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I wouldn't have even been aware of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West had it not been for my good friend who lent it me in favour of the admittedly inferior Medal of Honor. And it's hard to see why, with its storyline thats epic in scale, characters you clearly care about and unique visual design. It's a very ambitious game on these fonts, and its such a shame that the game wasn't more recognised. I highly doubt we can expect a sequel with the serious lack games sold.Basically, Enslaved is a post apocalyptic future concept were deadly robots called mechs rule in numbers over mankind. Very few humans remain, and the ones who do are captured as slaves and possibly executed. We follow a guy known as Monkey,who is in this very situation. As he awaits death on an airship, luck comes his way as it crashes and he escapes his cell. Here is where he can put his acrobatic skills to test, defying impossible stunts to keep himself from being killed. When an oppurtunity like that comes along, why wouldn't you try your hardest to survive? He comes across an incredibly intelligent woman called Trip who also plans to escape. But with no trust and little time at her hands, she doesn't sieze the oppurtunity to help Monkey to escape in the pod, thus making things much harder for him. When it turns out they have crash landed side by side, Monkey awakes with a slave crown on his head. Trip placed it on his head to ensure he doesn't kill her, or he dies to. But mainly, because she wants to seek out her family and with all the mechs roaming she doesn't have the combat skills to survive if anything goes wrong.Sounds like the recipe for an ultimate disastrous partnership doesn't it? While the first hour or so show two strangers who are bitterly hostile towards each other, the rest of the game develops a relationship no one could predict to be so beautiful and believable. They feed off each others talents to make it through a journey of blood thirsty mechs and mind bending puzzles, with Monkey's incredible strentgh and agility, and Trip's technologically adept mind. While the storyline is nothing original, its real plot lies in how the two protagonists bond and Enslaved makes damn sure you care about them.So the gameplay itself is its pitfall. There is actually nothing at all wrong with gameplay, it's just nothing specail. And it feels we've done it many times before. I like to say there's three elements in this sector: the platforming, the combat and the stealth. The platforming alone feels so epic at times it's cinematic (look no further than the superb first chapter), but while it does charm in that aspect, it esentially feels like Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed clone.The combat... well even the combat feels like its ripped straight from God of War. There is original ideas like every now and then, an icon will flash over an enemy's head which depending on which variety it is, it will perform an execution which will help dispatch surrounding enemies with ease, such as using a torso as a detonating bomb or an arm as a gattling gun.The stealth however, is suprisingly the highlight. The concept of how you go about feels like it has been done before (run to cover from enemy bullets, run to the next cover etc.), but it's never been done to this depth. As well as getting yourself closer to the enemies to rid of them, you have to make sure Trip gets across safely. To do this you must perform distractions, and here you control both Trip and Monkey. At first it seems too confusing for it's own good, but I eventually came to love these scenarios more so than any of the other elements of gameplay.There's a great variety of enemies on store here, everything from combat mechs, demolition mechs and ninja like mechs. Every two levels or so, it will introduce a new form of enemy, which keeps it fresh. There's also a few bosses thrown in the mix. The individual bosses are used various times throughout the game, and at first look terrifying and offer a good change from God of War gameplay against the mechs. But because of the number of times a certain boss is used, it detracts from the experience. You get sick off seeing the same mech dog and it made me think of the creators as a bit lazy. However, minor complaint aside, there's little to complain in this sector.The graphics are truly stunning. Everything from the wonderful effects, level design and character models. It often feels like a hollywood movie, its done to that much detail. I haven't been this amazed by visuals since Prince of Persia. I also love the facial movement. It's rare you cancome across a game that you can truly pick out emotions on characters faces, but Enslaved pulls this off brilliantly. The voice acting as expected is second to none. Only other that competes in this department are RPG games. Although there's essentially only two characters to work on here, it's still amazing considering the amount of dialogue. Sound is another great feat, including all the background noises you expect to here to make platforming more immersive. While in battles, the sci-fi sound effects never feel forced, and often sound brutal in such a pretty game. The score is sublime, one of the best in recent years and whoever that composer is, I'd love to hear more from him.There's a good 15 hours here, not to mention a new game plus, and collectibles. If you ask me, thats quite good for a third person adventure. By around three quarters in, the multi layered gameplay gets suprisingly old, but luckily the story remains consistent and keeps you hooked to the superb climax. Overall, you owe yourself to get this little known gem, the more sold the more likely a sequel! If you love games that rely on storylines, this is easily one of the highest recommended on the system. Don't let Enslaved drop from your radar, as it has done from many others.
