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For Disney Universe, 79 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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I bought this game on the recommendation that I would like it if I liked the LEGO series, and so far I haven't been dissapointed. You battle and solve your way through puzzles and enemies called 'bots', trying to clear each stage by collecting all the world items (dice and various other things), and levelling up the suit you chose for the level by unlocking chests with tool upgrade stars. Each level is varied enough to keep you interested. There are 6 worlds, each world has three areas to clear and each area is divided into 3 levels. At the end of each level you exit throguh to the next one, and at the end of the area you have to free a guest!You unlock new costumes at the end of each area which can then be purchased with the gold you collected. If you take to many hits it'll affect your ability to level up and loose some gold, but you can collect it again (just like the studs in the lego games). The graphics are very bright and colourful and really do the game justice and there are some rally nice tunes for each area too.If you've played a LEGO game you'll know what the gameplay is like in Disney Universe, you become obssesed with collecting every bit of 'currency' and trying to find every world item and unlock every power suit, and there are boss fights which crop up a couple of times in each area, you can use the nunchuck 'z' button to do a dodge when a boss lunges at you, then you can go in and deliver a few slashed with your weapon. You are encouraged to try different suits as often as possible and mix them with the different Disney worlds, so you can level up as many suits to level 4 (highest) as you can. There are also challenges you can undertake in each level, like defeating 20 enemies within a time limit. The challenges are optional, but help toward getting a gold award in each level - some of them are very tricky I might add! I haven't played in multiplayer, as I have no one to play with, but I can imagine that it is a right laugh, as you try to solve levels as a team, or try to annialate each other to get the highest score - the choice is yours. Like New Super Mario Bros Wii, you can have up to 4 players at once, and you can help weaker team members along by carrying them and so on.I've played for about 7 hours now, and I can safely say that I have been impressed with this game. OK, it does have it's bad points, like it's not a hefty challenge and the game holds your hand the whole way through (you can actually turn this option off) giving you arrows telling you where to go and what to do - although I've found this helpful a couple of times, you have no excuse to get stuck then! The game makes you want to see the story to its end, with the story developing through cutscene animations and find out what happens to the evil HEX that took over the Virtual Information Cube (VIC) that welcomed you to Disney Universe at the beginning.Disney Universe is great for younger children (I'm 32!), and older players will like it too, but some wont see the value in it because of the difficulty being too easy. I would say if you like Disney games and want to play in your favourite franchise like, Pirates of the Caribbean, Wall-E, Lion King, Alladin and a couple of others then this is the game for you. If you enjoy the LEGO games this has similar appeal. The game has crashed twice on the very same level, Queen Anne's Revenge in the Pirates World, so watch out, as you'll have to restart the level from the beginning after you repower the Wii. This game is cheap at about £25, and it has definitely been worth every penny, despite its shortcomings.
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I bought this for my 6 year old daughter for Christmas. We've played it regularly and still haven't finished it. There are lots of Disney worlds from favourite films such as Monsters Inc, Alice in Wonderland, Wall-E. In each world you have three levels to complete.My daughter would probably have found some of it a little hard but as I can play alongside her and guide her with what to do she has enjoyed it.The objective of each level is to get from one end to another collecting coins and stars and to beat the bad guys.When you complete the levels you unlock new Disney costumes for your player to wear.Each new world has different ways of getting through such as the Monsters Inc where you enter each section through the doors and scare to collect stars.My daughter really likes moving to the new world to see how it's going to be different.Overall a very good game to play with your child and lasts long enough to keep them entertained for hours.I would definitely recommend it.
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WOW!For such a cheap price I was expecting this game to be rubbish but it is amazing and great value for money!Each of the levels is completely unique and visually stunning! The costumes have a huge variety including many of Disney's most loved characters and they're really cute!This is a must have for any Disney (and LEGO - as it is very similar game play)fans and children will love it - full of colour, simple and fun!One down side of the game is that Disney are making expansions to the game by adding new costume packs and worlds that you can buy every month but unfortunately they only allowed this feature for the Xbox and PS3 versions of the game and not for the wii which I was slightly disappointed in as I was looking forward to new costumes etc.but even with that I highly recommend this game!
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I like this game - it is hard right from the start - I am still on the first level - at the bridge - one piece of the bridge won't go up to form the bridge - what did I do wrong in the game? I will have another go - great graphics! - Since Walt Disney likes fantasy; does his living relatives want to read my 3 HERO BOOKS - Hero - season 1, Hero - Season 2 and Hero - Season 3 by Martin Jackson - available at www.amazon.co.uk? If you can't get the books from there, try other venders and still unlucky, I will magically transport a copy of these books to them by wishing them to have them!Still, I love Disney, even at my age of 41!


