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Following the release of this title on PC, I have been waiting for C&C3 for the Xbox 360 for months. I have downloaded the demo on the 360 from Xbox Live and I can say that it is all I hoped it would be. The ease of use was something I thought not possible by any console over the PC, however the developers must have spent some serious months perfecting the menu's and making it as easy as possible to use. The 'Boot Camp' option in the main menu is a Must to begin with, as it teaches you all the controls you will need to defeat the enemy and how to control groups of soldiers and vehicles with minimum interference during battle.The story also has many great features,with a great acting cast from TV shows on your screens now. The cut scenes are also shot in Hi-Def format for those lucky enough to have a new TV. The welcome return of Kane is a great way to keep the Command & Conquer story alive too, plus the addition of a third player, an alien race that...... I wont say any more, except that they are none too friendly.I'm really looking forward to this release, firstly so that I can crack on with the story mode and secondly so that I can challenge people online as I have with the demo. The online experience is awsome, as you can link up your vision camera and see your opponent in real time if you wish and recieve 10 seconds of Bragging time if you win the battle, so your opponent has to see you laugh at their pitiful attempt to crush you at the end of the game.The weapons have been greatly improved for this game too, with my personal favourite still being the Mammoth Tanks. The super weapons are also very handy for getting you out of sticky situations. Were only a few of each available in the demo I played, but hopefully the full game offers many more great war machines.See you on the battlefield....
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I've never written a review before, but I thought I would for anyone concerned about the control system for the 360. I loved the original C&C games, and the Red Alert ones too, but on the PC. As my laptop wont run the PC version and although I thought it would be impossible to port to a controller based console, I figured it would be worth a try after reading a previous reviewers comments.And I must say, if you've used a 360 before it will take very little time to get used to the controls, especially after the slightly slow but very clear boot camp you'll be orchestrating manouvers and issuing orders with little or no trouble at all. I've only played a couple of the missions and a few skirmishes,and so far so good. The missions seem well thought out and are interesting enough in direction. The video sequences are well done, with the colonel from starship troopers and Sawyer from Lost, amongst others. And the units are diverse, well animated and some of the explosions and superweapon graphics are sensational. Just watching some of the big, potentially huge, battles are visually breathtaking.So at the risk of sounding like an employee of EA, I'd advise anyone who is a fan of the series, and indeed genre, and perhaps doesn't have the capability of the PC version to give this game a go. Don't be put off by the lack of a trusty mouse and keyboard.Hope this was useful, and hope you aren't disappointed if you do give it a try, this is after all, only my humble opinion.
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Having not played a Command & Conquer game since the originals on the Playstation nearly 7 or 8 years ago, I was amazed at how familiar `Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars' felt on the Xbox 360.First of all the controls are not as fiddly on the 360 pad as you would think as you mainly use the A button and R trigger throughout the game. After 10 minutes of going through the training you will easily be ready to take to the battlefield.The action itself is very fast-paced and exciting with near-constant attacks on your units that you will need to defend at the same time as having to destroying enemy bases, garrisoning buildings, using futuristic, high-tech weaponry and generally blowing six shades of brown stuff out of the enemy!Being able to play as both sides is also a great feature that adds tonnes of more missions to the already pretty big single player game.The cut scenes and in-game movies are all very cheesy (like the original) but work really well with building up the story and keeping the tension high.Definitely one of the best games on the 360 so far, this is one big game with lots of potential replay and is one that you really need to put a few hours into to really enjoy it fully.
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A great game if only the levels were not so hard. I loved the earlier games and like many other reviewers I was worried how the game would work on the x-box 360. Thankfully it works well, the controls are not diificult (although the mouse is easier on the pc versions of course).The in game video is very well made with a good story line (if somewhat the same from game to game in the series) and made with some top class actors. The levels are very different and this adds to the play life of the game. The troops, vehicles and their abilities are well thought out and easy to use.Skirmish (where you play against friends or the computer) again adds life to the game and the harder modes are a serious challenge.Also it allows you to access all the technology which makes playing so much fun.My one complaint is that some of the levels (even on easy mode) are very difficult. When I play I like a game that allows me to work from easy up until I feel ready to beat the toughest challenges - this game does not allow that.
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this game is the first RTS i've ever played on a console - as i must say i am impressed - the graphics are great, the cut scenes excellent, the sounds and the interface all well done. I have played this game on the PC version but my PC does not have to power to run it effectively and all the animation and graphics are slow and blocky. I was wary as many people have said that the controller does not work well with it, but i must say it does - with a few issues about senistivity which can be sorted with a bit of playing in the menus. My only gripe with it would be the fact that due to playing it on a telly you can't quite see the icons or writing on the screen and if you do then they cover most of the screen.Howver all in all a very good game - also the expansion pack coming soon will make it better.
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I got this game a day before it's release and when i got back from school i started playing immediately and thought it was great. the campaign is exellent but it normaly revolves around destroying the enemy base(with exeption the nod campaign were you have to use some of their craftyer tactics).the controls are easy to pick up and in some ways are better than the pc version because you can get to tabs and things like that quicker(instead of trying to remmeber every single hotkey). i was a bit disappointed with the skirmish aspect as there weren't as many maps to choise from as in the pc version and you could only play with up to 4 players. overall the game is exellant and,even though the skirmish was a bit dissapointing i would recommend it to people which can't get it for pc.
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If you like C&C then you'll like this. The gameplay is just like red alert 2 except fully 3D. All the units seem to have a longer range meaning more impressive looking battles. The only downsides are the BAFFLING amount of time to load and save games, if anyone here has watched the "searching for save games" screen you'll know what I mean. And there is no restart mission option, good god why!? If you fail a mission you have to go right back to the main screen. Those are the only downsides for me. I have only ever really noticed the game speed drop a few times, and when it has happened there has been so much going on I'm glad of it as it makes it easier for me to keep up.The joypad controls are excellent.At no point have I been left frustrated trying to control the action
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having played command and conquer since it first came out, i was pretty impressed with this new version, the review about total war is right, and if you want a pure stratagy game then i strongly reccomend buying that.that said, the story on this game is pretty good, some might say its cheesy, but the attractive NOD woman makes up for it (trust me).multi player is very fun, and the xbox live system seems to work well and lag never seems an issue. There is nothing more fun than seeing your mates army torn to shreds in a well planned ambush.im sure not everyone agrees with me, but xbox live has a free download which is worth trying,took me 15minuits to download but gives you a good taster of the game.
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Although,I've never fully conquered this game,I thought I'd just say,that it is great fun,but some of the levels are just unbelievably hard.Even on the easy level! Still,it's good fun to watch Micheal Ironside,and the delicous Grace Park,fighting for the Good guys,GDI of course! Whilst the menacing figure of Kane,back at the head,of the Brotherhood of Nod,with Tricia Helfer,playing his ace General.From what I've seen of the cut-scenes,they're all great fun.Yet,it does feel,as if you're battling against the clock sometimes.Overall though,I'm a huge fan of C&C,and it's very enjoyable.Let's just hope there's a mission to rescue Grace,from Kane's clutches!