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While this game has a number of flaws (camera angles can be awkward and obstructive at times and the absence of a jump button can be annoying) overall it is a shame it has been overlooked as much as it has.The gameplay is fun and addictive, the graphics are good (7 out 10, ie better than CoD, worse than Uncharted), the post-apocalyptic world beautiful and the storline/characters, inspired by the 16th Century Chinese novel Journey to the West (which also inspired Monkey and Dragonball) is phenomenal. In fact, it's in the characters that the game has its main strengths. You actually care about what happens to the three protagonists and find yourself wanting to continue playing to see how the story develops and finishes.This is made all the better by a great voice-acting cast and exceptional motion capture by Andy Serkis (the man behind Gollum, Caesar [Rise of the Planet of the Apes] and King Kong). The icing on the cake is that the cutscenes and dialogue add to the gameplay, never being too lengthy or convuluted or interrupting you mid-fight (re. MGS).Enslaved plays much like Uncharted or God of War with a mix of over the shoulder aiming and 'button bashing' melee fighting. It may be simple and combos limited but that doesnt take away from the fun of dismembering mechs. Again, much like GoW and Uncharted there is a number of puzzles throughout the game which elevate it from a simple 3rd person action game. These puzzles range from simple to somewhat challenging without ever becoming annoying and offer a break from mech smashing which when completed can be quite rewarding. Finally, the platforming in Enslaved has recieved quite a bit of criticism. While I can't dispute its simplicity I would say that anyone who has ever played a game with sensitive platforming requiring precise run-up's, timing or an exact analogue movement would probably agree that a somewhat easier method is probably the lesser of two evils. What's more it's enjoyable, can offer numerous paths to your destination (the differnce being appearing in front, behind, to the side of or completely by-passing a group of enemies depending on your own playing style) and offers fantastic views of the world around you.With the addition of the ability to upgrade your health, armour, weapon and moves as you see fit Enslaved to a degree allows a freedom of playstyle.In conclusion this game plays brilliantly if a little clunky at times, the graphics and world are great and the storyline/acting is one of the best in years. The game just missed out on the 5* rating due to its few mechanical faults which really should have been fixed pre-release. This is how 3rd person games should be made but sadly due to limited sales we will have to make do with a DLC add-on rather than a sequal (though a rather extensive and worthwhile add-on admittidely).For a shorter conclusion - buy this game.
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Enslaved is great. In terms of story, quirky interesting characters and an epic, interesting story full of twists and turns it scores on so many levels. In parts the graphics are simply stunning and the environments are beautiful and well thought out. The Journey to the West story it's loosely based on opens up some great oppertunities for gameplay, as Monkey's staff is fun to use and his cloud is a pretty cool feature that will offer alot of diversity throughout this adventure.Gameplay-wise there is plenty to do, with each chapter changing things up slightly. Trip is very useful and she stays put whilst you figure out a technique to make it through a certain area.Opening up the command menu to tell her what to do is easy and there are some puzzles that will definitely have you thinking it through a few times to realise what you have to do. There are fun chase sections where you ride your cloud and the cloud is also used in some boss battles. Once you get the hang of the cloud, it is alot of fun to use and it gives you alot of freedom in the boss battles making them feel fast-paced and unique to alot of other boss battles in other games.The story in the game is really epic. I was always waiting to see what happened next. There are funny moments, sad moments, epic moments and even some romantic moments. It has everything that a good tale needs and it delivers with the great characters, good voice acting and motion capture all set in a very interesting situation. Right up until the end, I wanted to find out just exactly what was happening and although the end I felt was kind of inspired by The Matrix and was cut a little short, it left enough open to make you think about what you had just played through and there's still a chance of a sequel which I hope there will be.There are some issues with this game which is a real shame because had it been more polished it would have been more enjoyable. The framerate is bad at times, there's some presentation glitches and issues, some sections get frustrating, not because the game is just difficult, but technical issues and some bad gameplay issues make them that way. But the game does make up for these issues in terms of everything else it has to offer.Your kids will love this colourful, exciting game which is alot of fun to play and so will you. I think the game is a must-have if yo0u love your games to be fun, adventurous and story is important to you, because alot of games don't have very deep stories or just can't deloever them in a relatable way, but Enslaved could easily be a great movie, you just get to play it instead of watching it. Great game that I would reccomend.
