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GameplayBurnout 2 is pure arcade racing heaven. The handling of the cars remind me instantly of arcade classics such as Daytona USA, which is definatly a good thing. Now, while this is in arcade based game, dont go thinking its all simple sailing as unlike Daytona, you're racing through busy streets packed full of oncoming traffic.Speed is the main focus of Burnout 2. This game is fast, VERY fast .This could sound like a bit too much: weaving through oncoming traffic, doing powerslides around bust corners AND keeping up an insane speed. But that's the glory of Burnout 2. The handling of vehicles is so tight, that dodging oncoming cars isn't too much of a task.Powerslides also are easy to do with just needing a simple clip of the brake button.Dodging oncoming traffic is obviously a large feature in Burnout, but there are rewards for such dangerous driving. At the bottom right corner of the screen there is a boost meter. There are a variety of way you can fill this meter - driving on the wrong side of the road obviously being one of them. You can also fill this up by driving very close to other vehicles, through powerslides or by simply by leaving the ground! And since the courses are designed for this, with practice its possible to keep your boost going all the time. You've just gotta find where the boost can be got and you're halfway there to sucess.The boostometer isn't just a cheesy gimmick, in many of the games' modes it's the key to success. Chase mode is a Police Car chase, and only proper use of the boost will bring rewards. Crash mode is a brilliant addition. The aim is basically just to crash into an area of traffic and cause as much damage as possible. .GraphicsTop notch stuff here. Each course is brilliantly designed each with a certain look to it. The backgrounds are well detailed and interesting to look at. The cars are very well made and feel very solid. And also, a mention must be made of the tremendous physics engine which really does make every single crash a joy to watch. A 16:9 mode is included and its all running at 60fps!SoundThe sound in Burnout 2 has an original idea to it. While racing normally it plays as usual filling in the background noise. But as soon as you hit that Boost, the volume turns up a notch and gets the blood pumping. Its such a simple, yet brilliant idea. The music itself is pretty good, though there is a custom soundtrack option there if need be (which works fully with the boost meter) Its all in 5.1 which is the icing on the cake.LifespanPossibly the only real disappointing thing about Burnout 2 is in the length of the game. The extra modes and rewards waiting to be unlocked are still masking the fact that the game is quite short. The game boasts of new stages to drive, but all can be unlocked in a single night's play, and they're mainly variations on each other. Thankfully the Xbox version has a few more options over the other versions which help to extent the lifespan a little, and the online scoreboard is a great way to keep you coming back. But i just feel that without an Online play or at the least, a 4 player option, once everything is done its not going to return to your machine that often.Overall SummaryBurnout 2 is the best Arcade racer out there. The chances are if you wanted this you'd have it got it already, or on PS2 at Xmas. But is it worth the uprgade over the PS2 version? I would have to say, at full price, no. If it drops under £20 and you were a big fan of the PS2 game, then id definatly say the extra levels, options, etc would be worth it, but as its not online and the graphics are near identical, its not. Anyone out there who hasnt got this, go and get it now! Even if its the cheaper PS2 version, its worth a place in everyone's collection.Gameplay = 8Graphics = 8Sound = 8Lifespan = 7Socko's Overall Score: 8
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Burnout 2 is all about taking risks. By driving on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic, drifting round bends, cutting up other vehicles and getting air you charge up your boost meter. Engage your booster and you roar down the road at breakneck speeds, it really is a rush.Crashes in the game are spectacular... hit another car and your windows will smash, bodywork will buckle and fall away, and wheels will fly off. The cars around you all become involved, busses will skid, lorries jacknife and add to the carnage.This game looks great, plays brilliantly, and is amazingly fast. There are a number of different ways to play: the championship mode lets you take part in a number of races around busy streets,and also offers point to point racing against 3 other cars through a number of checkpoints. There are 'head to head' challenges against another special cars which you need to win in order to unlock that vehicle... Then there is my favourite, pursuit, where you control a police car and have to ram the target vehicle off the road before it escapes like in the classic 'chase HQ'. It's a lot of fun.The crash mode is a real hoot. The object of the game is simple... you have 30 seconds and unlimited boost, use it to get to the junction and cause as much damage as possible. It's great fun to watch the chain reaction as all the vehicles skid and smash into each other. As a bonus, there are 15 extra levels in this mode on the Xbox version.Overall, this game is an exhillarating action packed racer with the emphasis on speed and fun over realism. Buy it.
