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Strange series. The first title is challenging, rewarding, atmospheric and well structured. Story is minimal but passable. It's a fairly unique game, one that I highly recommend to anyone. I genuinely regret not having experience this sooner. One of me new favourites that I'll likely playthrough every now and then until I die.The second game is blander, shorter, tells almost a copy and paste version of DMCs story and is really really easy. I completed Dantes campaign in 3 hours 16 minutes. Some of that time I was away from my system. There is a second campaign with a different character, but I've read it's even shorter than Dantes. Also, you can no longer examine things, making the world seem dead,and Dante can no longer grab ledges - a basic mechanic present only in one game, the original! Slightly updated gameplay though, better dodge, double jump from the get go and wall running. Despite how easy it felt and how non existent the ambiance was, the smoother gameplay was enjoyable if not anything spectacular.DMC 3 Ive yet to finish. I'm 6 missions in and I'm bored and fed up. Dante behaves like a bellend and all the cutscenes are ridiculously over the top. There's no atmosphere, nearly all the enemies so far are practically identical. The gameplay feels like a regression to me. Instead of blending mechanics they created a style system, so you can only access certain functions. The nicely updated dodge mechanic is locked behind the 'trickster' style, as well as the wall run. New moves are tied to different styles. Double jump must be purchased again. Dantes sword combos are different to both previous games which I found annoying. So far it's not as easy as DMC 2 but only marginally. I was glad to see the multi stab attack return, but Dante says something stupid and annoying every time, same with the upward strike. The shirtless look is ridiculous. DMC doesn't seem to have any of the upgrades of DMC 2 or the atmosphere, challenge, and explorative pace of DMC. Maybe I'll try again in time but for now, I'm replaying Devil May Cry.Still, I'm rating 4 stars almost purely because of the strength of the original game. It was worth buying this collection for that alone.
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I have always loved the Devil May Cry series, and when I saw that they were releasing a HD Collection, I knew that I had to buy it. And they didn't disappoint; this is a great collection for any fan of the DMC series. Dante has never looked more awesome than he does in HD, and, whilst the cinematic cutscenes were (somewhat disappointingly) not in HD, the visuals are fantastic. Combat is fun and fluid, and there's noting quite like getting that perfect rating for a string of combos. The games themselves remain identical to those of the PS2, with DMC 3 getting the special edition, with extra bonus content and the a;ways awesome option to play as Virgil. The characters are fantastic,and Dante in particular is extremely likeable, in a sort of rebellious badass kind of way (and Virgil is just the greatest videogame villain of all time).That being said, there are a few downsides. The main and most obvious is the camera, which (at odds with the rest of the game) doesn't age well. They are fixed, much like the cameras in the first Resident Evil games, and this can lead to some frustration during combat. As mentioned previously, the cutscenes aren't in HD, which was something I was really looking forward to. Also. the menus have been left as they were on the PS2, which seems like an odd choice. However, these are relatively minor nitpicks from an overall great product. Highly recommended for anyone wanting just that little bit more classic Dante action (in HD of course).
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It's great to see these games getting released on 360 as well as PS3 as it no doubt opens them up to an audience that hadn't had the oppertunity to try them before.All three original games are re-mastered to look pretty good even by todays standards, and the controls and gameplay remain as fluid as they ever were. The second game still remains the weakest of the bunch, but all are worth a playthrough as most modern action games owe a lot to the innovation here.Only two things hold this collection back from being a full 5 stars. Firstly, the frankly bizzare choice of not re-mastering the menus for the games, the effect really jars against everything else. Secondly, and more importantly,the extremely odd choice of design when it comes to controls. The right bumper is used to control dodging, weaponry and special moves whilst the right trigger is left totally idle. This made the controls take a lot of getting used to, and would have been so easy to solve with just a little more customisation being made available. To be clear all of these options being on the same button is fine, it's just in an awkward place. Once you get used to it though, everything is as tight as it ever was.Now that you can get the entirety of Devil May Cry 1-4 for about £35, it's a great time to go back through the whole bunch before the reboot 'DMC' is launched later in the year.
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As an avid Devil May Cry fan, I was so happy when Capcom decided to release the first three Devil May Cry games on the PS3 some time back. What I didn't expect was that they would re-release the three games onto the PS4 console. And I'm glad they did, because it didn't take me long to pre-order this. There really is no need to delve too much into the games, because as most may know these first three games were originally on the PS2. Here's a short summary of each game:Devil May Cry - The first and still the best Devil May Cry game in my opinion. I absolutely love this game, it was the game that influenced me to buy the PS2 back in the day.Devil May Cry 2 - This tends to be the most disappointing of all DMC games,but in all honesty its not really that bad and in my opinion, I would rather play this game than the recent PS4 DMC game (you know, the one where Dante looks like a punk).Devil May Cry 3 - A return to form, if you love the first game, you will absolutely adore this third game. Action packed all the way and it gives you the special edition, so you can play as Dante's brother Virgil.For me, this is the perfect nostalgia trilogy and one which I will play continuously for a long while before I even begin to play another game.
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i have been a fan of the devil may cry series after play and completing devil may cry 4, and watching the anime. When i heard the news that Capcom are releasing the previous 3 games on 1 disc in HD, i was more than excited. i knew these games will not be as graphical as devil may cry 4, and i knew the combat system would be different (due to the games being old), but nevertheless, when my game came in the post, and i put on devil may cry 1, i could not believe the graphics.The graphics are truly an impovement, its smooth, voices in sync, and all of this retouching makes the game even better. I have only seen videos of the old devil may cry on ps2, but comparing them shows a tremendous improvement.But games are not all about the graphics, and i must say even though the games are old, they are very fun, and even to todays standard (some released games are awful), these games prove themselves to be brilliant.All i am gonna say is if you want to spend a bit of money on a games (or in this case games) that you will play for a long time and not get bored, i highly recommend this, 5 stars
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I've been a Fan since DMC1 came out on PS2 and have been eagerly awaiting this since it was announced. It's an amazing collection, DMC1 and 3 are classics in their own right. If you are a fan of DMC get this now! If you've never played DMC and want to get into it this is a great place to start. The games remain unchanged from when they were released on PS2 (Bar the HD visuals). The "Bonus Content" is a menu option called "The Vault" where you can listen to BGM from the games.Some of the FMVs aren't in HD because they would have had to have been completely remade but I already knew this and I didn't mind. I'll also add that DMC2 isn't a very good game,just in case anyone who has never played a DMC is wanting to buy this.With Capcom brining in Ninja Theroy to develop the pointless "reboot" DmC (A Devil May Cry game in name only) it could be the end of the Dante we know and love, so this is a fitting way for him to go out. If Capcom do decide to make a sequel to DMC4 this will shorten the wait.
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Okay so I ordered this with Amazon prime, expecting it to arrive the next day with One Day Delivery, but instead it arrived after 2 days. I'm on amazon prime 30 day trial so it's not that big of a deal, it's free.Started up the game, omg the nostalgia, the cheesy voice acting, the awesome music when you're fighting and best of all... PUPPETS!But, hold on... wtf is this? What is wrong with the controls? Oh, okay they've switched them around a little, not too big of a problem but a little fiddly.So let's say you're me and you're buying this game again because you first played it when it was released on PS2, and you loved it. Okay,now let's compare the controls.PS2:Triangle: JumpCircle: SwordCross: GunsSquare: GunsXbox 360:Y: SwordB: GunsA: JumpX: GunsSeriously... why?But meh, I played it for a good 2 hours or so tonight and just killed Nelo Angelo, it's playable just a teensy bit different.Buy it.
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In this collection you get the three golden oldies that is the devil may cry trilogy 3 games that changed the way an action hack 'n' slash game could be conceived. The games contain great combat with a fresh range of characters. These three games contain a certain spark that this generation of games miss which is games don't always have to be realistic and serious, a trait that has brought old series to it's knees like GTA. These 3 games are just pure fun and paved the way for other over the top action games like God of War and Darksiders. It may not appeal to everyone but if you are a fan of anime, John Woo and Quentin Tarantino then you should not miss this stunning package.


