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For Brooks B17 Narrow, 68 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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Not much to say about how it's built, since they've been making them for generations. Other than my particular one has a bit of an asymetrical cut to the nose, making the bottom edge of the leather look uneven from the left to the right side. This doesn't affect its function. Also the Brooks tag on the back is rivited just a little off center. Again not a huge deal except for the most obsessive compulsive of us.I've been wearing it in over the cold season for the past 2 months. Lots of indoor riding on rollers, and riding outside whenever the snow and rain isn't as prevalent. To do a proper review on this, one should fully wear it in over time. But since it started out already much more comfortable than my old padded racing seat,I thought I could go ahead. The leather is still hard to the push, but starting to crease and form around the rivets in the back.I ride a Look carbon frame, and this is probably the last saddle one would think of putting on it. My bike is light, but I ride this frame more for comfort than for weight. The weight of this saddle doesn't bother me personally. Yes, there's a version with lighter rails, but definitely not worth the extra money for me. And yes, there's also the "racing profile" B15 Swallow and the new cotton/rubber saddle they make, but one of the things that attracted me to a traditionally shaped Brooks is the "curtain" of leather to the sides. My thigh muscles are huge and I have no gap between them. After sawing holes through my cycling shorts every year and feeling chaffing all the time with traditionally shaped racing saddles over the years, I thought I'd try this saddle to see if it would help. It stopped the chaffing immediately, and the hugging feeling on the side feels great. The sides are never in your way. And since my shorts can slide and move on the saddle instead of grinding against my skin, I haven't had to use any skin lubrication since starting to use this saddle. It just seems to fix a lot of problems.
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Saddle arrived quickly in a nice Brooks box along with a little spanner and enough goo for the first treatment. Also get a very useful advice booklet. After reading a previous criticism about the saddle not being finished very well on the underside that was the first place I looked! I must say I think that it is beautifully made all over and if its not in the design museum then it should be. I also read somewhere about it taking around 500 miles to break in. I have a friend who is a pilot who regularly flies to Aberdeen, she kindly took the saddle on the plane with her and its now done over 1000 miles, so it should be nice and comfortable. She also got a big air hostess to sit on it when she wasn't serving porridge so its nice and polished too.As for me its early days as my daily ride is only 8 miles. So far so good. I actually find this saddle quite comfortable as it is but I look forward to providing an update in a few months. I should add that this saddle adds to a long list of changes to my bike - its a bit like the story of the 30 year old broom that had lasted so long because the head had been replaced 15 times and the pole 20 times....
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Classy packaging,top quality workmanship and materials, the Brooks line of saddles are outstanding value compared to the multitude of stamped out plastic torture devices that are sold as a bike seat.There is a break in period, the first 50 miles will see the saddle soften and start to mold to fit your shape, at this point it'll be more comfortable than your plastic wedge seat currently is. Give it another few hundred and it'll be more comfortable than you could dream of. The best way to break in the saddle is to follow Brooks instructions that way you should see a good 40 years from it.Great value I'd say. It'll also be the most comfortable your bum has ever been on a bike.Class.300 Mile update:I thought I'd share my break-in experience with the saddle.After 20 miles the saddle was no worse than my original saddle that it replaced. After 100 miles it was a huge improvement over the old saddle. Now after 300 miles it is sublimely comfortable.Believe the hype, it's all true.Worth every penny.
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I'm very happy with my new Brooks saddle. Whenever I get a new bicycle the first thing I do is replace the saddle with a brooks. Previously I've had professionals and standard B17's. The B17 narrow has the same profile as the professionals and is more suited to racing/road bikes, while the standard B17 is a little wider at the back and more suited to hybrids and the 'sit-up-and-beg' position.Brooks saddles do get more comfortable with use, but I've never bought a brooks that wasn't more comfortable out of the box than the saddle I was replacing. I look forward to this saddle becoming even better once I've ridden a few hundred miles.For the first time ever this saddle was supplied with a tensioning spanner,which was a nice extra, and also supplier in a nice Brooks cardboard box with literature.
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This is an excellent saddle. Very comfortable from day one and getting more comfortable as time goes on! Very pleased. I got this as the seat on my day touring bike fitted with drop bars is higher than the handlebars and I found a standard B17 although comfortable was making me feel as though I was stretching more to reach the handlebars. Not surprising really as I think you "sit in" a B17 and "sit on " a B17 narrow! Brooks do recommend that if your handlebars are lower than the saddle then use a B17 narrow and if level or higher then a standard B17. I have moved the standard B17 to another bike where the seat is level with the bars and it's great.Fully recommend this saddle,it is so very comfortable!
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I purchased this seat for a friend who owns a very nice bike, but was complaining about the comfort of his seat during long rides. A friend who owns a bike shop recommended this Brooks saddle, and so I purchased it hoping for the best. When my friend first started using the seat, he claimed it was a bit uncomfortable, however, I was told by my bike shop friend that there is a little bit of a break in period with these leather saddles. So after about a month or so of use, my friend is really enjoying his new saddle. Hopefully this should be a worthwhile investment for someone who loves riding.