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I've played a lot of games. I love Final Fantasy for its story telling, Uncharted for its unprecedented platform elements and God of War for its pure scale and drama.And now I love Enslaved; because it totally suprised me as being the best game out this year that I have played. By a long shot.I saw the advert for this game and wasn't that bothered; it looked a bit like Jak and Daxter mixed with Avatar - but I took a chance and it's a good thing I did. So here's what's so great about Enslaved;*The story; It takes it time, and to be honest, at times I wasn't convinced all the way through that it was that good. But then you hit the epilogue and literally; Wow!It changes how you think about everything that's happened in the game and the game itself. It's incredibly well done.*The characters; Iconic, beautifully crafted and literally, gorgeously animated. The voice acting is on a parr with Uncharted and you care about these characters; they're funny, sharp minded, intuitive and best of all extremely likeable.*Playabilty; Okay, sometimes there's a little bit of repetition early on, but don't let this put you off. Combat is stunning and brutal, with killer finishing moves and is totally upgradable. The platform elements are there and work better than any game of the genre I've ever played; you're not constantly using a checkpoint to progress because you can't quite time that pesky jump correctly!*Stlye; This game plays the most like a movie that I've witnessed. The camera angles are epic, are always aware of the player and create a truly cinematic experience. The cutscenes are jaw-dropping. The music is simply put; beautiful.There are, however, some elements that make this game slightly not so perfect;*The frame-rate suffers a lot and it can be quite intrusive during cutscenes that run off the in-game engine.*Exteriors are very detailed but there's a lack of polish and they look a bit basicly textured compared to the incredible character designs.*Motion-blur is over-used and can actually be a bit distracting when you move the camera manually.Overall, the pros far outweigh the very minor cons. The further you go with this game the better it gets. The ending is a masterpiece and there is replay value (granted, not for everyone). This game is a hidden gem, but you may need to look past it's slightly dated exterior. If you're tired of playing the average "next-gen" games that so many publishers are forking out then give this a try; it may suprise you.
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This was one game that had been on my to-play list for a while and I only did so recently. Of course, being on said list for such a long time meant it was over three years old before I did get around to it and to be honest it does show its age in parts. That said, a good old game is still a good game and this fits that bill perfectly.Gameplay is fun - plenty of running and climbing, whacking and shooting. Although you are left to make up your mind as to how and when earth became this massive wasteland (read gamers playground) the story does keep you involved mainly due to the evolving and often touching partnership initially born out of necessity between the central characters of Trip and Monkey on a journey (an odyssey even...)across the treacherous terrain. It reminded me of the very moving relationship between Ico and the ghostly princess in the PS2 classic of that name, it was that good. During the middle chapters when they became separated for a while, I actually missed her quite a lot. As in Ico, your partner Trip is there to help you along and with the easy controls she is rarely a hindrance when not doing so. I am always wary of games with an AI partner (looking at you, Resi 5) but as Trip follows your instructions to the letter it works very well here.Graphically, this is a very pretty game with some amazing vistas in parts and a similar colour palette and style to Uncharted 2 but like that game you are mostly restricted to the main path unfortunately. The hover board sections are fun with a nod to the first Jak and Daxter zoomer with blue "eco" to speed your progress and orbs to be collected to boost your powers. The climbing is fluid and fun but perhaps too easy making its almost impossible to fall. You get the sense the developers really wanted you to finish this game and I'm glad I did as it has a memorable, if slightly disturbing finish after a pretty epic boss battle.Overall though, this is well worth a look. It's fairly short and restrictive compared to more recent mega-sized offerings but I'm glad I finally joined Monkey and Trip on their "trip" after all this time.PROsEngaging storyFun (if slightly limited) gameplayGreat voice actingVery scenicCONsSoundtrack hardly a classicNot much replay value
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Having tried the PS3 demo for Enslaved a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to love the game just based on the premise, but had reservations. There were some technical issues in terms of texture pop-in and camera angles during the action, but I'm so glad I decided to give the full game a chance. While there are still the odd moments of slowdown, texture pop-in and frustrating camera moments, this is a game that deserves to be played.Enslaved follows in the footsteps of Ico and (some of the) Prince of Persia games, giving you control of one character (Monkey) and someone to look after and defend while they help you (Trip). The game lives or dies on the quality of its main cast,and both Monkey and Trip are acted to perfection. Enslaved makes you care about these characters, and it does so effortlessly. I really want to play the whole thing to see how their story finishes.The gameplay mixes combat and acrobatic exploration, as well as some forays into hoverboard territory, with a fair number of tricky fights along the way. Crucially, you can have Trip distract enemies so that you can sneak past, and you can distract them too, to allow Trip to move. With collectable masks to find as well as some challenging but not ridiculous trophy goals, I can see some replayability for Enslaved despite what feels will be a relatively short playing time (I imagine about 12-15 hours to finish it without scouring everywhere).The world of Enslaved is beautifully presented, and for once, post-apocalyptia is more than dismal browns, greys and decay. This world is vibrant, colourful and full of little touches that make you pause (see Monkey and Trip's encounter with a fishtank early on).I hope sincerely that Enslaved is a success, because I already want to see a sequel and more from these characters. And I can't think of any higher praise than that.
