to say i am absolutely amazed at the difference in her.She is more bouncy,happier, a lot livelier, runs like a much younger dog, and when i took her down the beach i couldnt get her off even after 2 hours. Normally when she has had enough, usually after 15 minutes she will saunter up to me and just flop down on the sand and refuse to move, but nope she kept me out for hours.Im really happy she likes it because it feels like having her as a pupy all over again.Only problem is, im absolutely jiggered all the time lolVery highly recommended..
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In line with the Amazon Vine rules I tried eating this and it was... okay, no I didn't but I'm sure they'll let me off this once! The honour this time went to Hamish. First off, the bag is huge, so if you have a smaller breed of dog you'd better hope it likes this stuff and even if it does then it's likely to last a while!Now Hamish never really took to dry food when a pup, although I'm sure that had a lot to do with how spoilt he was in that he was always given lots of 'human' food depending on where he was; sausages, scrambled egg, roast dinner, pate on toast (I kid you not) not to mention the usual treats so it's no wonder that he's not exactly slim. Anyway, because of that I went into this more hopeful than expectant,but after tricking him a couple of times into thinking these were treats, once he got a bowlful he was straight in. I was quite impressed, so at least it much taste good, even if it's more of an effort for him to eat than what he's used to having.As for any weight loss, I'm going to have to wait until his next visit to the vet's and again I'm more hopeful than expectant because it's going to be tough trying to stop everyone from feeding him what he shouldn't have, but I guess the same would go for most of us when it comes to snacking!
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Overweight and Sterilized dogsWe have an elderly Standard Poodle Collie cross that is showing her age and last year she hurt her pelvis and has not been very mobile while it has healed. Consequently she has put on quite a bit of weight and has stiff joints due to her advancing years. Her quality of life is good but we have had a constant battle keeping her weight in check.We have tried many diet products for dogs but she has never liked them. This food form Eukanuba seems to do the trick. She eats it and does not keep looking for more food. She has lost a little bit of weight and seems far more interested in life since having this food for the past two weeks.We will keep feeding it to her and report back in a few weeks to see if this early progress continues.We have tried lots of Eukanuba's range on our menagerie of dogs and have found it very good for the various problem dogs we have. We have a small farm and many dogs of different ages and breeds so feeding is always a nightmare for us. Eukanuba food is expensive but reading the ingredients panel there is only good nutrition in the food and no cheap fillers. You need to feed less so the food should last longer and therefore the value becomes better.
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I've recently changed my dog food from Wagg to Eukanuba and so far I've very happy with the results.My dogs are just over 6 years old and made the transition over to the Eukanuba very well - I followed the packaging's recomendation to mix "old brand" with "new" over 3 days and this worked well. So far my dogs have eaten all the food given to them (full Eukanuba portions) and they both seemed to enjoy them - they are far more excited at meal times than they were on the wagg, which implies that they prefer the taste of this food too.I Have been feeding them this food for about a three weeks and already thier coats are more shiney, there's no bad breath and, interestingly, her "buisness" is a lot less smelly,However there does seem to be more of it....probably due to the food effectively "cleaning" the bowles of things not needed.The packaging also recommended feeding 1 portion in "halves" over the day (morning and evening)and using this method the 12.5 kg bag has enough for 72 portions (or 147 halves) which is more than a month's supply of food, making it good value too.All in all I'm very happy with the Eukanuba and will certainly be buying more in future.
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If you're reading this then you probaly are already aware of the problems that overweight sterilised dogs face. We have a German Shepherd who is middle aged and sterilized, and currently has a recenlty diagnised bladder problem which we have been told by the vet is possib 'spay incontinence'. In dogs this is caused not just by hormones but by pressure on the bladder from being overweight. So I was pleased to know that I could get a doog food especially formulated to give my dog the same vitamins and minerals needed to stay healthy but with 22% reduced fat.Now my dog isnt fat but the vet described her as a bit 'wobbly'. I am hoping that once the extra weight has gone it will help her considerably with her incontinence problem.As for the taste,well as with other Eukanuba dog foods - she loves it. She a German Shepherd but only eats two cups of this a day. So although this seems an expensive brand - its actually really good value for money as she doesnt seem to need much to keep her satisfied.When we go out on walks I bring this instead of treats and it still has the same tail wag factor as fatty treats :)Would recommend. Doggie enjoys it very much.
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Firstly I have to say that my 7 year old neutered chocolate labrador seems to really enjoy this Eukanuba kibble. He'll eat it all up without any hesitation and doesn't suffer any stomach problems thereafter. His energy levels have also remained high. One of my other dogs, a Bernese, also enjoys Eukanuba kibble, but has a different variety. So on that front I am happy too give it full marks. However, at the high..ish prices that Eukanuba charge what will make it, or break it, for me is whether this formula can make a real contribution to keeping my lab's weight under control. He was neutered at a young age and has always had difficulty keeping to an ideal weight, despite plenty of exercise and careful dieting.I have frequently tried him on low calorie/weight control kibbles from other brands with varying degrees of success. Some didn't agree with his stomach, some didn't agree with his taste buds, some made him lethargic. But so far the Eukanuba has come up trumps on all three so I will continue with him on this formula for a few more months and hope that his weight stays under control. Only time will tell.
