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I have recently bought my first APS-C DSLR (a Pentax K-X), and I soon realized that I needed a specific protection filter for its lens, especially since I intended to use the camera for some ultra-close up shots, which can be really dangerous for any lens (since you can literally bump into your subject or its surroundings, while looking for the perfect framing, with the actual danger of cracking the precious front surface of the lens...).I already had some old and cheap UV-filters for my 35-mm film camera already, but they were un-coated and totally useless, since digital camera sensors are already protected against UV rays, so these old filters just gave a purple/darker tint to the images shot with the new camera,introducing ugly flares and reflections on every shot including a front-facing direct light source.So, initially I tried to find the cheapest _coated_ protection filter I could find, but soon I realized that most of the cheapest one were either un-coated, or their coating was negligible, according to the opinions of other Amazon buyers. So, in the end I decided to buy this one, even if it costed slightly more than most other ones, due to the good reputation of this brand, and to its specific and peculiar characteristics.1) It is a _german-made_ "digital" filter, designed specifically for digital cameras, so no unwanted and useless "anti-UV" color casts or darker images;2) It includes a _real_ anti-reflective coating, a feature I could verify as soon as I opened its package, by simply looking at the very dim, dark green reflections coming from its front surface (to explain what I mean, try to compare the mirror-like reflections produced by a cheaply-coated or uncoated piece of glass/filter and the dim green or blue reflections produced by good, coated prescription glasses, or simply those produced by any good coated camera lens front glass...)3) It offers what the manufacturer calls XSPD mount, i.e. a _very_ thin mount that only leaves a minimal space between the back surface of the filter and the front surface of the lens, which is very important to avoid catching more reflected light rays between the two of them, and also reduces the total length/weight of the lens, especially if you are going to add more accessories/filters/converters/etc. in front of it;4) It is clearly manufactured in a professional way: it is very sturdy, even if very thin, and the glass does not wobble/rotate at all inside the frame, something that often happens with cheaper filters;5) It is packed in a nice and sturdy case including thick protective padding;6) The threading is incredibly precise, and - even on such a thin ring - it allows to mount more filters/accessories/etc. on the front of the filter. Moreover, there is enough space on the front to allow easily the insertion of a lens cap with springed "hooks" inside the filter;Considering that the price I paid for this filter, when I ordered it, was not excessively higher than the price of many sub-standard, no-quality, uncoated or falsely coated filter available, I consider it a real bargain, even if it just protects the lens and does not improve the image quality in any way: in my opinion, it is definitely preferable to invest a little more in an important accessory like this, rather than sparing a few pounds by choosing cheap ones, and risking to compromise the quality of ALL your shots with horrible reflections, think about it...After all, optics is one of those fields in which cheaper is _never_ better, believe me!
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In an effort to help those trying to decide whether these filters are really worth the money, the following is a brief summary of my own impressions and conclusions:PROS:+ Employs Schott glass (made by Schneider Krauznach), which is manufactured to a very high optical standard+ Wide and shallow bezel - ideal with some wide-angle lenses, where vignetting could otherwise pose a problem+ The filter benefits from an effective seven-layer MRC (Multi-Resistant Coating), with an additionally hardened eighth (Nano) outer layer: this is hydrophobic, doesn't smear when cleaned, and is reputed to be as hard as the glass it adheres to+ Does nothing but protect the lens without impairing overall imagequality (modern digital cameras do not require additional UV filtration)CONS:- Slightly higher purchase price than its obvious market rivals- The underside of the filter glass is very close to the base of the attaching thread, so care must be taken when fitting this XSPD filter to lenses with projecting front elements as there is the possibility of potentially damaging glass-on-glass contact occurring- The mounting rings are so modest that making them from brass doesn't offer much of a benefit over cheaper aluminium alternatives- There are counterfeits in the marketplace, so try and purchase from a reputable sourceIn conclusion:If you habitually use very wide-angle lenses (as wide as 17mm on a full-frame camera, or 10mm on an APS-C camera) - and you want to minimise the impact of vignetting in your photos - this B+W 49mm XSPD filter could prove to be an essential purchase. If you don't use lenses that go wider than 24mm (full-frame) and 18mm (APS-C), I would suggest that you buy the standard F-Pro B+W 49mm MRC Clear Protection filter instead: it's optically just as good, has much more substantial (though heavier) brass mountings, and is also a little bit cheaper.