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I really liked Enslaved and pushed through all the little niggles to actually finish it. The acting is great, Monkey sounds like Vin Diesel but very surprisingly is voiced by Andy Serkis, Trip is voiced by Lyndsey Shaw - familiar to anyone who watched Ned's Declassified when they were younger, and of course the ultimate hero - Pigsy played by Richard Ridings.A few of the elements will be familiar to fans of the 80's Japanese series - Monkey - where he rides around on a magic cloud, has a friend called Pigsy and of course a magic staff, but these are about the only resemblances that I can see.The story is the real strength of Enslaved as you get more and more behind the characters,following them from triumph to disappointment, success to narrowly averted disaster, this is just as well as the controls can be fiddly and the landscape disorientating. For example jumping should be straight forward but unless you are in the correct spot all you will do is a forward roll, this happens repeatedly and I suppose you kind of get used to it. Check points on the whole are quite lenient, though there are a few which set you back quite a long way if you get it wrong - the final battle is a good example of this, and further increases the frustration of quite a difficult section. The other issue I had with Enslaved was working out what I was supposed to be doing and where I had to go to do this, I had to resort to Youtube videos a couple of times to check.The game is definitely worth the effort to get to see the end sequence, which is very inventive and quite spectacular, and the journey there is pretty exciting too.Overall 4 out of 5 with a mark taken off for difficulties which shouldn't really have existed and detract from an otherwise top notch game.
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The campaign is around 12-15 hours, depending on the difficulty you play it on and if you want to collect all the bright shiny things to upgrade your weapons and shield. Whilst the gameplay might not always be the smoothest, it is varied and always exciting, especially at certain points in the story where it can be very tense. The whole game is designed and looks beautiful, and some of the sights are breathtaking, a much better looking post-apocalyptic world than that of Fallout. The acting is flawless and you grow to really care about the characters throughout the game, which in the end is why you should be playing the game. It puts a new exciting spin on a very over used storyline and the ending,without spoiling anything, is not what i expected, but still absolutely incredible and better than what i imagined. From anything you might have seen from trailers or gameplay, you haven't seen anything..trust me. The last few levels are absolutely huge and brilliantly designed and at this point any small flaws or problems you might have with the game, will be overlooked instantly. So this game might not be COD:Black Ops, (even though it does include some quite frequent third person shooting), this game has emotion, looks, and a really fun experience.I can't believe how under rated and overlooked this game is by the gaming community, and this game would make a brilliant christmas present, especially now it's been reduced nearly everywhere. If your a fan of action, adventure, a good storyline, good acting, or even art this game is definitely for you.
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I had high hopes for this game as as it was developed by the the creators of one of my favopurite ps3 games: Heavenly Sword and i'm happy to report thgat i was overall impressed with the game but i felt it lacked the scale and epicness of Heavenly sword. The Game begins on a brilliant high with you escaping and exploding slave ship and it is here where you meet trip, a hot girl with a penchant for hacking. the opening scene alone was so brethtasking i continued playing hoping for a similar adrenaline rush but was unfortunately denied. However this was maded up brilliantly thanks to the introduction to pigsy who added so comedy onto the tale and the final boss was a brilliant spectacle to beholdwith a sad twist.Gameplay in this game is a mix of action elements and button mashing to more tactical encounters using trip to create hologram decoys to distract enemies while you close in for the kill and platforming sections. i felt this to be the most weak part as the tactical scenes felt weak as the situations felt too easy once you knew the kinks of the decoy meter.Same with the combat which i felt lacked depth as the same combos strings eventually became repetetive and boring which was a shame.overall i believe this game is worth the story alone even if the the gameplay lacks in some areas. its great to see andy sekis in the game with multiple roles and its worth it for his awesome acting.
