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For Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage (PC), 9 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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I did not experience anything like the problems other reviewers seem to have had running this game on a quad-core machine on Windows 7. There are issues due to the fact that though the story line is linear, you can explore the environment out of sequence; so you can actually come across references to clues you don't have yet, or things you have not yet done. This is not a major problem for me, in fact in one place it helped me realise why I was advancing no further (I had missed something in the previous setting). I found the new movement system (keyboard based instead of mouse controlled) very clumsy and irritating,and having to haul furniture around to solve puzzles could get frustrating when you realised you had accidentally shoved it the wrong way and got it stuck. The graphics are a bit old hat, and I too was not really impressed that after the beautifully realised scenery of Darkness Within 1, this one has gone for grainy, overly fuzzy visuals. And the ending was a tiny bit of a letdown; having saved just before the climax I was able to play it so I could try alternate solutions, and yet the results turned out much the same. Having said all that, I still enjoyed this game immensely. The atmosphere is superb, the sound effects really disturbing, and the story pretty darn good. I actually liked hunting about and finding clues in old books and documents, and piecing together the horrific past. I also loved the fact that as you progress your character's grip on the real world gets weaker and weaker, and the lovely little references to the Cthulhu Mythos and H P Lovecraft. This is not a game for the action fan, or for those whose idea of roleplaying is bashing a sequence of opponents till you level up, but it is an excellent choice for those who like eerie, creepy, thoughtful games. It would have been nice to see some of the looser ends tied up but maybe there will be a Darkness Within 3 or some other form of sequel. For now, I found this 11 hours of shadowy, spinetingling fun.
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Completely absorbing game, it follows nicely on from Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder. The new more advanced game engine really does enhance the game play, and it draws you right into the story. I'm only sorry that it appears from the reviews, that this is the final part of this particular series.If this helps I ran it successfully on a laptop using Windows 7 and an AMD processor with 2 gigs RAM, although my computer did seem to be working hard.


Its a point and click first person game based on Lovecraftian (in specific Charles Dexter Ward esque) themes.Brilliant and creepy, with better controls than the first game.


DW2 leads off from the original


Perfect thank you!



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