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Chessmaster 10th Edition offers so much.First of all, it is very user friendly. Nothing is complicated about it and everything can be found easily. The logical beauty of the program resembles the logical beauty of the game of chess.There is so much you can do with the program, a lot I haven't even discovered yet. There is training mode, in which you can use the Chess Coach to give you hints and show you paths, tactics, threats and openings that you might have missed otherwise. You can also take back moves, which let's you realise your mistake and gives you a chance to try another path.There is ranked play, in which you can choose all different types of 3D chess boards and pieces,even 3D animated ones like the Fairytale, which is brilliantly done and which my kid loves. You can choose all different types of computer generated opponents and watch your rating go up, or down. Unfortunately no take back moves in this section. You can also choose different time settings, like hourglass, moves per minute, minutes per game, or Fischer style.There is also a section where you can set up different positions, which is good when studying with chess books or going over past games that you have completed.One of the most amazing things about this program is the wealth of knowledge that comes with it. In the Learn section you have grandmasters giving you essential knowledge of the game that will jump your rating up considerably. And there is a huge advantage of doing tutorials on the computer because certain paths, tactics, strategies, and more are highlighted far better than if you just had a book. I'm almost finished with the grandmaster Josh Waitzkin's Academy, and it is brilliant. So much knowledge and stated in a clear, philosophical way.Other features of the program are being able to play online, setting up tournaments, analysing your game with the program (which to me doesn't seem that helpful) and a Fun section where you can do chess puzzles and sorts.I have recently started playing a lot of chess960, which is a variant of chess, created by the former World Champion Bobby Fischer. Fischer's goal was to create a chess variant in which chess creativity and talent would be more important than memorization and analysis of opening moves. His approach was to create a randomized initial chess position, which would thus make memorizing chess opening move sequences useless. The initial position is set up in a special way and there are 960 such positions, thus the name 'Chess960'. This is a great contrast to orthodox chess, which only has 1 set up position, and is now usually referred to as chess1. Since the opening book for each possible opening position would be too difficult to devote to memory, each player must create every move originally. From the first move, both players have to come up with original strategies and cannot use well-known thinking patterns. Chess960 thus becomes a game more of tactics, strategy, and creativity rather than just memorisation.I recently joined the site [...] which lets you play chess960 against other people on the internet. The starting positions can be automatically set up by mychess.de or you can choose a number out of 960 and the set up will be created by mychess.de. Once you make a move, an email is sent to your opponent to tell him or her it's their turn, and vice versa. You can also play live over the internet, join tournaments or create your own. It' a great site and I recommend it to people who are interested in chess960. However you can also play chess1 or orthodox chess on the site too, and is a great site for that also.I hope Chessmaster one day introduces a way of playing chess960 in their program, or one of the other shuffle chess variations; maybe something that gets out of tradition and invents a better, more logical way of castling then chess960 has. I've invented my own actually: One player mixes his minor and major pieces together, along with his King, then without looking picks up a piece and sets it on the back rank of the first square starting from the left. This continues until all pieces and the King are in their positions. The only rule, like chess960, is that the Bishops have to be on opposite colours. However unlike chess960 the King does not have to be between the two rooks. So you can have a setup of a King on the H1 square and the two rooks to the left of the King. The King still has the power to castle with both rooks, and all the same castling rules apply. However, unlike the strange castling in chess960, in which wherever the rook and King is, the final resting positions after castling results to the position of how chess1 or orthodox chess castling position is; with my way, the King just moves two places to the right or left and the rook goes on the other side of the King. If the King can not move over two spaces, because of being to close to the edge of the board, then it just replaces the rook's position, the King thus only moving one position over. If when setting up the pieces and you lay a bishop down on the same colour as an already laid Bishop, just move the Bishop to the next square to the right, making it thus on a different colour. If the last piece you lay happens to be a Bishop and the last square would make the Bishops on the same colour, then just take the second to the last piece you put down and switch it with the Bishop. The ponds are set up like in chess1 and the other player sets up his pieces so that black and white have a symmetrical position, like chess960, which insures that there is no start up set advantages. This chess variation creates even more random set positions then chess 960, making it even more interesting and with more possibilities in the opening, and throughout the whole game.Concerning Chessmaster 10th Edition - it really is a must buy and will develop your chess game tremendously, along with giving you many fine, entertaining days of chess play. I highly recommended it, and hope one day to see an updated Chessmaster with shuffle chess incorporated.
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I run chess clubs at primary schools, and have seen numerous players progress on to County, National and even International standard.One thing they all have in common is that they either play chess with someone at home ... or play on Chessmaster (or sometimes both). There's nothing more pleasing to my ears than a child saying something like "Oh, I've already done skewers on Chessmaster", when you introduce the concept to a group - then being able to do all the puzzles you give them as well! The teaching material in the 'learn' section is excellent and the puzzle positions are well thought out.In contrast, the puzzles in the 'fun' section seem to be randomly generated and often unhelpful.In many cases the move it's looking for (e.g. when the objective is 'find a pin') isn't the best move as there's a free queen or a forced checkmate available. I would leave these well alone. (NB: These are the puzzles in the Fun->Puzzles menu option, not those incorporated into the Fun->Learn basics section, which are good.)Another observation some have made is that it makes some very odd moves when you play against it on its lower levels (though, to be fair, the kinds of things a complete beginner making random moves might come up with). I think that this isn't a problem if the child is already picking up how to play good moves from the Chessmaster lessons or from knowledgable players at a well-run chess club, but it would be very difficult for a child to pick up how to play well from playing against the low levels on Chessmaster alone.My tips would be to use the 2D->Expert chess set settings most of the time, and to play as much as possible with the good sections outlined above (i.e. playing using the 'Play' mode, doing the 'Learn' section and doing the Fun->Learn basics section). I like how it's self-directed, i.e. kids can choose what they want to do each particular time they play with it.
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I play on the internet with some American friend who advised me to buy this. I was so pleased to discover Josh Waitzkin Academy. He takes you by the hand and gives a full explanation with exercises about tactics and strategy. He alo has his own annotated games and a marvellous brief description of endgames. Some say it's for kids. I am a 65 year old kid! And I thotoughly enjoy watching and listening to Josh Waitzkin enthusiastic voice. He makes clear descriptions of tactics and strategy. He puts his examples that you have to work through yourself with hints. The solution are fully explained.When you finish this Academy, there's another Academy too on Attacking chess.There are fun games to play,puzzles, different fun sets and "the expert" black pieces on grey and black chess board> If you think chess is boring, then listen and be led by Josh's voice through the intricacies of tactics and strategy and become a better player..The programme has the advantage of the audio. That's a definite plus over other programme. It makes it easy to understand, and gets you ready to play with a good standard. Highly recommended.
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This is the pinnacle of Chess programmes. Obviously, if you don't like chess you probably wont go for it, but then if you're reading this review it is probably your cup of tea. But if you are a complete novice looking to learn and develop your chess ability, this is perfect. Forget reading a book on the subject, buy this.It is difficult to rate graphics in a chess game, and a little pointless so I wont bother. What you will find here are a group of computer generated opponents covering the spectrum of abilities. So, from the strictly amateur to Grnadmasters, a challenge will be found here.It has hints and tips to help you along, blunder alerts for beginners and of course a detailed explanation of the game for the uninitiated.The boards and pieces are rather pleasant, and some of the lessons are very useful. This is also at a ragian price so just snap it up right away, this is the best chess simulator on the market.
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I learnt how to play chess years ago as a child but in recent years I haven't found opponents to play. This game is perfect for people who haven't played for years and are rusty and for complete beginners and those who play very well. You can choose to play at any level to suit yourself. The game has many, many personalities with differing levels from complete novice to world champions. The personalities of the great chess masters are included and Shakespeare, interestingly. The tutorials include voice overs from real Chess champions and have puzzles and exercises to solve. The tutorials greatly helped and improved my game, openings are explained, tactics and endgame. There's scope to play this game for years.I highly recommend it.
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I like this Chess game as I am a strong player. Level 1 and 2 are easy, level 3 is easy but will win if careless, level 4 requires a lot of concentration, level 5 is tough and level 6 will probabbly beat the best players the other levels I have not been able to beat....yet.The board and the pieces are very well graphically rendered in nice, rich and smooth 3d graphics with an impressive appearance. The chess board and the pieces can be changed for many different styles from the normal staunton to sureal fantasy and cartoon style.Its one of the best Chess games for serious players and beginners alike, so therefore you only need this one game.


