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For Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason (PC), 21 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.3.

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It is nice to see games arriving from places other than the USA and Western Europe. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl and it's prequel Clear Sky were probably two of the most original titles we have seen for a while and they seemed to set the stage for other titles from the former Soviet Union. Action Forms are a Ukrainian company who have managed to condense the terror and foreboding you feel in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. into an ice-locked Nuclear ice breaking vessel.You play a meteorologist named Alexander Nesterov who accidentally finds himself aboard the "North Wind" after abandoning the floating station Pole 21. As Nesterov, you must fight your way through the bowels of the ship and piece together what happened to the now silent,frozen vessel.Fortunately, Nesterov has the ability to see the last memories of people he encounters and then has the chance to change the course of their history by replaying their dying moments and well...not screwing up! Although, there is always a downside and they come in two's. Instead of maintaining your energy bar like in most games, you have a temperature gauge that you must monitor closely and try to avoid freezing to death. As luck would have it, this is a nuclear icebreaker so there is always a source of power, you just have to turn the heaters back on before you turn into an ice cube. While you defrost, so do the various demonic forms that resemble the former crew - first driven mad and then freeze-dried before your arrival.Now, if you like your fast-paced shooters with tons of ammo and big guns, this game probably isn't for you. If you like having to think about what you are doing and taking your time, this is probably right up your street. This is more survival horror than FPS in that the prime goal is to survive, but you are going to have to defend yourself along the way with whatever aged Russian weapons you can find - without the aid of a crosshair I might add - it's all "iron sights" for you here. Play Cryostasis in a dark room with the volume cranked up and you may well be needing a spare pair of pants. This isn't Japanese horror scary, nor is it cheesy American horror movie scary, this is gritty, bleak, foreboding and "blimey I'm rather under-equipped to deal with what is ahead of me" scary. The soundtrack is awesome and really adds to the fear and the graphics are also really good.I should probably talk about the graphics a bit. If you struggle to run Crysis, you may want to look elsewhere - this is one very demanding game, giving me lower framerates on high settings than Crysis on high settings. There is a good reason for this though. A patch has been released which I suggest you install before you start as it is incompatible with save games from the unpatched game, but it provides a lot of fixes and also adds a lot of hardware PhysX effects, such as running water, extra ice particles etc. If you have a powerful Nvidia card (GTX 260 and above) then you are in for a visual treat, but if you have an ATI card without an additional PhysX PPU then you will miss out. The extra effects will give your framerates a good kicking though.If you can get hold of the USA version published by Aspyr, it is DRM free. However the UK/EU version has Securom so I'm told, although it didn't ask to activate and it doesn't require a disc in the drive.
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Having purchased Necrovision I decided to go for an enclosed environment horror game at a reasenable price & having discarded my alternative choice of Darkfall Lightsout The Director`s Cut (on the grounds of being to simple & juvenile) I opted for Cryostasis, the net is full of woe regarding getting this game to run (whether its a high end rig you need to run it on or incompatabability over the graphics card), I read some web game reviews & also checked out a very scientific test on Cryostasis which concluded that whatever graphics card is used (supported or not) this game will not be problem free (even when patched).Bought the game as part of my buy new/dirt cheap policy,I installed it with no problems (it asked me if I wanted to install Adobe reader 9 but as I already have it that was unnecessary) & despite what the forums have said I found no DRM issues, the game seemed alright after instalation but I only played the first cut scene & explored the entrance of the ship, the next day I patched it which is a bit of a resourse hog but felt that it would sort out any problems arising when I play the game & it adds many small elements as part of the PhysX setup such as ice particles, water dripping down the walls, running water on some levels as well as general debris around the ship & sparks from gun fire & loose wiring, having patched the game I had a second more intensive go at the game & this is what I found, as I opened the hatch to the ships entrance shards of ice broke away (this is one of the extra elements of the patch) as I made my way through the ship the game would occasionally stutter & shards of broken ice would fall in slo-mo also the scene would veer all over the place before righting itself (changed the resolution to a lower setting which had no effect on the graphics-improvment or downgrading) but