My six year old daughter, partner and myself all had great fun playing this game together recently. In fact up to four people can all play at once which is pretty impressive even if a bit to hectic now and then. My family and I are all fans of Disney/Pixar films and we are enjoying the way they have brought this films to life in a strange mixed up Disney universe. I find the game easy but so are the lego games but sometimes easy equals more fun especially for non ex-hardcore gamers like myself. Another great family game that is four player and came out last month is


I can't really judge it myself, because I haven't played it; I bought it for someone else this Christmas, and they haven't had the time to play it yet. But the Youtube videos make it look fun, and they looked glad to have got it, so I suppose it's only fair to give it a fair try. The price was the best around, the postage was fast and reliable and the game came in the condition it promised. So I decided to vote it higher because I've had no negative experience with this the purchasing of this game, rather than vote it lower because of my lack of personal use of it.


We bought this to help amuse our 4 children over the holidays and so far it's been a great success. The 10 year old, 8 year old and almost 6 year old are playing together happily and the 4 year old is happily watching his sisters and laughing like a drain.My husband and I haven't had to help them set it up at all, so it's a favourite for us too.Going by the general hilarity, it seems to be a lot of fun and I look forward to having a go myself at the earliest opportunity!


This product arrived in plenty of time. I was looking for something to play (while waiting for the new Lego Harry Potter game) and I wasn't disappointed. I'd seen this game on adverts and I liked the price of this product on Amazon,so I thought why not? It always puts a smile on my face,as it's full of surprises, great fun to play and who hasn't enjoyed Disney at some point? I would highly recommend this game to anyone.


If you're looking for a good game to play with family (especially younger ones) that doesn't involve too much explaining or concentration then this is great. I'm 18 years old and my twin and I really enjoyed going through the levels. When I played with my younger cousins (both younger than 10) we had a great time unlocking levels and characters and just having some mind-less fun.


This is a really good game. My 7 yr old loves it and it is multi-player if you want. The nice thing is, every time you play you can continue from where you last saved, and even if it was a single player the first time, you can make it a multi-player to continue which is great. Good levels and good ideas within them. Prefer this to Disney Infinity.


Bought for 10 yr old daughter. She seems to like it as she can choose what character she is going to be and they had some of her favourite Disney characters. She said she doesn't think it's too hard and she enjoys playing it and there are helpful tips whilst playing the game to help you out.


I got this for my son at xmas, he initially played it on an lcd tv on the side of a van in regents st london! and was desperate for it ever since! lots of different charecters costumes etc, scenes, not anything violent or scary, perfect for kids of all ages! action animated fantasy game.


I bought this for my daughters ( 9 and 11 years old), as they kept pestering me to buy it for them. They said all their friends said it was really good, so they were wanting to know what all the fuss was about.They love it and they have played on it a lot.


Quite a hard game to play, but absolutely great for kids. For those of you worried about your children wasting their childhood playing a game... it’s fun, promotes thinking outside the box and solving problems in order to progress.Highly recommended


This is a great game especially for £12. Being able to choose to play as one of the multitude of Disney characters is a great feature. it is a bit like Little Big Planet and Sonic combined - great family game too. You won't be disappointed!

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