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In an effort to help those trying to decide whether these filters are really worth the money, the following is a list of my own impressions and conclusions:PROS+ Employs Schott glass (made by Schneider Krauznach), which is manufactured to a very high optical standard+ Wide and shallow bezel - ideal with some wide-angle lenses, where vignetting could pose a problem+ The filter benefits from an effective seven-layer MRC (Multi-Resistant Coating), with an additionally hardened eighth (Nano) outer layer: it's hydrophobic, doesn't smear when cleaned, and is reputed to be as hard as the glass it adheres to+ Does nothing but protect the lens without impairing overall image quality (modern digitalcameras do not require additional UV filtration)CONS- High purchase price compared to some rivals...?- The underside of the filter glass is very close to the base of the attaching thread, so care must be taken when fitting this XSPD filter to lenses with projecting front elements as there is the possibility of potentially damaging glass-on-glass contact occurring- The mounting rings are so modest that making them from brass doesn't provide much of a benefit over cheaper aluminium alternatives- There are counterfeits in the marketplace, so try and purchase from a reputable sourceIn conclusion:If you habitually use very wide-angle lenses down to 17mm on a full-frame camera, or 10mm on an APS-C camera, and you want to minimise the impact of vignetting in your photos, this 77mm B+W XSPD filter could prove to be an essential purchase. If you don't use lenses that go wider than 24mm (full-frame) and 18mm (APS-C), I would suggest that you buy the B + W 77mm Clear Glass Filter Multi Resistant coated version instead - which is optically just as good and has much more substantial brass mountings.
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For years I have always used "top of the range Hoya" but on upgrading my back-up camera to the Fuji X100 I discovered that I needed a clear glass protection filter and because I had paid so much for the x100 I thought that I would spend a bit extra on a filter. Wow what a difference,once on its almost invisible when looking at the from element of your lens and the brass fittings just move like silk. The one downside of using this type of filter is that unlike the Hoya's you can't really use a plastic lens cap with them for fear of marking the filter. Now I made a soft bag type cover for the x100 (best every ready case ever) to get around this problem and also because I hate conventional every ready cases (because they are never read)and the fact that the one made by Fuji for the x100 will not fir the camera if fitted with a protection filter (which it needs). The other thing which I noticed was that with the NANO Coating on the B&W, dust and bits were a lot less of a problem that with my Hoya's. I was so impressed with this observation that I went out and bought further B & W clear glass filters for all my Nikon Lenses and which to get around the not being able (or wanting) to use the plastic lens cap I store them all in Micro-fiber Pouches which you can either make yourself (or get the lady in your life to make) .Alternatively you could just buy Giottos Micro-fiber Cleaning Pouches as I did from the USA ( outdoorphotogear.com) at about $9 each (£6) and provided you limit yourself to under about £18 then there are not UK import taxes and Outdoorgear also have very reasonable postage and packaging rates.
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In an effort to help those trying to decide whether these filters are really worth the money, the following is a list of my own impressions and conclusions:PROS+ Employs Schott glass (made by Schneider Krauznach), which is manufactured to a very high optical standard+ Wide and shallow bezel - ideal with some wide-angle lenses, where vignetting could pose a problem+ The filter benefits from an effective seven-layer MRC (Multi-Resistant Coating), with an additionally hardened eighth (Nano) outer layer: it's hydrophobic, doesn't smear when cleaned, and is reputed to be as hard as the glass it adheres to+ Does nothing but protect the lens without impairing overall image quality (modern digitalcameras do not require additional UV filtration)CONS- High purchase price compared to rivals- The mounting rings are so modest that making them from brass doesn't provide much of a benefit over cheaper aluminium alternatives- There are counterfeits in the marketplace, so try and purchase from a reputable sourceIn conclusion:If you habitually use very wide-angle lenses (as wide as 17mm on a full-frame camera, or 10mm on an APS-C camera), and you want to minimise the impact of vignetting in your photos, this B+W 58mm XSPD filter could prove to be an essential purchase. If you don't use lenses that go wider than 24mm (full-frame) and 18mm (APS-C), I would suggest that you buy the B + W 58mm Clear Glass Filter Multi Resistant Coated version instead - which is optically just as good and has much more substantial brass mountings.
