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For Cities XL: Limited Edition (PC), 13 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.2.

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I bought this game on the strength of the content packs that were coming out - especially the second one where you could create your own bus network.However on installing the game it appears that these content packs are only available online and so having shelled out a fair bit of money for the game itself, I then find that to enjoy the part of the game I really wanted, I have to continue to spend money to get these extras by continuing to subscribe to Planet.I'm sorry guys but this isn't really on, I mean at the best of times its a bit cheeky but as we're currently still in a recession this seems quite out of order.It may be that at some point someone will decide to play fair and release the pack for solo play but at the moment we're in the greedy hands of the games companies who, not being satisfied in taking our money at point of first purchase then expect us to pay again for the Planet Offer, once the 7 days (generous! I think not!)trial period is over.3 stars? Well the game itself seems pretty good, it's just that I thought I was purchasing more.March 2010 - I've changed my rating to 4 stars as the bus content etc. has now been released for solo play making the game much more varied. True there's still some way to go and I guess if they add fuurther updates I may even give the game 5 stars (for example, make the buses pay their way rather than having to subsidise them from your other earnings). All in all this is now well on the way to becoming a great city building game.
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This game is the best city simulator I've ever played. I have no idea why people say this game is rubbish like SimCity societies. (Could be because they like the Sims franchise and it has been so long since they brought out a decent city simulation)Better than SimCity 4 because the game runs so much smoother and you can trade with other people round the globe.These negative reviews nearly put me off buying this game and thank god I did not listen to those people .ProsGreat GraphicsLot of funCan design the city how you wantGreat multiplayer (good for trading and making yourself a name)Run very smoothNew features are coming toBendy roadsAllot easier to build an areaAble to be social with friends onlineRefine oil and resourcesMap is hugeDownsIt is a graphic hungry game,so make sure you look at the minimum spec (you may want to download steam and add the game to the list so that the game easy loads for Vista and Win 7 or you might fin a problem when loading the game).Takes a while to update the multiplayer universe but there are 25000 cities slots to reload on each sever.You need to have an internet connection to be able to play the game, including the single player (but most people now have internet access or else you would not be reading this review).In all great game, lots of features to play with, the game runs smooth at high graphics on my PC (9800gtx+, Q6600, 4GB RAM and win7) and finally the game is well worth the money.
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I was a little concerned when I received my copy of "Cities XL" as I could see it was based on a previous game "City Life" which I played and had got bored with after a few weeks. However, when getting into Cities XL, I've been pleasantly surprised that it is far more sophisticated than its forerunner. The basic building style is the same (uniform tile-sized building placement) but the building styles are more varied and sophisticated and the road systems are great with curves, bridges and even tunnels. I haven't successfully built a city above 300,000 inhabitants yet, as managing jobs, inhabitants and resources is quite complex, but half the fun is the challenge of getting things just right for city growth and prosperity.The graphics are excellent, even at the lower quality settings which I find are necessary as the city gets larger. I play solo mode (i.e. not online with other players to trade with) but still benefit from updates and fixes which are downloaded before the start of each game when I log in. (Note: I'm not sure you can play the game remote from the internet). So far, the game hasn't crashed on me which is a first for city-building games.Addictive! Be warned! ;o)
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Cities XL is a great city building game, it may not have every single feature that Sim Cities offers, but it has features which Sim City never had, such as resource trading, and great graphics.You can zone property areas, have curved roads, and as your city population gets bigger you need to consider schools, health and security options.Rezoning of areas also needs to occur to place in bigger higher density buildings. I read a complaint that you had to do this, and the user just expected the buildings to upgrade themselves (I think sim city societies can do this).A transport module to manage bus lines and transport routes is coming out from the developers as well.I can understand why some people dont like the planet offer/online component,but I see it as a software maintenance agreement, i,e I get new content and features for a small monthly fee.try the game, download a demo first, dont let grumpy negative reviews put you off.
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Problems initially as there is a newer version which is basically the same.A great way to waste hours!!!!


It's a good game. A few things missing that should be incorporated but there will be updates, so...


Best Game Ever

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