when i first found out that command and conquer was coming out on the xbox 360 i knew it was a game that i would be purchasing as my computer and laptop run at the speed of snails.one issue that i thought would bother me was the whole using a pad to play the game with after 5minutes or playing on the demo that i downloaded off the marketplace i knew this wasnt a problem.The game itself is fantastic as you dont have to rush through the levels because you have a timelimit or anything you plan an attack properly and that is the kind of game command and conquer is supposed to be hopefully there will be some decent downloads for buildings etc.


Most of you would think that because this game is on a 360, the controls will be horrible and confusing..... WRONG!!!The controls are easy and you will be able to play this with ease within half an hour of learning.Graphics are amazing and the animations of the bases are brilliant.3 races to play from, GDI,NOD and SCAIN. All have different tech tree's and systems.A massive campaign (38 levels) i believe, which will keep you entertained for hours.SUPERWEAPONS!!!!! I love using these, especially on XBL, just total ownage they are.Overall an excellent game and you won't regret buying this!!!!


Our eldest son who's 10 wanted a strategy based xbox game similar to the board game risk but with more options! We were initially worried about the 16+ age tag on the game, but the 'violence' is not much more than kids see on a lot of cartoons these days. Haven't come across any swearing which was our main concern. A couple of instances of 'damn' or 'hell' only. This is a great game, takes a little time to get your head around all the training modules but is very addictive to 39 year old husbands! A great buy with lots of multi-tasking strategy thinking required which is what we wanted to encourage!


dont normally review until its Actually released..however got PC version and downloaded demo on Xbox360. This is a absolutely sweet version port to Xbox ok looks rather plain in areas but beats having to tweak pc settings to get the game running properly. Controls take about 10mins to get the hang of..aventually you wonder why people go on about using a mouse and keyboard. If like Action RTS plz i wouldnt hesitate. Guns, Tanks, warfair and Explosions with cheesey movie sequences which still fit the game well, you just cant go wrong.


I never did find out how to control the game speed, and as a result played with lots of adrenaline pumping around my body. This is a very exciting conversion from the PC format. It is rather tricky to control, and often went so fast that I got seasick from all the rotation and scrolling. Graphics are perfect and smooth, even when many squads are in combat, and the video cut scenes are the usual C&C ham, but look great. Nevertheless, I think I will stick to strategy games on the PC, for more precise control and time to think!


I've just bought this game for the X-box 360. So far,it's been great fun.I love the cut scenes showing Micheal Ironside,and Grace Park for the good guys.Also with Tricia Helfer,and of course,Kane himself,playing the baddies! I haven't understood all the game controls yet,and sometimes I get the impression,you have to hurry to complete the assigned missions.Overall though,I'm a big fan of the game,and find it very enjoyable.I just hope there's a cut scene in the game story,where I have to rescue Grace Park's character!

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