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I never really use filters to protect my lenses. I'm a professional photographer - and I don't really go out in extreme conditions, so have never worried. I worry more about putting a cheap bit of glass in front of a very expensive lens and reducing its potential. However, I just bought a Canon 70-200mm f2.8 and the front glass on it is huge - and extremely close to the front rim. At £1800, I was just too scared to damage it or simply end up with my finger smearing it. So I looked at filters. B+W have always been top of their game. Their parent company Schneider Kreuznach have made some of the world's best lenses since I can remember. Used to always swear by their enlarger lenses.So after looking at the options - it appears most people simply cop out at the price and opt for a Hoya. I thought sod it and went for the best available. As you do not need UV filters anymore - because Digital cameras have them built in, went for the simple clear glass one. Not much you can say about the actual product, its a very clear bit of glass. Other difference I liked, from reading other reviews, is that this has a brass mount ring. That means that one day, if I ever want to remove it, it should come off. Normal aluminium rings will no doubt jam and you will then have problems getting them off. For the extra cost - I thought this well worth it.
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I have for a long time struggled to find lens filters which maintain their integrity after prolonged use, and I've grown sick of the Hoya brand and the rather poor resistance and longevity they show with constant staining being a repeated issue.As such, having gone through one Hoya 49mm protector for my Fuji X100 in only one weekend (goodness knows how) I set about looking for an alternative. I had been aware of B+W, but I had no idea just how good they are until buying this item. The quality of the glass and mount is exceptional, and as you screw the filter onto the X100 filter ring you know that this is a classy product.The results so far using this filter are the closest I've ever found to a non-filtered or protected lens.Time will tell how this filter performs in terms of 'robustness' and staining, but I have very high hopes and therefore happily recommend this item.Usual excellent Amazon sales and delivery service as well.
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B+W make Great Filters, but a word of warning: if you propose using the filter on, for example, a Carl Zeiss OTUS 85mm f1.4 use the F-PRO mount instead.I know the mount thickness should be kept to a minimum in order to prevent vignetting, but I would much prefer a small amount of vignetting than a jammed filter, especially when used with an expensive lens.B+W use Brass to reduce the chances of jamming.Recently, I have found to my cost, there is a risk of jamming with the XS-PRO mounts above 86mm, especially if used with a none brass counterpart, in my case an aluminium screw-in lens hood. The aluminium is prone to “swarf pickup”.I think the problem arises from the fact that Brass and Aluminiumhave different Linear temperature expansion coefficients; 18-19 vs 21-24 and a combination of creep and thermal cycling cause the surface defects in the machined thread of the aluminium to “dig into” the brass.
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I'm using the B+W Protection Filter with a Fujifilm FinePix X100 Digital Camera - (12.3MP, APS-C CMOS EXR) 2.8 inch LCD. I have fitted this filter in conjunction with the Fujifilm Lens Hood and Adapter Ring for FinePix X100 to allow room for the auto-focus movement of the lens rather that attach it directly to the lens itself. This filter looks very much in keeping with the X100.With the X100, when the adapter is fitted, the original Fuji metal lens hood does not fit well. Having the B+W filter attached to the adapter makes the Fuji lens hood fit more securely which is a benefit I hadn't considered. The combination of adapter, filter and lens hood means that the Fujifilm Premium Leather Case for FinePix X100 does not close properly.This is an issue with the Fuji not the B+W filter.I am delighted with the look and quality of the B+W Protection Filter.