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This is a great arcade racer, there is no story to it, just win the race. Racing round the track can be more difficult than you think due to the large amounts of traffic on the road, this is great fun when your going at 180mph weaving in and out of the traffic. But when you crash, the game will go into a sequence showing your crash; you'll see the sparks fly, tyres flying, cars completely crushed, and then you're put back onto the road.But if you want to win the race more easily, you'll have to build up your boost bar by driving on the wrong side of the road, almost hitting cars, air and drifting. When you hit the boost bar, you really well feel the great sensation of speed in this game,the scenery whizzes past in split seconds and it's so easy to lose control and crash.Which brings me onto another game mode; there is a mode completely devoted to crashing, you just drive down a hill and cause as much damage in a single crash as possible, there are 30 of these crash course and it's great fun, especially with your mates.Another mode is pursuit where you drive in a police car and you have to chase after another car and bump into it until it crashes, also great fun.The multiplayer mode is a great laugh with mates as well, as you race down the tracks to see who is the best and you wipe the similes off their faces when you nudge their car into oncoming traffic.And so in the end this is a must have game for any speed freak, there are plenty of cars, tracks and modes to unlock.
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When you put burnout 2 into you're machine and wait while the acclaim logo passes across you're you think, 'I hope this will be a good game,' and then the rock music starts and you know that this is going to be good.Then you do the tests at the beggining with the anticipation building up and up until you're about to explode. Then when you have passed the stupidly easy tests. You go into the first race and you win the first race and then you race again and again and again until you're eyes hurt and you thumb aches because you have been holding the boost button down for so long.After you have finished the first races and unlocked the first few cars you're head is telling you that you have never had so much fun in all you're life.And this is true (sort of)you have been having lots of fun dodging in and out of cars, lorries and buses desperatly trying to beat the little red compact to you're left that always seems to be on a boost and never ever crashes.However after you have played this game non-stop for a month trying to get the fastet time for big surf shores on x-box live you stop and think this game is actually really stupid it is completely pointless all i am doing is driving round and round as fast as possible there isn't any point to this if i was a vaguely intellegent person i would hate this game for its mundaneness.But i am an incredibly stupid person and i absolutely love this fantastic game bring on burnout 3
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im not really much of a racing game fan, i much prefer action-adventure and 1st person shooters. however i saw burnout 2 in action and decided to give it a try. i`ve never looked back. the sense of speed is fantastic, in part due to the fact tha the game runs at a constant 60fps, even during split-screen two-player races. the graphics are fantastic, with a variety of weather effects and great looking cars. the track selection is large, with locations ranging from the seaside to snowy mountains, and there is also a wide variety of cars to choose from. the sound is great too, especially if you have a surround sound setup. the music is quite good,but you can also use custon soundtracks.there isquite a variety of modes, from the usual racing to chasing cars in a police car, and intense 1 on 1 races. however, the most important feature is how the game plys, and its a blinder. you are encouraged to drive dangerously, puling off huge powerslides and speeding along the wrong side of the road to build up your boost meter. the crashes, when they do occur, look great, and do not interfere with the gameplay as much as i had imagined. a the end of the day if you like a great arcade racer with a boost of adrenaline then you could do much worse than burnout 2.
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A fast and furious (yes,it kind of reminds the movie) non stop action racing simulator.For me it represents what a gaming console is meant for, fast paced games, vibrant colours and lots and lots of fun.Many said that the original Burnout ended too soon, this time you don't have that problem. I've been playing the game everyday since I bought it and I must say I don't get tired.Pursuit mode, Crash mode, Championship mode and a Custom Championship mode when you finish the normal one, plus multi-player modes and a tutorial mode which is quite good and puts you in the spirit of the game in no time at all.Guaranteed are hours of play, dozens of cars (most have to be won first) and severall different tracks,ranging from small urban circuits to long mountain roads.Circuits are connected also, you can start at the city, get on the freeway and finish in the mountains.In terms of graphics the game is excellent, the animations (specially the crashes) are superb, the scenarios are beautifull and the overall sensation is of graphical bliss.The sound is good but not excellent, a couple of musics, tire and engine sounds, breaking glass, etc.Buy it, you won't be disappointed. Besides Halo, this is the game I've enjoyed most in the X-Box thus far.
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I wonder what the newspapers would have said 10 years ago if an arcade game about multi-car pile-ups had been released.Burnout 2 starts you off slowly with six 'Learn to drive badly' courses; your new (or perhaps not so new ;o) skills are soon put to test when the main game modes are unlocked.The gameplay is fast and furious with some spectacular crashes and tough challenges to master, that's not to say the learning cure is steep though, Burnout 2 eases you into the challenges but pushes you to do better.The selection of cars is limited at first but increases in number as you pass 'Face offs' where you race against the car you win and 'Pursuits'where you chase and destroy criminals cars before they escape the area.Speaking of destroying cars, the vehicles are wonderfully destructible and can cause some, what should be horrific but are really very impressive, crashes. After an evening playing 'Crash' mode, if you're anything like me, you'll be thinking; "If only the cars burst into flames this would be perfect." :)Overall it's a solid, alarmingly fast, racer with its roots just far enough out of reality to make it great.It's a damn shame there are only scoreboards on Live and the offline multi player has its limits.