A very good program, which I love using - but there are issues.Minor faultSome of the lower ranked 'opponants' on the program make some very strange moves - for example, sacrificing the Queen for no reason at all - when they are winning. This turns the game around immediately.Major fault ......The program sometimes calls a stalemate - (thus ending the game) when it is clearly not a stalemate. Quite often, this happens just as I'm about to call an extremely obvious checkmate.Having said that, I would still recommend this program.


Had a downloaded version of this for many years,really missed it when I changed to a laptop.Had problems with Windows7,but fortunately still had my 'puter with XP Home and it was easy to install.Best thing is that I can play others(if I want) but I can play/learn when I am alone (day/night)Hope (having it on disk) I will never be without it again (even if my internet is down.Love it ! love you..................Eric Gray


I have never played chess before but ever since I got Chessmaster I am now a chess addict. What I like about chessmaster is that I can choose what level opponent I play against, so if for some reason I am not playing I am not playing very well I will choose a easy player, and when my confidence improve I will play against a more advanst player. So if you love chess buy the game, you won't regret it.


Had Not played chess in long. I recently got a lap top and wanted a light game to run on it as the lap top is not a gammer. Was Hugly impressed with the volume of teaching and reasorces that i received for ten pounds!!!!! Have had no trouble With It crashing Or such like! Although It does goble up ram so i would run the program on its own if you are asking it to anylise chess positions!!


For the price, this is excellent value and has given me hours of fun. One minor glitch, when you click to exit the programme, it takes forever to go away. No doubt there is a way round this, however, as one who has had his three score and ten plus a handfull, my computer competance is not in the expert class.I would recommend this to anyone.


Plays chess well, has loads of fun features, and a really brilliant coaching and tutorial facilities. The 10th version is a steal as there are newer and more expensive releases.


Chessmaster is a good solution to sharpen your basic skills in attack and in defence.A good mid level to keep you in form until the lockdown passes. Then back to the club.


Haven't played chess for years, this edition of Chessmaster is excellent value for money - the fairytale 3D board is also very funny.Enjoy - you won't be disappointed!


As a complete novice at chess just wanted a gentle introduction. This DVD is great value for money and lets you start at a very basic level, with lots of practise.

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