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Enslaved is a twist on an ancient tale (or so I've come to read). The original is titled "Journey to the West", written some time ago (like 16th century Chinese tale). So it is of no surprise that the main characters are based upon this ancient text (Monkey, Trip & Pigsy, but somehow Sandy got missed out).The game is primarily concerned about getting from A to B without letting anything happen to Monkey or Trip. This works well, and you can see the bond of friendship and respect forming as the game progresses. The game-play is platform/puzzle based, with some mech mashing thrown in for good measure. Like all good magicians there is a good measure of humorous banter and it is all presented with imaginative graphics and cut scenes.On the downside,the control of Monkey is a little awkward at times, and you find yourself kludging over objects rather than seamlessly bounding over them, as I'm sure the game designers would have intended. Some tasks are effectively timed, and this poor controller response really does not help and causes the game to become frustrating .... Nooooo another time challenge!!! Pleeeeese let me make it through!!!! let me make the save point.....All in all I enjoyed the story, the game-play, humour and visuals. I await Enslaved II
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If you are looking for a game to fill the gigantic void left after completeing both current Uncharted games then here it is!! This is the only game other than those two titles that i have not been able to put down and completed in one sitting :)I shouldn't really compare this game to any other though as it is fairly unique in itself but does borrow a lot from Uncharted... The gameplay is very similar although combat is more hand to hand using a staff as opposed to with guns! The graffics are stunning and the post-apocalyptic world is so colourful and vibrant it's just beautiful! The story is very engaging and the characters are acted perfectly,theres a good balance of hunour too but be prepared for some serious cringe moments!haha i absolutely loved this game!!i was originally going to knock off a star because of the issues with the camera and the rough edges graffically sometimes, but i really didnt find this in any way damaging to my overall experience of the game... and also if this was to get 4 stars then other half decent games would only get 1 star in comparison... Therefor this game deserves the full 5!!Buy it now if you liked Uncharted ot Ratchet and Clank... You will love it!!!
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UPDATE:Ok, I finished the game yesterday and I must say it is sad that it's finished.If you like a good story with increasing suspense, combat action against sometimes really huge enemies, then Enslaved is definitely for you!!The storyline, level and character design compensate the sometimes really lame controls and the Epiloge ist really awesome (in my opinion).So if you're bored from first person shooters... buy it!ok, and now my first Impression:Admitting that I've just started (actual i'm in chapter two) there's somthing that ist really getting on my nerves:the controls!Sometimes you really need to find the correct position / pixel to jump or roll.I allready thought there would be no way back and I would need to find another way to reach a point, but it was just a matter of my poisition in front of a barricade.I think Ninja Theory could do a lot better - please patch it !!!Apart from that the Game is really beautiful. Very good level design, very good character design, very good ...Unfortunately the poor controls spoil the party.
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Only played this a little, but first impressions as Amazon asked for a review:1. Looks great, beautifully crafted.2. Controls etc very easy to understand, usability good.3. Play very linear, and not a lot of scope for doing anything other than the immediate task at hand. No backtracking or anything like that, though the points of no return are very clear and this isn't an RPG. Some nice puzzles and stuff to work out as well, which I'm sure will get more challenging.4. I like the back story, the Monkey legend has always been a favourite (too many wasted hours in the 80s watching chinese TV imports)Don't be put off by three stars, a game has to be really good to get 4, and truly exceptional to get 5 from me.Most reasons for three are the limitations of the platform/ shooter genre and those really aren't the game's fault, just not my favourite. I'd recommend this as a great time filler that doesn't take too much thought - equivalent of the type of book you take on holiday to read on the beach.
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I was looking forward to this game after reading several good reviews, and it certainly didn't disappoint. First of all it looks beautiful. All of the environments are green and lovely, and at times I would stop what I was doing just to look at the scenery.Combat is pretty easy, but fun. There aren't too many enemies -- I am often annoyed when playing games that keep churning out a neverending stream of enemies. Quite a few times you have the option of sneaking past the mechs, but doing this will not get you experience points.The characters are among the most realistic looking I have seen in a game, and the voice acting is far better than in most games like this.The story is compelling,though this is to be expected since it is based on a classic Chinese story and written by Alex Garland.I thorougly enjoyed the 20+ hours of gameplay I got out of it, and will probably play through it again sometime in the future, if only to get to ride around on the cloud again.
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I pre-ordered Enslaved from Amazon months and months ago thinking that this game would be another Uncharted masterpiece! Although Enslaved is pretty to look at in some areas, the pixel pop ups are too often and makes the game feel rushed. I recieved mine early Friday morning and had completed it TWICE on normal and hard difficulty by the end of the day! (I do hammer my games though) I feel that they could have made the game much longer considering the title.The combat and gameplay is pretty samey from beginning to end, and like other reviewers have said, you are constricted from freedom by the strict path that the developers have laid out for you. Saying all that though I still think you should give Enslaved a chance,I did enjoy it. But if you tend to fly through your games like I do, then I would recommend renting this one out for a weeking rather than paying the full price for a game that'll last you two or three days max. I hope my mini-review has helped.
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