

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Driven (GameCube) reviews.
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For Driven (GameCube), 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.

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Ok a car racing game on the Gamecube at a great price.... Get your engines ready... and....switch off. What? That's right. This game is TEDIOUS except for the multi-player option because the various single player levels are way too hard to complete successfully unless your Nigel Mansell, Schumie or just a computer geek. A lot of the players are also locked at the start of the game which is kind of unfair when you just want to have fun.


yeah you can do multiplayer single player... but the point is that if you go on multiplayer... then it will lock you out of some the racing cars!its annoying when you just want to have fun.graphics: 4 star, the start of it is just badly designed.game play: 3 star, 5 star gameplay if they didn't lock out 9 of the carson multiplayer.fun: 2 stars, no comment.realistic: 4 stars, excellent. but the start is really blurred.

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