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My Springer is knocking on and at twelve years of age he has a huge tendency to put on weight, because though getting older his enormous appetite has never slowed down. Who am I kidding he always has had a weight problem through sheer greediness, so I thought I would try him on this food designed for that very problem. He is doing very well since he has been on this food which as everything included for the overweight dog, low fat ingredients and the right amount of protein etc. All Eukanuba dog food is loaded with everything for the optimal good health of your dog and I can vouch for this brand, my dog has been eating it for a few months now and I can see a big difference in him,his coat shines much more and he used to shed copious amounts of hair and now this seems much less. Though this product is aimed at the overweight sterilised dog, I think it would benefit any overweight dog. Costly but well worth the outlay as it lasts longer than other brands stays fresh in the very strong plastic sacks with a zip top and best of all the dog loves it and I won't forget to mention he has lost some weight.
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having tried other 'light' kibbles in the past, i have found that they do work as the dog dislikes the food so much they do not eat it all, even the greediest of dogs will turn it's nose up at them.This one however is obviously tasty and palatable, the dogs will eat this without any complaints at all, there have been no upset digestive problems with changing to this diet.it is early days yet to see how effective this will be on our porky lab cross neutered bitch, but she does like it which means she is not wanting to eat the other dogs more 'tasty' food. the other 4 dogs (2 of whom are incredibly fussy eaters) also like the food,which is a good indicator of how tasty it is as they are quite likely to walk away from food that does not interest them.it is a well researched and nutritionally balanced food , free of additives, colours etchaving seen our dogs reaction to this, i would definitely recommend it to owners looking to help their dogs loose a bit of weight without making them miserable!
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Helping at a rescue the need for good quality food to provide much needed nutrition is imperative. Of course, a change of food can upset the hardiest of stomachs but like all the food from this brand,so far so good. All the dogs have eaten it without fuss and after several weeks, there's been no food related issues. Clean.The barometer I'm using is simply to establish how the dogs take to the food...fussy eaters seem to eat it without fuss and regularly. However, since this food is about weight control I think the route of the issue could be owner training. By this I mean train the dogs owner to deliver smaller portions and increase the exercise of the dogs.The food is fine but controlling the lifestyle of the dog may mean not having to purchase dog food that targets over weight dogs.So in summary, the packaging is good, the ziplock top I have come to really like and the food seems not to cause adverse gastric problems with the dogs.
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Fantastic food which the dogs go nuts for...... And is very nutritious, and has the bonus for being specialised for dogs who have been sterilised. Though this seems like a perhaps slightly ... Luxurious.... Food it is in fact ideal for sterilised dogs as it's 22% lower in fat than general kibble! as sterilised animals often have weight gain issues.It also gives highly focused nutrition by specialised fatty acids, joint supplements and vitamins which promote healthy coat growth, help keep teeth in good condition by the fact it's a kibble and is, of course very appetising.Like the vast majority of Eukanuba foods it's also artificial preservative,mineral and colourant free.Most importantly the dogs love this more than any food we have tried,and, of course buying it in bulk bags makes it much more economical than supermarket sized bags, and you get it delivered too!
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To be honest when a dog is younger you always tend to see them bouncing around using thier mad energy for hours of fun, yet as they get older they tend put on a little weight so that as an owner you start to worry about them. This product from Eukanuba is a great item as it helps control the calories that the dog takes in at the end of the day and with a boxer who has thyroid problem was a produc that I was willing to try.It was welcomed by Holly (the boxer) living in her bowl for about 1 minute before being devoured and over the course of just over a couple of weeks its been more than a surprise as she's not only lost weight (she is on tablets but that didn't make a huge difference with her former food)and has a lot more life, better coat as well as seeming perkier all round. Great stuff, good value and is now going to be a must purchase from now on.
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My dog has been largely sedentary due to orthopaedic problems and surgery over the last 2 years. So she is a little overweight, not much, but now she's back walking again we are trying to reduce her back to her optimum weight. She is also sensitive in several ways, and can be fussy about food with a sensitive stomach to match.She has really enjoyed this food, even more than a couple of the other Eukanuba foods we've been able to sample recently, and hasn't been particularly fussy about it. It doesn't upset her stomach. We're part way through the sack of food but she is already looking leaner and we are really pleased with her progress on this food.Eukanuba is not the cheapest dog food,but it is good quality with a good balance of ingredients. The fact that the dog loves it is a very good sign!A good quality food, recommended.
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I ordered Eukanuba Overweight Sterilised Dogs dry food 12.5kg mainly for my Bassett Hound who was sterilised 2 months ago. She is inclined to be overweight anyway, and we do have to watch her diet, so when I saw this product, I was happy to see whether it would benefit her. Indeed it has! Dolly is a dog with a huge appetitite - for food and for life - and would happily eat all day long if allowed to! She has both wet and dry food incorporated into her diet, but I feel that, due to the ingredients contained in the Eukanuba, she could quite happily and healthily eat only that. She needs a filling and satisfying food, and this product seems to be exactly that. Our German Shepherd was sterilised 2 years ago,and does not have weight issues, but she enjoys this food as well, so I'm very happy. Recommended.
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