i remember playing 5 minutes of the first one and getting halfway in the second game originally so i had to buy this to play on the xbox but when i ran them side by side i was amazed, yeah its still got the original graphics with some tweaks (like other HD collections such as MGS and silent hill) but it flows a lot smoother and you can instantly notice your playing a classic series game but specifically enhanced for the latest console but keeping it original and true to previous releases,if your a fan of the dmc4 game or enjoyed it on previous consoles then its a must have, or if your looking to get into a new game series then 3 games for this price isn't that bad.


I am absolutely in love with this franchise/series. I have the soundtracks, the anime, the manga, the original box set collection and DMC4. I fanboy hard for this stuff and I won't deny that having this back in my life makes me happy. I unfortunetly have to say that people not familiar with the game might have a hard time getting into the feel of it. While the gameplay itself isn't bad the characters and graphics did suffer the test of time. I found myself wincing a couple of times concerning the camera angles and other things, but took it in stride as the games were PS2 and many years old. Reliving such a epic game was worth all the money and time I spent on it.


Everything about this game is fantastic except for the three points listed below.-Sometimes the camera during boss fights the camera will turn away from the boss, which can be very annoying as you need to see them to know when to dodge!-Dmc 2 had a weak story and was easy, I do not understand why it was linked to the plot of the other Dmc games.-You cannot choose to start on hard mode, you have to play on normal mode which is a bit annoying.This Hd collection has plenty of content and for the price tag, you cannot go wrong. Be warned, you may find it hard to stop laying once you start :)


When I bought this product, I knew what I was in for, I mean I spent 100's of hours on every games bloody palace mode, and I am an avid Devil May Cry Fan. The one thing I noticed at the start, was that the games were not exactly in full HD, Not as good quality as some other hd remakes such as the metal gear solid one. But it was great fun to play the games again, and great value for your money, at £20 for 3 games that you will spend countless hours on! In my opinion I found Devil May Cry games 1-4 alot more fun than the reboot recently released


I played the old devil may crys to death on the ps2 and when I heard that this HD remake was in the works, I just had to pick it up.These games paved the way for games like god of war and basically invented the hack and slash genre as we know it today. They are slick, cheesy and great fun. Playing through it again was like one big nostalgia bomb and I was instantly transported to yesteryear. If you are a fan of the series don't hesitate to pick it up as the improved visuals make this the definitive DMC experience.


Devil May Cry invented a genre Over it's history, one of varied, intricate button presses with an emphasis on combo and style and they hold up surprisingly well, even if all the pre-rendered cutscenes dont.Bayonetta certainly does it better, but DMC did it first, the speed is kept up, with a solid framerate and, while a bit blocky, the graphics are nice enough at their new resolution.The games run at about 20 or so hours on a first run and you're getting three of them for less that you would otherwise buy one.


well i have to say a great game but some people may have a problem loading the game past the start menu as i did. After 15 minutes of frustrated searching the answer is really simple, and affects 200 games on the xbox. For the gamers who have a scene it sensor plugged into the xbox, these are the people who have the problem.un plug the sensor and reload the game and it will work. For some daft reason a simple sensor messes up the whole gameing process. I unplugged my sensor and it loaded up first time, joy.

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