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For De Buyer Carbone Plus Round Lyonnaise Frying Pan 30cm, 19 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.9.

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This pan was bought as an alternative to non-stick coated pans with their health concerns over the 'forever chemicals' used in the non-stick coatings applied at the factory.We settled on the 30cm size as being a good all rounder.The pan is well made and very substantial with thick carbon steel for the pan section and a steel handle. The handle has a form of powder coating or similar in gunmetal grey to help prevent it rusting, so the handle does not appear to need oiling. The handle is fixed to the pan with 3 strong rivets and I doubt it will ever come loose.We haven't weighed the pan, but I believe it weighs about 4Kgs. In any event even though it is balanced well, I think tossing food in it will be a two handed job,but for cooking on the hob and in the oven it performs well.Seasoning it is pretty straightforward, taking about 10 to 12 minutes or so and we used grapeseed oil which worked fine. There is a helpful Youtube video on De Buyer's own channel if you search for it and another about the best way to clean it. They are a lot less involved to do than some I have seen.In truth, at this stage it is not as non-stick yet as the purpose built non-stick pans but it's fine and gets better with more use. If you do mess up the coating you have built up, it's no big deal as you can't really harm it (so long as you don't use the dish washer to clean it or put it away wet and not wiped a thin coat of oil over it.) You just remove your existing coating by cooking acidic food like tomatoes and repeat the seasoning again.If you treat this pan with a bit of care I think it will serve you well for many years and get better the more you use it.Finally, this product came via Amazon EU and I was worried about having to pay extra charges and have more delay, but (at least for now) this was not a problem and delivery was as quick and as professional as we have come to expect from Amazon.
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I love this pan. I was hesitant of buying such an expensive piece of metal, but I have to say it’s worth it!Great quality, thick and sturdy, distributes and keeps the heat really well. Being a non-coated stainless steel, you need to look after it tho.Don’t use scouring pads or soap. Once it’s been seasoned 2-3 times, a dry kitchen towel cleans it perfectly. If you feel like you’ve scraped off some of the seasoning, re-season immediately to avoid rusting and extend lifetime(potentially forever).My way of initial seasoning:Clean it well with soapy water when you take it out of the box, to get rid of the dust and muck that got on it during production.Put it on a stove stop on high heat,till it starts smoking. Turn off stove, let it cool for 5min. Then using a kitchen towel, rub a generous amount of high smoking point oil - I use peanut oil - all over the pan(inside, on the rim, and the outside wall too. Leave the bottom as is, or else it will smoke heavily when cooking)Put in into he oven at around 200C’ and leave it for a good hour. Repeat 2 times, rub, oven for an hour. This should give a very thick non-stick base coat for you to start with. If you cook someting acidic, like tomatoes, it is recommended that you do another round of oil+oven seasoning. Otherwise just rub a tiny bit of oil onto the inner surface after use to make sure it doesn’t start rusting.If you do look after this, it should last you a lifetime
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There are plenty of reviews everywhere listing nearly everything you need to know about these pans.My reason for writing is to point out that for me this 30cm diameter pan is the size lots of people are actually after, less available and prominant than the 28cm and lighter and a better fit on lots of hobs than the 32cm, the 30cm is the size they should make their standard.For me the 28cm is too small when you take into account the angle of the sides leaving a small flat base that lacks the space I needed for the most basic of frying. The 30cm sits on my hobs nicely, will hold enough rashers of streaky bacon without going up the sides and fits a few sea bass fillets with ease.I am so pleased Itook the time to find a supplier of the 30cm model.
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Great simple pan that heats evenly and cooks the perfect steak with a beautiful crust on the outside. My girlfriend noticed a difference immediately on almost everything I've cooked in it. I seasoned mine with cold pressed rapeseed oil using a thin film each time. It is very heavy as you would expect, but manageable for tossing your ingredients as long as you grab the handle underneath with your palm up and forearm inline with the handle. The handle does not get too hot as long as you have something cooking in the pan, only if you heat the pan with nothing in there (i.e. seasoning).


The inital seasoning went very well. I got a very nice patina going but food stuck on the first cook... Since then it hasn't been the prettiest sight but the actual performance of the pan improves with use so I'm very happy with it thus far. I've used it for everything ranging from pizzas to burgers and everything in between. Stay away from tomato sauces and sugar and this pan has got you covered.*I season after each use with a few drops of flax seed oil and heating the pan over low heta after wiping away the excess*


I love this pan. Once through the seasoning and worn in, it is non-stick. You can achieve super-high temperatures to sear steak etc, and it is hefty enough not to warp, and seems indestructable.Forget the internet gumpf about seasoning with flax oil, I followed those instructions to the letter, spending ages doing it at some expense only for it all to wrinkle and come off - use the lard method rather.


Bought the 30cm version. It is the nicest pan I've ever cooked with. The metal handle and rivets feel like they will last forever.This is a very thick pan >3mm and is therefore very heavy. It is a little over 2kg and heavier than my cast iron pan. Its high thermal capacity means you won't be able to do quick and fine temperature control, but that is not what it is for...


Great pan that feels like it will last a lifetime (or longer)!Keeps the heat well, making it great for high temperature cooking (on crappy old gas hob).It is pretty heavy (30cm model), requiring me to use two hands to "flip" food.Nothing to complain about, except that it only just fits into my oven (though not a problem with the pan itself).


This pan is incredible, sears meats like sin and can cook a wide range of foods. Still getting used to the whole process of seasoning but in all honesty as long as you give it a once over and clean it as recommended then it'll work like a dream. Don't let the picture fool you, the 30cm pan is by no means light but it durable as hell.


It's a heavy pan, would make a good weapon in the event you're Jason Bourne. Otherwise it is also fantastic for frying, sauteing and other culinary delights. Make sure you season it properly to make it will be nonstick. I'm going to get them in different sizes - they are going to last a very long time.


another super pan from debuyer, again i think i will have this a life time, buy one you wont regret it , just season it, never wash with soap and you will have a great non stick pan, with out the potential for poisoning from Teflon rubbish


I bought the 30 cm pan which i feel is a good size for making meals. Handle is sloped slightly too high for my liking (average height male) which makes it a bit more difficult to manoeuvre.Will update more once i've had it longer


Exceptionally good quality frying pan, it should last a lifetime. I seasoned it as recommended and found that fried eggs would slide around in it, no problem, after using it a couple of times.


Use it for everything. The diameter they provide is of the top of the pan where the lid goes, not the bottom where it touches the hot plate.


I want a whole set of these (when I can afford it) better than non stick.

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