stabilized where the game was jumping/stuttering & veering , graphics wise cryostasis is very good though hardly the outstanding experience some reviews would have us believe, the graphics show a mix of the average to very effective for instance out in the artic the ice blocks were very convincing up close (to the point where I thought the character would slip over) but up on the surface & in a blizzard these same blocks of ice look like cutouts, inside the ship there is a blue grotto like lighting & coupled with the snowflake patterns on the wall as well as water running down said walls these graphics are excellent & highly effective, the game is played at a snails pace & this is partly deliberate because the extreme cold saps the characters strength & also the bugs that cannot be fixed, overall I feel this is an excellent replacement for my copy of "The Thing" game which is set in a similer environment & looking a bit cardboardy.So if you like simple point & click games like Penumbra, Call of Cthulhu, Darkfall Lights out & want something a bit more intensive, if you dont mind exploring environments at a snails pace & can put up with some niggling bugs that cannot be fixed even with a patch, plus you have a rig that can give NASA a run for its money then this is the game for you, otherwise Cryostasis will definitely leave you out in the cold, my set up is a Dell Studio 17 with 320gb & ATI Mobility RADEON HD 3650. Reviewed by Major Easy-Simply Brown`s partner.
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What can be said that already hasn't been said about this truly original game.Well, the good points.If you like to be scared without cheep gore being the main ingredient then this is definitely for you.It's very slow in its style, but very rewarding, just walking around the desolate ship is a sheer joy for the atmosphere created alone.The strange sickly enemies are a cross between some creatures of silent hill (The Film) & a little bit of the thing (The Film).Very simple in concept, very well thought out.Bad points.Very poor programming leaving to this game requiring the latest graphics cards.My newly built PC struggles to run this game.Intel Q9400 quad core.4 GB Corsair gaming ramCreative 7.1 sound blaster audigy.The weak link= an old yet very powerful X1900XTX,these cost around £320 4 years ago, don't be put off any other modern game will run excellently with everything on full at 1680X1050.Although my Graphics card is old it should run this game full on, especially when most of the game play is in claustrophobic corridors, not large open areas.Overall an excellent original game, with a new graphics card I'm sure will be a pleasure to behold.I only hope that this is not the last of its type. It's the best game I've seen for many a year. First class attempt at something new even if poorly coded.
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Being one of the few games to utilise PhysX the atmosphere in this game is stunning when run on high settings with good sound quality. This is a fresh take on First person and you can find that Cryostasis is rather absorbing as well as making you jump from time to time. Yes you move around the icebraker slowly but this adds to the realism of the extreme cold that this game is set in. I really like the way you live out the last moments of peoples lives and have to change their history to avert whatever killed them, this is a really clever idea and has a good story line to go with it. I recommend this game to anyone who is getting bored with samey first person games.PS the snow blizzards/weather effects are the best you will see in a game!!! Excellent.
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A mixture of FPS and survival horror elements, this is perhaps one of the most original games I've come across, purely based on its mythic story and approach. The atmosphere is excellent, boosted with the sound and visuals, with some chair jumping moments, interspersed with some hectic action along the way.If theres one drawback, its the slight 'bugginess', which will vary from machine to machine. However, if you aren't prepared for some tweaking and twiddling, you really shouldn't have bought a PC in the first place.


Just finished this game, it isn't too long but is quite enjoyable with quite a rich and challenging story.I normally play RPG's but wanted a bit of a change, this game seemed to be what I was looking for. My PC is quad core with 4gb ram and a 9600GT gfx card, I had no problems with this game and have not even looked for a patch. no stuttering or faults noted.Fairly cheap now as well, if you fancya game that makes you think rather than mashing buttons then you will enjoy this.


Unlike the reviewer below, playing this game on a decent PC is a mindblowing experience in terror.Like all good horror movies - and proper scary games like Bioshock - it is slow to build, using tension at first before the shock tactics kick in.The ability to step into the last few moments of a dead bodies life, re-live it and change history is very clever.Overall, for any proper horror fan with a decent PC, highly recommended.


got it as requested, very good!the gameplay is very good, please do check your mimimux specs!!the health meter replaced by a heat or cold meter is an original way of playing


Very well paced game .. if you want suspence and horror from a game .. HIT THE BUY BUTTON NOW.Looks and feels amazing!





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