

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for B+W UV-IR (486) 77mm reviews.
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For B+W UV-IR (486) 77mm, 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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There is very little to say or add about the value of this type of filter for colour photography - yes, it is at a premium price, but for clarity and fidelity of your images, it is essential. Standard UV filter does not match-up to the these type of filters - visit B+W website to understand the technology. Indeed, I replaced all my UV filters with the UV/IR Cut filters - very costly but we'll worth the investment and resulting images (flowers, gardens and land/sea-scapes) as my proof.Another point, invest in the B+W F-Pro MRC make (if the size range is available) - consider no other manufacturer!


Going to NZ with new lens, my 3rd trip upgraded to my Favolurite Lens maker B+W 77mm UV/IR Filter for my nikon.Had this on a smaller lenslast time. Itook 1600 shots all V.G. excellent firm Never been let down in it`s products for 20 Yrs.


A truly effective filter that enhances contrast (but not too much) and clarity. I use them on each and every lens and the do show an improvement to digital images.



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