I really don'l know much about bicycle saddles but I do know what is comfortable for me. The saddle that my bicycle came with was very uncomfortable. I hurt to ride the bicycle for any extended distance. It wasn't an inexpensive bicycle. I replaced the saddle with the Brooks and it works like a top. I'm not sore when I finish a long ride. There may be better saddles avaiable but I would be unlikely to give up the Brooks Saddle to try another. I understand the Brooks saddle becomes more comfortable as it breaks in. I can live with that.


This is my second Brooks saddle, my first being the B17 standard. I bought this for my Giant Defy road bike and so far I'm very pleased. The leather on this narrow model does seem thicker and hard than on the standard but I prefer this for my more aggressive road bike. As all Brooks its looks great and this one feels just perfect for a more aggressive geometry. Eventually all of my bikes will have Brooks saddles, I consider it a must for any of my bikes that I plan on doing medium to long rides on.


What can I add to all the superlatives written over the years about Brooks saddles ?It's more than a saddle it's a piece of art.Strangely enough I haven't had any problems" breaking" it in.I commute using it, on my Croix de Fer, and have been using this bike as my winter rider.Simply THE BEST saddles in the world.I have a B17 standard on another bike. Like sitting in an armchair.Expensive maybe, but quality lasts forever.


This is the best saddle on the market. It fits me perfectly and only took about 100 miles to truly break in. Not sure if the proofhide (sp?) is necessary, but I used it and the leather is very supple. I cannot recommend this enough. I do not use this on my commuter bike (c17 on there) but i do use it on my weekend bike and I look forward to the long weekend rides largely because of the comfort provided by this wonderful saddle.


I've only done a couple of hundred miles so far (500 bedding in recommended) but I think it's going to be very comfortable. My only reservation is I may have been better off getting the Imperial version with the cut out slot as I'm getting some pain in the under carriage. I'm still experimenting with saddle angle and position having said that. I'll give it a few hundred more miles before thinking about changing though..


This is the second B17 I've had over the years and it is fitted to my Audax bike. Despite the reputation these saddles have it is reasonably comfortable from the start but does get better after the first 500 miles or so. Probably not suited for where low mileage/short trip cycling is involved, but otherwise there are few better seats.


It's no accident that these leather saddles have been around for decades. They are simply excellent at preventing saddle soreness. At one time, any journey over fifty miles would have left a pain in the butt for days. Not with this saddle - it is very much reduced and gets better as it moulds to your anatomy.Worth the money any day.


There is very little to say about a quality leather saddle other than it is a thing of joy. It looks great, feels great and will last forever. It DOES take time to break in, but once the initial tailoring is complete and the saddle and the owner's fundamentals are well acquainted, there is nothing like a good quality leather saddle.


BROOKS saddles are wonderful. I have one on each of my 1974 vintage Raleigh road bikes......they came with the bikes. This new saddle, B17 narrow was comfortable right out of the box, after applying PROOFIDE, though it was stolen with my bike after having ridden with it two days. I had to get a new mountain bike.
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