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In-car viewpoints...In-car characters...In-car chasis damage...In-car rumbling sound effects. Here it is then, the fourth, gravel churning, in-carnation of the hugely popular 'Colin McRae' franchise.Codemasters certainly appear to be kings of the castle when it comes to racing simulations and they've continously provided a quality product to their ever-faithful following. But this may be the last time I'll invest...they should take note.'Colin McRae 04' doesn't differ greatly from all the other versions of the game...but then...being a licensed product is likely to heavily restrict the development team in what they can and can't include for the evolution of the consumer. Therefore,though comfortably familiar, the whole experience is sadly lacking.The Next-Gen graphics power of the Xbox lends a welcome boost to the visuals and gameplay. The Championship Rally stages, that most of us know so well by this point, are still lovingly reproduced right down to tree bark texture, road camber, dust spray and crowd reaction. The ambient sound effects of both car and environment are still painstaking in their realisation...sickeningly so when you plough headlong into a wall at 130mph and the front of the car buckles back towards your toes!It's all wonderfully crafted and everything we've come to expect.But that's kind of the problem. It's all TOO similar. Colin McRae was at it's peak on number '02'. The initial game had been tweaked and refined to achieve a product almost everyone was awed by. Colin McRae 04 is merely a tasty, though bitter sweet, sachet topping to an otherwise already perfect game.The time trial element splits the driving camp where the punters are concerned. Some would rather have opponents 'on' the track with them. Codemasters also provide a solution for that hunger with their equally famous TOCA Touring Car game. It's undeniably twitchy handling makes for a more difficult, and perhaps fulfilling, driving experience. Something that Colin McRae 04's slick, defined handling doesn't demand from the player.It's still a great game though. And, if it ain't broke then don't fix it? Maybe this is true. But seeing as though Mr. McRae has been dropped by Citroen this year...there's no longer a need to produce a licensed product. The name, the experience and the pedigree could now be built on with fresh perspective and innovation. The formula would now appear to be broken...so perhaps Codemasters should take the opportunity to fix it.
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I had the original of this game on the old Playstation, and while I enjoyed it I found progression through the game to be too hard. That's all changed with this, as it's far more obvious what's what from a rewards perspective, and this helped to keep me hooked. For example, if I want to unlock a 1970s Ford Escort or a Group B supercar then I know exactly which championships I need to race and win.That said, the game is still very difficult but in a weird sort of way. The controls for the car work better on th Xbox than the old Playstation, with acceleration and braking now analogue, plus the stearing is smoother. All this creates the impression that you've got more control of the car - right up to the point where you mis-judge a corner and hit a tree.One crash on a stage and you're typically out of the running, not just for that stage but often for the entire rally as well. While this sounds severe and is sometimes maddening, it also adds realism in a way the old game couldn't. If I crash now, I actually feel as though it's my fault, rather than because of poor graphics or a lack of smooth handling as with the older games.The range of cars may look limited, but they do all handle differently and each provides it's own fun. Personal favourites are the Group B Peugeot 205, any of the Citroens and the Fiat Punto (!).This is different to the tarmac based driving games, like Gran Tourismo. I actually prefer this style of driving, but this is a personal thing. If you're more prone to slide and skid then this is definately your thing! Have fun!
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If like me, you really enjoyed the previous versions of this series then you won't be disappointed by this incarnation. The graphics and gameplay are excellent, with quite a number of vehicles to pick from and of course, numerous stages across various countries to race through. Happily, there are game modes suitable for both a "quick spin" and the longer championships, although you need to play the championships to unlock all the stages still. Having car damage is also fantasic... and although you'll be annoyed with yourself when it happens, it's quite amusing to see a wheel bouncing off down the road after you've plowed into a tree or post!The only niggle I have with the game (as with all the previous versions)is the sometimes horrific timing (or complete lack) of co-driver instructions. Admittedly it is much less common in this version that previous, but in a couple of places you just wish he'd mentioned the hairpin bend slightly sooner than 30 meters away when you've just had a whole straight he could have told you on. (And don't get me started on the gate in the middle of one of the UK stages!!)Despite this VERY minor niggle though, excellent and highly recommended.
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In my ideology you can never have too many Colin McRae Rally games, which is why I recently bought this one for my Xbox 360 despite already owning it on my PS2. Like Colin McRae Rally 2005 you can play 'CMR 04' on the Xbox 360 as well.The only flaw I noticed in my playthrough was occasional frame-rate drops, however some people have reported corrupt save issues.Its a smaller game than CMR 2005, not having the individual Championship mode, but the game is still tonnes of fun to play.I value these older rally games - Colin McRae Rally, WRC by Evolution and Richard Burns Rally - very highly because none of the modern rally games - the Dirt series and WRC by Milestone - have the same depth,challenge and immersion of these older ones.If you are choosing between CMR 04 and CMR 2005 then the latter is a better choice since you get a bigger game with more content.
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This game has everything that a rally game needs. Official cars, tracks and drivers. This game is a must for any rally fan. the damage effects are amazing on this game the tyres can be popped and the body work scraped. It also features advanced weather effects and extreme driving conditions as seen in the shots above. the only downside to this game is the multiplayer as the opponents are invisible so you can't smash your mates car, surely after four games they could include the multiplayer smashable option. Although this is made up in the single player with the damage there. you can unlock bonus vehicles such as tanks and hovercrafts also the cars are from past, present and future so all you oldies can race your heros car.THIS IS WELL WORTH THE MONEY.
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What can I say? This game is excellent. I bought the original version of the game when I owned a PSOne some years ago and found it totally addictive.I was a little concerned, as with all follow up games or films, that I was going to be disappointed by the efforts of Codemasters. NOT SO!!!I am now totally addicted to this game. Although the car handles totally different to the original game there is a definate realism adding to the overall experience. The graphics of both the playing of the game and the replays of each stage are breathtaking and the attention to detail is staggering.If you are thinking of buying this game, don't just do it, sit back and enjoy the gaming experience.


I have been wanting a rally game for ages since playing Colin McRae 2.0 on playstation and having a blast.Bought this a while ago due to favorable reviews and it also continuing the Colin McRae series.I was not disppointed. The gameplay is fantastic, it makes you want to go out and race your own car despite the obvious limitations of having the police around. The variety of cars is great, each performs differently, the upgrade and race settings really make a difference. There are a lot of tracks too, I don't think I've even got through them all yet. Basically this game is a lot of fun.


This game is fine. I have only played a demo. PC and Xbox. but own a PS2 and I went out to PC world once. before i had my PS2. and had to go the Xbox there. 2 people were playing on it. BUT NEXT TIME I WENT ON IT! It had excellent graphics. and graphics even better than the PC version! It was much better than the PC demo because you could choose 2 cars. PC version only let you choose 1 car in the demo of it. You must get an xbox. I actually own a PS2 and PS1 and Nintendo SNES. A MUST BUY!!!


Hi i have played the demo and this is realy better much better than Colin McRae3 the grafics are better in the demo so it must be realy better in the game.the cars are very realistic.the tage's that i had played are realy better and u can test u springs.hope that my english not that bad is i come from Holland and are just a year in England.


Graphics are excellent, gameplay is very good but for the novice, it can be a little difficult to get to grips. For the rally fan, it should have a good deal of longevity.


Came like new with the booklet inside wrapped. Daughter loves the game. It came quickly too. And for the price can't go wrong


thank you

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