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For Dungeon Maker (DS), 4 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.5.

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This is a unique, fun but slightly frustrating dungeon crawler with a twist. The twist being that it's up to you to create the dungeons you will explore with the use of a magic talking shovel and of course the DS stylus. I will say up front that this game will not appeal to everyone and I think that only die hard fans of the genre should take the plunge.Your objective in the game is create the best most complex dungeon there is and furnish it with rooms that you buy in order to attract monsters to fight for gold and exp (standard rpg fare) however how you design and place your rooms is where the game starts to get more interesting as monsters will be attracted to certain patterns and types ofrooms so you'll have to plan your route down to the next floor of the dungeon carefully.The frustration for me comes in lack of a decent story and the amount of level grinding you will have to do early on in the game, that and near the start of the game advancing your dungeon to even reach the second floor can be tedious.But if your willing to put the work in you wil be rewarded with a fun game that has some nice graphics, the battle animations are good but the music is nothing special. I'd say for the price it's worth a look and will scratch the itch if you've run out of rpg's you haven't already completed.
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I originality wanted PlayStation 1 RPG maker game but it was the wrong format.So instead I settled with this game.Still a little disappointed.The game works like a treat although you can not eat it wink wink.It has got some good seance of hummer and it is very funny. I found out I was laughing at one seen in the game.Do not knock it until you try it.You are not making a Role Playing Game but you are making a dungeon.


Although a fun game with a unique twist on the classic dungeon crawler, this game soon becomes dull. Worth a try but not good for a long term play. 6/10

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