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Over the last few months I have changed all my lens protection filters for B&W Nano Coated Clear Glass Protection filters and where possible the XSPD type as the quality of the glass is just outstanding and so they cost a bit more but perfection is what we are all looking for with our images so why worry about the higher cost when you will probably use these filters for years to come.Ok so I can't use the plastic lens caps which came with my lens on my lenses anymore with the filter fitted. I bought padded Micro-Fibre lens pouches to keep the lenses in anyway which keeps the protection filter and my lenses relatively cleaner and dust free anyway.You have spent a lot of money on your lens so why compromise with cheaper alternatives,the protection filter is the first piece of glass that your image comes through and you have to pay for quality.
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I have one of these fitted to my Fuji X100 by way of the Fuji filter adapter as a protective measure to guard against dust getting behind the movable front element, which can't subsequently be removed easily for cleaning.Happily, it doesn't affect image quality on the X100 in quite the same way as I've experienced with Hoya HD filters on my Nikon D700 - i.e. point sources of light in dark conditions don't tend to lead to excessive ghosting on the X100.B+W is one of the top brands of filter on the market, so you can rest assured that this is a quality item.A good tip for those of you with a collection of 77mm filters is to get a 49 to 77mm step-up adapter, so that you can mount your 77mm filters (polarizer,ND etc) in front of your 49mm clear protective filter. That way you don't have to buy all new 49mm filters and you get no vignetting.
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I am of the school that prefers to use a filter to protect my lens. I am not so keen on lens hoods (if flare is a problem I change position or use a screen ie my hand!). However I find the B+W (MRC Nano) and Hoya HD to be very similiar in terms of optical quality, compare either of them to a cheaper filter and you can easily see the optical benefits of a good Hoya / B+W filter. I usually buy the Hoya HD for cheaper lenses, the one downside to a premium B+W is the price. Yes, it's made of brass and the MRC nano coatings are so easy to keep clean, but they are expensive! So I only have them on my "best" lenses, especially the Canon L lenses that require a front filter for weather-sealing.Hoya HD filters have the edge on price, B+W have the edge on overall quality so it depends what you want/need at the end of day.
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There is very little on the market that can meet the quality of the B+W MRC Nano range of filters. But it does come at a higer cost compared to other brands. For many lenses the cost of a B+W is simply not worth it though. So I find myself buying the Hoya Pro-1 or HD range for lenses of lesser value or lower optically quality. This is where B+W lose one star in my opinion (look at 82mm filter prices.....). I do prefer the B+W filters though, but like many premium products sometimes it is hard to justify the cost. Dont get me wrong that Hoya is not of good quality, they have different attributes and an attribute in their favour is cost, A premium Hoya filter (HD range) is still a very good investment,especially if you prefer to protect or weatherseal your lenses.
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This filter, as you might expect from B+W, is built to a very high standard. The mount is made of brass and the MRC coating on the glass really helps reducing reflections and I did not notice any decrease in image quality. The mount of the filter is very slim so it should not cause vignetting on wide angle lenses. The coating is also supposed to repel dirt and water, though I've yet to see that. All in all, you really get what you pay for and in my opinion, this filter is absolutely worth the price.It's also worth noting that it arrived in a ridiculously big box (25-30 cm cube shaped box!) which is an absolute waste of material since the manufacturer packaging is only about 7x7x1 cm!


If you have an expensive lens, especially a 70-200 f/2.8 - this is the filter you need on the front. The nano coating is currently the best anti-reflection multi-coating out there... I previously had an uncoated Tiffen filter on my Canon 70-200L and the difference is striking - vastly reduced flare and increased contrast when shooting into the light with the B+W. (No anti-Tiffen feelings - just don't buy uncoated or single coated filters!)...The B+W MRC filters are the next step down from the 'nano' and are also very good (and just a little less expensive)B+W filters are beautifully made, with brass and fine quality glass - expensive, but absolutely worth it.

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