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This was previously only available on PS2 and is actually the game that inspired me to buy a console again.Well its out on Xbox now and its even better.Its one of the best, if not THE best arcade racer ever. It reminds me of the first time I played Mario Kart on the SNES. It really is THAT good.The premise is simple, drive as fast and as dangerously as possible.   There's no back story, no video sequences, no distractions from the action.Its incredibly addictive ("just one more race!"), very fast and great fun for two players. The vertical split screen is unusual at first but soon shows itself to be the best use of a widescreen TV on an Xbox game.The added 'crash for cash' bonus game is a brilliant idea,superbly executed. Who can resist smashing a $40,000 car into trucks and vans just going about there business and causing millions of dollars of damage.Although the lack of 'Live' playablity is at first dissapointing the addition of a world leader board is a great idea. Despite this shortfall it still stands out from the crowd mainly because it doesn't pretend to be be anything other than a cracking racing game!
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This is a truly excellent game, the kind that brings back happy memories of some of the early Arcade racers or the great Commodore Amiga "Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge" series of games.The racing is fast, really fast. There are a multitude of cars and tracks to race but, in the spirit of all challenging games, some are only revealed on completion of earlier, easier levels. One excellent feature of this game is the "crash" levels, where the aim is simply to cause as big a pile up through reckless driving as you can - on crashing, everything goes into slow motion as you watch your car fly gracefully through the air into the side of a bus or oncoming juggernaut!And it is *beautiful*.The graphics are the work of superb 3D rendering, with painstaking attention to detail. My only regret is that most of the scenery flies by too quickly to truly admire. As well as being beautiful, the graphics are very varied to reflect the environment you are racing in - be it desert town, country roads, or interstate freeway.An excellent game that every Xbox owner should seriously consider adding to their collection.
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Of all the games I have for the Xbox, this is the one that sits in the drive for the longest. It is fantastically addictive, easy to play (although not so easy as to make it boring). The cars are well modelled and great fun to drive. I used to think Project Gotham was a great arcade racer until I played Burnout.The concept is simple and well executed. Drive dangerously in order to win burnout points in order to drive dangerously at a greater speed... simple!The action moves over a number of tracks, from high mountain passes to beach front freeways. Drive on the wrong side of the road, knock down road signs, plough into stationary cars... if only rush hour was this much fun!OK,so you are wondering why only 4 stars? Why oh why do we only have a two player mode? This would be so much fun as a 4 player game. That is the only fault I really level at this game. Go buy it now... and don't drive your own car for at least an hour after playing it!
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ARCADE racer. Notice the capitals. I kove this game. It truly, truly rocks your socks off. Its fast, its fun, it has the coolest crash animations, and the "boost" system encourages you to drive not just fast (like rally games) or stylish (Gotham), but like a flat-out maniac. Also, two player is an absolute blast.Notice again, that this is an arcade racer. I love Rallisport and Colin McRae, as rally games. I love Project Gotham as a streetracer. All these games have Much more advanced driving, much more "simulation" feel; but Burnout2 is the game you'll want to break out when you don't want to sit around sweating about how to optimize your path through every turn, Not think about the best braking patterns etc.etc.Burnout2 just gives you pedal-to-the-metal, blood-in-your-coffee-stream action.Nothing more. Nothing less.
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what a game.what an improvement over the original!this version improves over the first because it is more forgivingwith the crashes.now you dont flip all over the road because youtapped the bumper of another car at a slow speed.now you can race for longer and faster as the boost guage fills up a lotquicker.and its a lot of fun getting the boost meter to fill up.you can power slide,get huge air over jumps or drive on the wrong side of the road.also you can listen to your own music while you play thanks to the harddrive.excellent stuff!!!graphics:9sound:10gameplay:9replayability:9


Burnout 2 is, by far, the best Burnout, of them all! Even though it was made in 2003, this game has aged very well(Compared to its predecessor; Burnout 3, it is graphically better) and still is a blast to play! A well structured racing tournament system, point to point racing, good fun police Pursuit races and the favourite crash mode are all equally fun to play, alone or with a friend, and adds many hours of gameplay to the player. A must have for retro gamers or people who miss the Original Xbox, like myself!


long time coming, but finally here. burnout 2 is faster, slicker and rubber burning then its earlier edition. the colours are bold and bright, it runs a lot smoother. the crashes look like something out of a movie. and has a great rock thumping soundtrack. if you have have access to 5.1 surround system then you better crank that system up baby, put the pedal to the metal and burn some rubber. with loads more tracks and a vast assotment of cars to earn and choose from this is one game you wont put down.


this is a great game defiantly a must buy. the crash section is so cool you have to hit the cars and course as much damage. Who wins is determined by the amount of money it would cost to repair the damage. You can also play two player race or pursuit each other. The racing is a lot better than the first it isn’t as easy to crash if you hit the barrier you wont crash but if you hit a car you will. The online scoreboards are cool as well you can see how well you do compared to the rest of the world.

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